Chapter 1737

The fragmentary applause soon ended, and Zhao Le bowed to the crowd with a proud face.

Then Zhao Le got up and said, "thank you." Then Zhao Le sat back with a winning smile.

Wang Qin's face turned black. Yuan Hong was able to handle such a simple topic and was chosen by Zhao le. This is the real suspicion of cheating.

I don't know what Xu Fan's group B problem will be?

All the people are looking at Xu Fan.

Yuan Hong also looked at Xu Fan, his face with a smile: "Xu Fan, do you have a good title?"

"Watch your sister!" Xu Fan cursed in his heart. He really wanted to rush up and beat the mean and shameless man on the platform.

"Xu Fan, please choose the question you want to answer." When Yuan Hong saw that Xu Fan didn't speak, he took it as his default that he was optimistic about the topic, and he would not give Xu Fan extra time.

"Whatever." Xu Fan spewed out three words without expression.

"What, whatever it means?"

Everyone was stunned. Only Yuan Hong knew what Xu Fan meant.

Xu Fan's choice of any of the above topics is the same. There is no distinction between simple and easy. It's both difficult and abnormal. It's almost impossible to complete. So it doesn't matter whether he chooses or not.

"In that case, you should choose the third question just like Zhao le." Yuan Hong helped Xu Fan to choose.

"Wait a minute." Wang Qin suddenly interrupted Yuan Hong: "director Fang, there is one thing to make clear. If Xu Fan gets a full score of 100 this time, it will be the same as Zhao le. How can we judge the outcome? "

Yuan Hongyin said with a smile: "it's very simple. If the scores of the two people are the same, then the winner or loser will be judged according to the time. Whoever answers that it takes less time will win?"

When he said this, his heart was cold: Xu Fan also wants to get a hundred points. Go to dream. If he can get a tenth of a hundred points, he will be powerful.

With these words, Wang Qin and Wang Yingying have made a cold sweat for Xu Fan. That is to say, at present, Xu Fan must meet two conditions if he wants to win.

The first is to get full marks, the second is to get full marks within 13 seconds, otherwise, he will lose.

Now it depends on what topic Xu Fan got. If it is as easy as Zhao Le's, maybe Xu Fan still has hope. Otherwise, it will be more dangerous than good.

"Secretary Xu, do you have any questions?" When Yuan Hong finished answering, he asked Wang Qin.

Wang Qin shook his head: "no, let's go."

"Good." Yuan Hong nodded and said to Xu Fan, "please look at the big screen."

People wonder what to do with the big screen.

Yuan Hong's fingers pressed a red button on the platform, a slide on the big screen opened, accompanied by a sound.

"Please note that ten paragraphs of text will flash on the screen in order. Each paragraph will stay for two seconds. Please write down the contents of the ten paragraphs in two seconds."

Hearing the voice on the big screen, everyone was stunned, and then four words appeared in his mind: Xu fan is finished.

Ten paragraphs of text, each paragraph of text stay for two seconds, do not say to answer questions, is to write down the ten paragraphs of content, more than ten seconds.

What's more abnormal is that each of the ten paragraphs of text projected on the screen is densely packed with tiny fonts, which makes people dazzled. Each paragraph of text at least hundreds of words, let alone memory, is to read this paragraph of text, two seconds are not enough.

It's almost impossible, at least for normal people.

Yuan Hong is deliberately making trouble for Xu Fan.

"Well, that's the consequence of death." Zhao Le pulled out a happy sneer from the corner of her mouth. She was in a good mood.

Ten paragraphs of text, all flash over in 20 seconds. After the screen is blank for a short time, a book appears, and the sound in the screen rings again.

"Please note that this is a 100 page book. Please remember the contents of each page and stay for 2 seconds."

Damn, this is more cruel!

If it was said that it was difficult to memorize ten paragraphs of text, it would be abnormal to memorize a book now, and each page only lasts 2 seconds.

Two seconds is how much, almost a glance on the past.

It's often said that people who read books can read ten lines at a glance. No, it's so weak. There must be 20 lines or even 30 lines at a glance. After reading, they have to memorize the contents.

Can anyone do that?

Some people are sweating.

He looked at Xu Fan with pity.

Recall that Zhao Le's question is so simple, but Xu Fan's question has not been asked, so he has come up with such a complex thing. What else can people say? It is clear that Yuan Hong is making Xu Fan difficult, so that Xu Fan has no chance to win.

Wang Qin can't watch it any more, but she has to bear it. She wants to see what the final answer is.

One hundred pages, two seconds per page, two hundred seconds later, that is a little more than three minutes.

How many people can remember every page of a 100 page book in more than three minutes? And a complete stranger?

It's almost impossible.

Yin Chengzhi and other examinees in the seat can be said to be the elite among the elites, especially Yin Chengzhi. However, he can't remember every page of a 100 page book in more than three minutes.

Just now, he was doing the same thing by force, but he also memorized a little of the content in front of him. He couldn't memorize the content in the back at all. If he memorized the content in the back and the content in the front, he had to forget it. In the end, his mind was in a mess and he couldn't remember anything.

"Well, I've finished reading the whole book." Yuan Hong glanced at the surprised expression of all the people present. He was secretly proud and smirking in his heart. Xu fan is not dead this time. Let's wait for a zero.

"Xu Fan, now please listen to the question carefully." Yuan Hong deliberately stopped for a moment, cleared his throat, and then said in a loud voice, "please tell me the page numbers of the first ten paragraphs in the book just now. If you say it right, you will get ten points, if you say it wrong, you will get zero points."

"What?" There was a scream at the scene.

In an office, a beautiful woman suddenly sits up and stares at the surveillance screen in front of her. Her pretty face is full of incredible.

In the examination hall, everyone, including Zhao Le, was shocked. Are you kidding me? Is this examination question for people?

Pick a few paragraphs from a book, then let you read the whole book in a little more than three minutes, and finally let you say which page these paragraphs are on.

The most abnormal thing is that the title just now is deceptive. Everyone thinks that they just remember the contents of the book, and no one pays attention to the small page number in the lower right corner of the book.

Take Yin Chengzhi as an example. Just now he also recorded some contents in the book, but now he can't tell which page those contents are on, because he didn't read the page number just now.

Let's not talk about the following questions. Let's just play the first ten paragraphs in 20 seconds. Who here can remember all the ten paragraphs.

If you don't remember all the first ten paragraphs, you don't have to answer the following questions. Just admit defeat and go away.

This is a dead end of Yuan Hong's design. No one can return to the past.

It's not a recruitment question. It's the strongest brain, and it's not the strongest brain in general. Li cenfei is also a little angry. If Yuan Hong destroys his plan, he will definitely die ugly. Li cenfei can't help but sneer, and then looks at Xu Fan in the picture with great interest.