129 face slapp the lang family

Josha walked to the corners of the formation corner and made some hand signs.

everyone was looking at him.

«wood release» and made a chair like the one his grandma used to use.

he sat leisurely on the chair and took some apples.

"What are you looking at, " Josha said to the army who is staring at him.

"Nothing," Enpo said as he was flipping his rod with high speed, and purple fire covered his rod.

"Not bad, " Josha said as he was making a fruit salad in a plate.

Enpo is a divine beast and stronger a bit than josha basic form.

Enpo dashed toward the heaven state army as they charged too.

Enpo waved his rod and a huge purple flames arc flew out.

the flames caught them and burned some.

Enpo entered In a berserk mode and start hitting everywhere.

"Damn it, can't we beat an ape" one of the lang family heaven state level two said.

"This flames is so hot and is filled with demonic energy".


" Useless" Enpo was dodging and striking he would sometimes get hit but he would reply with a strong move.

Josha was watching a good show while eating good fruits.


'Damn it, we can't let it continue like this' a heaven state level three said as he was slightly injured.

'I need a hostage ' smirked as he saw Karo who is watching from the corners.

the level three heaven state dashed toward Karo quickly.

Karo took a fighting pose similar to Josha's and as that man was in front of him Karo hit with his finger toward his head.

"omae wa mou shindeiru" Karo said as took his finger back.

"Nani" the one who said this was Josha, did this Karo copied his fist of the north star.

the haven state warrior saw what happened to their leader after these words and filled fear.

"you will die after two seconds," Karo said confidently.

One second.

two seconds.

"Aaaa... wait I'm fine " That heaven state found that nothing happened to him, and Karo just used the last second to run inside the formation.

"Hahaha" Josha starts laughing, he got him completely.

"That was horrifying, "Karo said as he hid behind the formation.

" You..." the heaven level three state clenched his teeth.

Josha lifted his hand and charged a ki blast at him which made him die in instant.

[killing heaven state lvl 3 +3.000.000 Sp]

Josha ignored the notification as he has plenty of Sp now.

Enpo already defeated the third of the army.

time passed and Josha got bored so he lifted his hands and start shooting ki blasts at them.

*Boom* *Boom*

"Oy, Oy" Enpo yelled.

"It's not my fault that you are slow " Josha said still shooting ki blasts.

two-thirds died and the other third run away.

"don't try to run " Enpo was going after them.

"Stop " Josha said.

"Hey, why the heck I would stop, " Enpo said.

Josha ignored him and yelled.

"Lang family people, I Josha challenge you to go back at anytime " Josha said with a clear voice that everyone heard it, but still they knew this man and ape are crazy So they didn't get provoked and ran away .

Enpo seemed to understand Josha purpose, letting them run would be a face slap to that family and they would send stronger people to them.

'This may spread my name', Josha thought.

"Let's go back "