19 S.A.O. "Joker"

Slyph who was kidnapped and became a maid at the Baron's castle was then fired. Like many others. As soon as the young master Linley Arthur had left, in the morning the Baron had announced he is firing all of those that are unneeded.

Slyph has returned to her home village. Rulid Village. She had hoped to find Rudy to be waiting there. She had even first asked the Village Elder where Rudy was.

"Rudy has said he had to leave to get stronger." The Village Elder told her what Rudy told him. Slyph was dejected.

When Slyph came to her old home. No one was there, not even her parents. It was as if she was the only one living there to begin with. She'd rather prefer the Baron's castle than this. It was at least fun and enjoyable to talk with the other maids.

"I miss you a lot. Rudy. I'd be praying for your safety everyday until you come back." Slyph did a small prayer while holding her hands.

It had been a week in total since Linley had left the Baron's castle. Near the Baron's castle, there was a man approaching.

There was a man with short white hair and carrying a scythe beneath his back. He was wearing a white suit and a red scarf.

He walked up to dead charred Suanni lion. He then uses his scythe to chop out a meaty leg.

One must know the body of a Rank 13 Suanni Lion was so tough that even after death, it's body wouldn't begin to decay even for after a year and normal weaponry would be ineffective against it's tough skin and flesh.

This mysterious man then took a bite of it.

"This is pretty good lion meat." The man spoke and then drop the leg of meat. "But it's now time to get my job done."

The man look towards the Baron's Castle. White translucent energy burst from his body. As his Nen released in the form of En.

In Hunter x Hunter. Nen was a form of life energy that can be affected and amplified by one's own emotions, will power, and innate potential or talent.

The En technique simply put, is an advanced detection technique that usually take the form of a sphere.

Those who master this En technique can typically able to extend with a radius of 50 meters. But for this mysterious man, he could extend it for 100 meters. Sufficient enough to probe the entire Baron's castle in one move.

"I'm sensing one or two life form signatures within this castle. Good. At least this way, I won't have to kill any servants who'd get in my way." The man spoke with a relaxed tone.

As soon as this white-haired man entered the Baron's castle. He had walked through the entrance and into the entrance hall. He was greeted with an applause.

Coming down from the stairs into the entrance hall was a man in black noble attire. With slicked back dark blonde hair. A black great sword behind his back. This was the Baron, Draco Arthur, Linley's dad.

Draco Arthur was clapping at this mysterious person for arriving.

"I've been waiting for you. I had predicted you would have came here at least several days before now." The Baron spoke.

"Shut up, you slippery snake. Tracking you down is like finding a needle in a haystack." The mysterious man said.

The mysterious man immediately charged with his scythe in hand at the Baron by firstly dashing across the wall itself.

'Fast!' The Baron barely was able to respond in time as he draw his great sword to counter that blow.

The Baron immediately activated both his aura of Battle-Qi and his weapon mastery immediately. His aura was black. Representing it must have the element of darkness within it.

Every time the two collided with their exchange of blows. They both easily launched each other into the air. Both sides smashing through the ceiling very casually.

Jumping and smashing through a stone ceiling or wall that were several meters long in thickness was to simple for combatants at this level. If there were no obstructions and only air, these two would casually jump up at least dozens of meters into the air.

The battle so far can be defined as simple and fast. Rough without schemes. The two fighters easily climb up through the insides the castle through brute force. While in the midst of exchanging blows.

The shock waves left behind each exchange was no different from an explosive being launched.

Tearing and smashing through walls, floors, and ceilings. Rooms collapsed and even a floor of the castle had even collapsed. Very rarely, were there craters remaining instead of sheer destruction.

It was very fortunate that the Baron had fired all of his workers and servants, otherwise within this fight. They would have been slaughtered and became unneeded causalities throughout the consequences of this battle.

As soon as the two combatants reached near the top of the castle. Even though the fight seem long, but it was actually short in reality. Barely half a minute had even passed.

They were now coincidentally in the same open hall in which Rudy and Melarue had fought in.

"Hey, shouldn't you at least introduce yourself. Here's my name, Draco Arthur." The Baron said confidently.

"Joker." Joker said and then he spoke his intentions loud and clear. "Baron Arthur, gave me the treasure of calamity and I might just gave you a merciful death."

"!" The Baron's eyes widened in shock.

"You, you... The only people I know who wants the treasure of calamity. It was that mysterious organization that popped over a thousand years ago. S.A.O." The Baron said.

"Indeed. My leader needs of these treasures and I know there was one in your possession. How'd I know you did possess it. Simply put, I have 200 IQ." Joker spoke arrogantly.

'The hell is IQ?' The Baron thought to himself.

"No matter. I'm afraid I have to go all out, otherwise by your hand I might die." The Baron said.

One must know the organization called S.A.O. was mysterious, unfathomable, and profound. Members possess odd and strange abilities that weren't common one bit at all. Their small group's sheer power has placed them at the top of Sky Blue Continent.

The Baron had then activated his sword's true power. On the blade itself near the hilt. The sword had then open a eye. It was a red eye with a slit instead of a normal pupil. Veins starts appearing on the sword as if it just became alive.

The Baron's arm which was holding the sword now was being fused with the sword itself. His arm itself now looking like it was demon armor.

The Baron's muscles bulged out with blue and purple veins looking like worms squirming around the skin on his body. Even the Baron's handlebar mustache changed into a "W" appearance. The Baron's eyes even turned red.

The Baron charged and throw a fierce punch with his open fist shot like a canon towards Joker. Joker who blocked it with his scythe, had now have his weapon snapped in two.

The Baron didn't want to stop here, as he begin to swing his demonic sword at full force at Joker.

In this very short time period as soon as his scythe was broken, Joker immediately activated his own original nen ability as of right now.

A lottery wheel appeared behind Joker, Joker then pulled on and spin it with his thought alone. As soon as he did, the lottery wheel spun a short while, before landing on the name of Isaac Netero.

Of course Nen is normally invisible to those who can't sense it. So naturally the Baron didn't see this Nen construct at all. Not only that, it was a Specialists type ability that cost 50,000 EP from the System.

The Baron's enhanced power and demonic sword in hand was easily stopped in motion when Joker held it back with merely two fingers.

Joker then simply overwhelmed the Baron with newfound agility and flexibility that he hasn't shown before. The Baron was pressured and was nearly helpless to the point, he could only block a few blows.

Then Joker sent a high kick at the Baron and once it landed on the Baron's head. The Baron's body simply flew bounced from ceiling to ground and into a wall as a result of it.

Baron coughed blood from that attack and realized he have to use his Plan B that was long set up from before.

"Come forth, my demon! Doom!" Baron stabbed his sword in the ground appearing to have stabbed a spell formation.

This spell formation was connected to the entire Baron's castle itself. Once undone. The castle appeared to be no longer made of stone. But was instead made of sand.

Doom was a sand demon that was personally infused into the castle and sealed as well by the Baron. The hearts or core parts of this demon sand castle was Linley's bedroom and the Baron's office. That's why security there was extremely high.

Not only that, it was cost effective to fuse this demon in this castle. Since the castle is made of sand originally. It was actually easily repairable and done with little to no effort by the Baron himself.

Therefore property damage didn't really matter much to the Baron.

The sand demon Doom was infused with this castle, naturally since all of the castle is apart of itself now. It was different from a giant sand monster. It had the appearance of a colossal titan made of sand.

The open hall where both the Baron and Joker was now being buried in sand. The Baron who was the master of the demon and castle, easily left the area through a waterfall made of sand.

Joker on the other hand felt no worries. As a golden bright radiant Nen aura encompassed his entire body.

"100-Type Guanyin Bodhisattva!" Joker emitted a multi-armed Nen construct behind himself which takes the form of a gigantic statue of Guanyin.

From the looks of outside castle transforming into a giant sand demon. The statue of Guanyin has burst through the monster itself.

Joker had moved his thumbs and index fingers together, making a hand gesture with his hands that looks like the number ninety-nine.

"Ninety-Ninth Hand!"

The giant statue of Guanyin delivered a barrage of palm strikes that were in the hundreds or even in the thousands!

The castle-sized sand demon Doom was helpless against this attack. Each palm smashed through layers of sand with ease. Not only that every time a blow landed, it was like a bomb exploding. Joker with this attack had luckily destroy the cores of this giant sand demon in the midst of his attack.

Therefore after this barrage was done. Doom was no different from a pile of sand forming a small desert like area in place of the Baron's castle.

The Baron on the other hand, was no where in sight since he had already planned his escape long ago.

The Baron was flying through the sky as his cape became a pair of wings at least hundreds of meters from the fight so far.

Joker who noticed the Baron flying away. Joker had then drawn a gun from his person. He then aimed the gun at the temple of his head. Joker pulled the trigger.

As blue fragments of light was blasted away from his head. His gun was actually just an evoker.

"Persona, come forth! Jack Frost!" Joker yelled.

A giant snowman figure behind Joker. It was dressed like a purple jester but without any clothing on it's torso or legs. On it's hat was a smiley face.

"Mabufu!" Joker commanded his Persona to use this attack.

An ice meteor formed immediately above the clouds that was above the Baron himself. Then it shattered into speck of icy blue lights that were raining down from the heavens.

The Baron knew his end was near. So he had ignited his soul, not to escape, but to...

"Go forth, my sword, accompany my son in the future." The Baron said to his sword. Then with all of his strength. He had then threw his sword across the sky with all his energy imbued into it. The sword seemingly transformed into a black shooting star.

The Baron was helpless as his body was froze and turned into an ice sculpture that fell from the sky and into the ground. Naturally, this ice was so hard even falling from over hundred meters in the air didn't even damage it.

Joker had finally arrived to collect the Baron's body. His face was filled with hate.

"Damn it! He ignited and burn away his own soul. Not even a Soul Reaper could interrogate him from dying a death like this. Hmm, since the Baron had committed suicide, that would mean there's a good chance that the Baron's precious and treasured son possessed the treasure of calamity." Joker spoke to himself.

Joker retrieved a communicator-type magic artifact and then he connected to his organization's main channel.

"Leader, I'm sorry. I failed to capture and interrogate the Baron. He has burned away his soul. I believed his son may have the treasure of calamity." Joker said.

"Do not worry. I've already seen through his plans. Registering his son to Havian Academy and making him a known genius. No doubt about it. The Baron wants his son to relies on others for backing and power. So that we can't easily attack his son." The leader spoke.

"Therefore, at the tournament, Battle Under The Heavens. I have sent Spider to deal with the Baron's son then." The leader stated out his command.

"!" Joker was shocked. He had knew the original person who wanted the mission to capture the Baron was Spider. Spider was a member who had a grudge against the Baron himself. Not only that, Spider was a peer that was not inferior to Joker.

"Our transmission is now over. Please head to your territory and guard it as well." The leader spoke.

"I understand." Joker responded.

The Organization that was called S.A.O. was just abbreviation for the organization's name which is the 'Super Akatsuki Organization'.

Any reincarnate can tell by the name alone, that the creator and leader of this organizations was indeed a reincarnate.

Not just any reincarnate but at least a System User who had been in this world for over a thousand years.

To explain how frightening that is, Rudy for example was a System User reincarnate who had been in this world for just merely a year.

It was actually simple for a System User reincarnate to jump through ranks of profession from no ranks to rank 7 in less than a year thanks to the System's analytical ability. But afterwards from then, relying on just the System alone was pointless. Since training from that point is complicated.

Most developed System Users can reach at least Master-level. Typically reaching Grandmaster-level. Then rarely some of them can reach Supreme or Quasi-Legend level.

But Legends are a huge exceptions even among all types of reincarnates. Supposedly, 1 in a billion reincarnates are able to reach the so-called Legend-level.

Even then in this organization alone, there was only two Legend-level reincarnate.