29 The World is About to Change!

At ground level on the Academy's grounds.

Cthulhu the little girl who is obviously possessed by a demon. She now currently lost in the midst of a panicking crowd. The crowd was no different from a sea of people. Someone like her who looked like she can be pushed around happened to get pushed around.

As soon as she had initially saw the giant black pillar that appeared from a building. Cthulhu had already recognized it as another Greater Demon. She was quite indifferent to it's entrance.

Most Greater Demons tend to not even have qualms nor do they even try to communicate with each other. It was just mainly because Greater Demons usually just looked at each other and then just go back doing whatever they were trying to do.

It was akin to two predators just minding their own business and not interfering with each other.

The giant pillar was later to be revealed to be a mere leg. As it's complete body busted out of the building it was in and into the sky quite fast.

It had the appearance of a giant spider.

The giant spider demon didn't stop with it's ascension to the sky. The spider demon started shooting eggs-shaped projectiles from it's mouth at large crowd of people it could find and see.

Thousands of boulder-size of goop was blasted at the crowd of people. People simply weren't able due to mainly too many people crowding around them.

The people who were hit by this green, smelly, detestable goop all felt changes to their body. Their eyes turned red. They coughed blood from their mouth which turned black and covered their faces with a black web. Covering all but their eyes. They all started chanting this one word.

"Kill!" "Kill!" "Kill!"

As soon they had met others that weren't infected like them. They rushed at them and pushed them down as then vomit into their mouths with goop now produced from their own body.

Some of them even have different variations. Some had spider appendages growing their back. Some had the ability to climb on walls with just their hand and feet. Some even had the ability to make webs from their own mouth.

Greater demons are special than normal demons. If demons typically only possessed people than in comparison with greater demons who possessed one vessel and can infect an entire populace or even the ecosystem itself. They're truly dreadful akin to a plague.

But greater demons are more of a special case than normal demons. While demons are typically mentally handicapped. Greater demons on the other hand possess enough intelligence to communicate and think for themselves.

Demons are like mere viruses. While greater demons are more akin to stray animals. Sometimes they're domestic and sometimes they're feral. It just depends on how they feel.

It's rare but it was quite possible for a greater demon to be subdued or tamed to the point of following and obeying a person's orders. Naturally, they are able do so because all demons possess a innate desire to find a belonging.

Arrogance and pride are alien concepts to these demons. Rarely, would they ever get offended for such a thing. If they do get angry. It had more to do with the emotions they're feeling at the time.

Due to greater demon's alien common sense, they tend to be extremely obedient to whoever they're following, but lacked proper reasoning and empathy to follow orders as intended. They even do odd things due to impulse.

Cthulhu was surrounded with regular people and infected people around her. Now swarming around her and kept pushing her back and forth. One of infected charged at her not knowing her true identity.

'I'm being attacked now. That means I can attack now.' Cthulhu thought to herself. After all, her innate disposition made her more of a passive person. It was basically that she wouldn't just blow up everything around her and cause mayhem and destruction for no reason.

Cthulhu grew a large tentacle from her back that was clearly too large for her body. With one swing, she swept away over a hundred people that were surrounding her.

It didn't matter whether they were normal or infected. In the end, they all turned into splats of blood from that one swing.

Cthulhu widened her eyes as she felt disturbed at what she had saw next. This whole bloody mess was normal. But what she saw felt extremely disturbing to her senses.

It was Neville mentioned long ago. His eyes look at Cthulhu's eyes. Both of them were now staring at each other. Neville was eating a pancake on a stick that he had bought from concession stands earlier before this all of this mess even happened.

"Hello there. It's quite the coincidence that another greater demon happened to be here. But I guess good things happen to those who wait patiently." Neville waved his hand as he had finished eating and littered his discarded trash onto the ground.

"..." Cthulhu ignored this person's words and was too busy staring at this person's sword behind his back.

"Have you seen a boy this tall with a blank expression? He also have brown hair and brown eyes. His name is Linley Arthur." Neville asked a simple question as he then did a hand gesture with an available hand.

Cthulhu was holding a stoic expression. As her mind was spiraling into new questions onto why a person with this terrifying sword was looking for her owner. As she recall her memories and experience with Linley. She believed these two shouldn't even have any relations with each other.

"Oh, you do know this Linley brat. I see you're also his maid due to a misunderstanding from what I could tell." Neville spoke casually as if he read her mind.

Cthulhu was a bit surprised. Reading the mind of others is actually difficult in general. Unless one was a mind reading specialist, even then it was difficult to read the mind of someone stronger than you. In comparison, if one was extremely powerful enough then they could easily read the minds of those quite weaker than them.

"What is that sword?" Cthulhu had to ask.

Neville pulled out his black great sword and waved it around. It transformed with veins and had red eye with a slit pupil.

Cthulhu knew the source of her disturbing sensation. This sword made her feel extremely disturbed. It is as if this sword shouldn't even exist in the first place.

"Judging from the look on your face. You can at least tell what this is. How rare, very rare indeed. Only a select few could truly tell what this sword for what it truly is. Those are the ones I have to wary of. But you... you're too weak and stupid to be placed in my eyes." Neville looked down on her as he roughly explained.

Cthulhu felt apathetic at being insulted by a low rank warrior. But it seems there were more than meets the eyes. Cthulhu knew her master probably can't deal with this fellow so she had decided to take matters into her hands.

Cthulhu's giant tentacle swung with full force at Neville.


Neville with only one hand stopped it with ease and held a grasp onto this tentacle.

"Little girls should only play dolls and not with the big boys here. Hehehe." Neville chuckled as he then threw Cthulhu into the sky past the clouds.

Neville stood by his lonesome self and stared at the direction of where the stadium which held the stands and arena where the tournament was held.

"The Link's body has failed it's task. Tsk. What an useless body like this one. Originally, I planned to use this body to follow my brat Linley or at least give this sword to him so I can keep an eye on him. But it turns out circumstances are much more different than expected now. The appearance of another greater demon is a boon, but Alice have seemed to have betrayed me and didn't help that much in the attack on the academy itself." 'Neville' muttered to himself.

Alice was originally planned to help deal with external possible forces such as Havian's staff members, security, or even the competitor Roland himself.

Even this new body Neville that was recently acquired was just a disposable meat puppet to transport the special sword itself into Linley's hands. Even the Baron himself was just messing around with Neville until the attack had begin.

Neville's body waved one of his hand and opened a portal made of void and darkness in front of him. 'Neville' walked through it casually. This was the original method of transportation that Neville had used to get to Havian City in the first place.

For Cthulhu herself who was sent flying into the sky above the clouds. She felt the need to summon her main body and truly try to at least destroy this new sudden threat immediately and swiftly as possible.

A giant violet distorted portal opened above her. A giant neon-green mutated octopus looking monster suddenly appeared. A notable trait of this demon being was that it had one head and 888 giant tentacles.

Cthulhu's little girl vessel was swallowed by her main body. To safely protect it and avoid having it being destroyed in the midst of collateral damage.

Havian Academy itself was essentially now attacked by two greater demons now.


Cthulhu's main body literally jumped down from the sky and smashed down toward the ground like a meteor.

'Where? Where? Where is that person?' Cthulhu thought to itself. As it begin flailing it's tentacle all around it. Casually collapsing and tearing through buildings as it was mere paper.

Cthulhu begin moving and was charging through Havian Academy with ease. It's giant body and tentacles were strong and powerful. The people on the ground were no different from ants just to be easily stepped upon and annihilated.

Cthulhu even begin infecting all the people she could find so that she discovered that person much in great haste.

"A new monster appears. Too bad. I'm here now." A voice shouted far above Cthulhu's head.

A new man appeared from the sky. He was wearing blue overalls, a straw hat, and black boots. It looks to be muscular farmer descending from the sky. He was carrying a farming hoe in his hand.

The farmer toss his hoe at Cthulhu's head. A sonic boom with of radius of a 100 meters appeared to follow behind this hoe.

The hoe struck and landed into Cthulhu's main body's forehead. Cthulhu's main body was immediately sent rolling across the ground and causing even more destruction and mayhem. Cthulhu's main body was at least comparable in size to a 300 meters tall mountain.

The farmer dressed man flew to Doehring Cowart. It took no less than a second to do so.

Doehring Cowart was in the midst of fighting against a giant spider monster. He had summoned meteors and even used a forbidden spell World Guardian to fight head to head against this monstrosity.

The giant spider demon felt annoyed and transformed into it's second form. It took on the appearance of a black flying saucer with red eyes planted across it's body.

The farmer came and with an eye stare. His eyes glow red and then shot out with heat vision. Blasting the transformed spider demon down to the ground.

The farmer then even while just merely staring at all of the infected at the ground. He then blast away his heat vision without hesitation. As he begin to eliminate over thousands of infected with ease.

"Doehring, you're fired." The farmer said casually after knocking away the spider monster.

"Hmm?!" Doehring Cowart felt this was quite irrelevant at the moment.

Doehring Cowart knew who this person was. This was the former headmaster of Havian Academy. He had retired to farming. But it seems he had come back to help this academy out during it's crisis.

"Look, the student body is basically all destroyed along with academy itself. It would take time for to rebuilding of the academy's infrastructure and it's reputation. Therefore your job is unneeded and you can go leave for safety now. I will take care of this mess personally. In the future, I might look for you to hire you once again. So your presence is unneeded for now. " The former headmaster spoke.

Doehring felt like he was tossed aside because he was deemed useless. But nonetheless, he felt glad that he had received an opportunity to run away. It means he won't die in a fight for a school he barely knew at the very least.

Doehring Cowart flew away from the site of Havian Academy and Havian City in the midst of it's destruction.

Meanwhile... in the middle of the sky above Havian City.

Haydson who had impaled King Leylin Faulen on his sword. He had stopped here.

"I know for sure. This isn't enough to kill you." Haydson said.

"Hmph. I was just curious on where you were planning on taking me. But it seems this isn't a kidnapping." Leylin calmly and coldly said.

Leylin himself seems to have then teleported in front of Haydson. Not even being impaled by the sword anymore. It was as if there no injury on Leylin. There was not even a trace of blood left on the sword.

"Who are you? And what you have done with Haydson? As far as I know Haydson and I bear no grudge nor would he have ever acted this covertly due to his pride." Leylin questioned his assailant.

"Haha! Who am I? That's a good question to ask. But can't you see the future and tell yourself the answer already? Leader of S.A.O." Haydson said casually.

Leylin felt annoyed by this person. Leylin Faulen was really the leader of S.A.O. He would have used his Almighty already and discovered all the needed information he requires right now.

But it seems that his Almighty was unable to foresee this current predicament. Leylin couldn't even change the future if he can't see the outcomes of it.

Truly it was a weird and bizarre situation for Leylin. Just how was it possible for this mysterious assailant to counter The Almighty? It was basically a flawless ability in the source material. Even then the villain there who had this ability only lost to an ass pull. Unless he was dealing the master of ass pulling. Then Leylin should still be able to use the power of The Almighty.

"It seems to me you can't figure out what I'm doing and what I'm intended on doing. Truly, you weird people with abnormal abilities can become extremely arrogant and complacent after merely getting a few strange powerful abilities." Haydson shake his head pitying Leylin.

"Specially this ability of yours is something you rely on far too much. It had dulled your foresight and your ability to scheme and manipulate. Now you're simply a much more pathetic version of yourself compared to you back then." Haydson kept sprouting out more words that doesn't make sense out of context.

"Who are you! And when did I even encountered someone as bizarre as you? I'm certain that I would remember someone peculiar as you." Leylin shouted.

"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Foolish leader. I guess I'll give you a few hints. I'm one of the Barons of your kingdom. That's the first one." Haydson spoke.

"Which one?!" Leylin as king of Faulen Kingdom. Had too many nobles with the Baron titles.

"Baron Arthur." Haydson said.

"Which one?!" Leylin yelled. There were many Barons with Arthur as a surname in Faulen Kingdom.

"Ahem! Baron Draco Arthur. Do I have to explain any further?" Haydson's body felt a bit speechless.

"You. Exactly what are you even planning with your son? To the point of even faking your own death. What about the Treasure of Calamity? It simply doesn't make any sense." Leylin felt even more irritated now.

"My son Linley. His current role is a mere pawn just for now on this board game of chess. Exactly with what I did was all planned. For your information, I have definitely hidden the Treasure of Calamity in the possession of my boy Linley." Haydson's body smirked.

"You..." Leylin couldn't tell if the Baron was telling the truth or not. Leylin couldn't even use his Rinnegan's powers on this person. After all, if he can counter The Almighty, then he can probably easily neutralize the Rinnegan's various powers and abilities.

"Don't worry. I'm definitely not lying. It's just something meant to help him. A life-saving measure at the very least. After all, I can't afford to have him die too early in my plans right now. Anyways, he was a good bait at least. Performing his role as a mere distraction to your forces." Haydson's body rambled on without any care.

"Now then. It's your second hint for now. I have to even change my face for now for you to recognize this identity." Haydson's face tend morph and transformed into another.

"You! That's impossible. I'm 100% certain that you're definitely dead. I personally even destroyed and annihilated your entire body and soul! Duke Ronald!" Leylin screamed in shock.

"Ahahaha. To the truly strong. Not even death of one's body and soul can stop their resurrection. It seems you're too narrow minded. Your eyes were looking at the heavens but not the very earth itself." Ronald laughed.

To Leylin, Duke Ronald was a threat and menace to the weak and helpless. Leylin personally killed him because of how disgusting he is. He had kidnapped over tens of millions of innocent children. They have all gone missing. No one knows what happened to them.

As a person reincarnated from the modern world, Leylin would at least prefer to not see meaningless death or kidnappings. Any human from there should at least think this way.

Leylin felt the cogwheels in his head to start clicking now. It made sense. The Baron Arthur and Duke Ronald both did similar actions. The Baron Arthur seems to have done the same. Except that Baron kidnapped tens of thousands of children over the past decade. It was too much for one noble to kidnap that many unless they had a nefarious scheme.

"Too annoying and contrived." Leylin felt all of this new information was a waste of time.

'Wait a minute.... it is an intentionally waste of time. This was a distraction!' Leylin suddenly had this thought sprung up in his head.

Leylin suddenly grabbed Ronald by his throat. Then Leylin immediately flew back towards Havian Academy.

In the now newly destroyed V.I.P. booth in the stands that were apart of the stadium.

The armored dark knight Link was frozen and entombed in a ice crystal. Surrounding the environment was icicles and chains made of ice. The room was no different from a freezer.

"Ha..." Roland was sweating and panting hard. Leaning on his sword that was implanted on the ground.

Roxy, Celine, Dixie, and Delia were all staring in awe at Roland. Even though Roxy was originally helping Roland. Roland did the decisive blow all by himself.

Soon a portal made of void and darkness appeared in this room. 'Neville' walked out of it.

"Hmm. Roland. You're strong for your generation. But you're still weak in the face of true power." 'Neville' praised Roland.

Neville's sword that already transformed have then to have given this current body a set of armor that was growing from the sword and equipping all across the body.

'Neville' now don on at least a similar appearance as the dark knight Link.

"Roxy! We're leaving." Roland immediately headed near Roxy and grabbed her hand.

"Wait! We can't abandon King Leylin's family." Roxy retorted as she tried to stand her ground.

"Shut up! I don't have the time or energy to save others." Roland immediately switched to grabbing on to her waist and begin carrying her like a sack of potatoes.

Roland immediately begin running away with Roxy under his arms. Leaving the booth extremely quickly as he hopped through the hole that Link had made for his entrance.

'Neville' stared without a care when those two left. 'Neville' begin approaching Celine and her children.

"Aren't you people after Roxy?" Celine asked hoping that her and children would be safe.

"She was just an obstacle standing between us and you three. You see I have the bone to pick with King Leylin." 'Neville' lightly explained.

"No. Please don't harm the children. Please just kill only me and spare the children." Celine pleaded as she tried to shield her children.

"No thank you. I'm good." 'Neville' responded.

Neville's right hand was holding onto a black great sword with veins and a red eye. His other hand was now holding a blue flaming fireball.

Soon as 'Neville' approached the three. Dixie stood up in front of his two family members and in a t-pose.

"If you want to get to my mom and my sister, you have to get pass me!" Dixie said with fear trembling in his voice.

"Shut up kid." 'Neville' left hand which held the blue fireball was shot into Dixie's mouth. Dixie's throat was forced to swallow it. 'Neville' as he approached Dixie struggling for air, he then back handed him to a wall. Dixie was knocked out from such a toss.

"Dixie!" Celine and Delia both shouted out of fear and worry.

'Neville' approached the two. 'Neville' then shoved a newly made blue fireball downed into Celine's throat. 'Neville' grabbed her by the neck and threw her to the wall.

'Neville' begin approaching Celine once again but this time with his hand and sword. He had ripped apart Celine's dress. Leaving her in her underwear. Her curvaceous tone and attractive face was quite appealing to most men. Now with tears in her eyes as Celine knew what was going to happen next.

"Please. Don't. Especially not in front of my children." Celine cried and pleaded.

"It's been a long time since I had pleasure with a woman. Who better to do it with than the beautiful wife of my enemy. Who knows maybe after I'm done with you, I might just spare you and let you be one of my son's countless maids." 'Neville' smirked as he squeezed one of Celine's ass cheeks.

'I don't get what's going on, why did the bad man took off mommy's dress off?' Delia the 10 year old little girl didn't know what sexual intercourse was.

'Neville' with ease had then torn away Celine's remaining garments. Her naked body was at the wall. It was extremely cold in this room causing Celine to shiver.

"It may be cold now, but after you spread those legs and taste my meaty cannon. It's going to be nice and warm guaranteed under the Baron's name." 'Neville' unzipped the crotch location on his armored lower half.

"No. No. NO!" Celine screamed in terror and panic at soon what is about to happen.

"Here it comes the choo choo train!" 'Neville' shouted in enthusiasm.

Neville's body immediately exploded in a mist of blood before he gets to enjoy himself.

Leylin Faulen seemed to have teleported here while strangling Haydson's body in one of his hands.

"Daddy!" Delia shouted in relief as she had saw dad coming to save the day.

"You're too late now. What has been done is done." Ronald spoke through Haydson's body.

"What?" Leylin didn't know what he meant by that.


Ronald snapped his fingers. Then both the passed out Dixie and the naked Celine had their bodies both burst into blue flames.

"What the hell?!" Leylin reacted.

Leylin could immediately tell this blue flames was deep inside their bodies so deep it was even attached to their very soul. When this ignition happened, both his wife and son had then became burnt alive in both body and soul.

Leylin's Rinnegan was unable to resurrect those who had their souls destroyed. The Almighty didn't see this coming nor any other possible outcomes. Therefore he was helpless as he witnessed the two of them dying.

"Delia! Are you alright? What happened earlier?" Leylin asked the only person who wasn't killed like earlier.

"Yeah. I wasn't given one of those blue fir-" Delia was interrupted as she seemed to have faded from existence from that earlier snap.

"Delia!" Leylin didn't know what was going on.

"YOU!" Leylin's expression changed from worry to anger as he turned his head at Ronald.

"Hmph! You should have seen this one coming." Ronald taunted.


A loud deafening boom and a giant mushroom-shaped dust cloud accompanied it. The dust cloud was so big it engulfed the entire stadium.

The whole stadium, arena, and it's stands were all now destroyed. It was nothing but a large crater with a hole in it.

"I know this isn't enough to kill you." Leylin knew this attack wasn't enough to kill a Supreme-level expert. He was just venting out his rage. Leylin still knew that it was important that he keeps a source of information at hand.

Leylin was still holding onto Ronald's body with his clothes nearly all completely destroyed.

Leylin suddenly received a message from Spider. Spider's communicator can send a mental transmission even from far away distances.

"Leader. This is Spider. The Baron's son may be troublesome than I imagine. Requesting reinforcement. I will plant a tracking device to mark my location." Spider spoke.

"Understood. I will send over Invincible right now!" Leylin spoke mentally with haste.

Leylin sent a mental transmission across Havian Academy and into a person. It was the farmer dressed former headmaster.

"Invincible, head to spider's location. Go acquire the Treasure of Calamity. None of this mess won't even matter as long as you can retrieve it and give it to me." Leylin calmly ordered.

"Understood." Invincible know his priorities. Even if he abandon the mess at the academy. The leader can easily clean it all up anyways.

Invincible pulled out a device from his overall's pocket. The device was able to discover Spider's location due to a tracking device. He looked at how much distance he needed to cover to reach Spider.

"50,000 kilometers huh. I can cover that in less than 5 minutes. If I have to move at top speed, I can cross all of that in 5 seconds." Invincible spoke calmly about his speed.

Invincible begin flying in the direction of Spider. Leaving behind trails of sonic booms behind him. Casually breaking the speed of sound barrier with ease.

"Your pawns are trivial. Ronald. Watch as I make short work of them." Leylin flew toward the two greater demons.

Aragog and Cthulhu were both mountain-size monstrosity. Leylin looks to be like an ant in comparison to these two.

Aragog the spider demon charged forth at Leylin.


With Leylin's single slap. Aragog was casually obliterated leaving nothing behind.

Cthulhu didn't know whether to charge or run away. But it was too late.


Leylin slap Cthulhu's main body just once. The giant octopus creature was completely obliterated just like Aragog.

Cthulhu's little girl vessel was left in midair. Leylin with Deva path's power over gravity. Leylin easily pulled Cthulhu into his hand.

Cthulhu didn't have the chance to even speak.

"I should have disposed of you when I had the chance along with your master." Leylin with a grasp over Cthulhu's head was then squeezing her head.

Cthulhu's head exploded like a watermelon and the rest of her body was turn into a mist of blood. Leylin casually killed the two greater demon as if they were nothing.

Leylin was a legend-level expert. These people were extremely mighty to the point that legends should not interfere with mortal's affairs. Otherwise their destructive capability for collateral damage would be too much of an impact on society. That's why there was a treaty among legends to not cause chaos or uphold order. Instead they must be secluded.

Leylin as of now didn't gave a damn about a treaty.

"Now then. Ronald. What are you scheming?!" Leylin shouted at the man who in his grasp.

"Ha! You'd think I would tell you. Who do you think I am? A retard? Perhaps you're still looking down on me even at this very moment." Ronald kept on taunting.

Leylin threw Ronald into the ground creating another giant crater with a similar dust cloud like before.

This happens again and again and again. Even for ten minutes.

"So meaningless. This attack. These distractions. What are they even for?! Killing my family could have been done all covertly. There was no need for this much trouble. Just what are you scheming?!" Leylin kept yelling.

"AHAHAHAHA!" Ronald started cackling manically. "You still haven't figure it out yet. Well aren't you a stupid reincarnate? Where's your 200 IQ at?"

"What?" Leylin felt something was off. If Ronald knew he was a reincarnate and reincarnates existed. Then why didn't Ronald called him that straight from the beginning.

Ronald looked towards the sky.

"Looks like it's time. The world is about to change!" Ronald yelled as if this was the moment he had been waiting for.

The day sky had suddenly turned all black as the moon suddenly teleported in front of the sun. Creating an Eclipse as an result.

The moon then opened up it's massively large eye. It was a human shaped eye. It was violet and purple. It was radiant and shiny.

Leylin realized now it was too late for him to stop what was coming next. He didn't even see this one coming. What was happening was no different than an ass pull to him. This ass pull might just be the one that would finish him.