Chapter 1304: Unnatural happiness

"On the 8th floor, I wanted to buy the top floor with a terrace, but the price is much more expensive than this one, so I can't afford it~"

When I said this, the elevator had arrived, and I went out and turned left, which was Bi Xiafu's new home. He took out the key and opened the door. This scene was really familiar.

After entering the door, there is nothing to say about the interior decoration. The typical American style in the 90s is about 120 square meters. There are two rooms, one bedroom and one study. The huge living room is occupied by a sofa set. There is an xbox and an LCD TV below. Two handles and countless game boards show that Bishafer’s daily life is occupied by games.

The back of the sofa set has been transformed into a cloakroom. Countless clothes are hung on hangers. There are dozens or hundreds of pairs of shoes on the floor, among which high heels account for at least two-thirds.

There is a small balcony on one side of the living room, and an open kitchen on the other. The sink is full of unwashed dishes. When Yang Cheng saw this scene, Bishafu was a little embarrassed, "Sorry, we are They are all a bit busy, so there is no time to clean the room."

Yang Cheng shrugged, "It's okay, if I live by myself, it would be so messy."

"any drinks?"

Yang Cheng hesitated, "Uh..."

Before I waited, Bishafu had already kicked off his high heels and responded by himself, "Drink coffee, it's just after a meal."

Yang Cheng did not refute, and continued to look at the house, "You come out to live, Anna didn't give you any help?"

He was referring to the money aspect. Bishafer stood in front of the coffee machine, with one foot tilted and ankle moving, "comeon, jason, apart from the relationship that I am the daughter of Anna Wintour, I and him The girl she is struggling makes no difference."

Yang Cheng disagreed, "But what you can't deny is that Anna Wintour's halo has always been on you, whether you are willing or unwilling, from the outside world, you are her daughter, obviously, you should live more good life."

Bishaffer tied her hair again, and casually tied a ponytail, "Maybe, if I can drink Francis and get married, we are going to buy a villa on the edge of the Mediterranean Sea and live the kind of uncontested life."

"This is the life you should have~" Yang Cheng emphasized.

"I hope that day will come soon."

I don't know why, Yang Cheng always feels that the happiness on Bishafu's face is a little weird. I can't tell it. It's like the happiness from the performance, which is not from the heart.

And he also caught the loophole in the other party's words, "What if? Didn't you mean that you are getting engaged in the next year?"

Bishafer stirred coffee in his hand, "Yes, but life is full of surprises. Maybe I met someone I really love just before getting married?"

Yang Cheng was confused, "So you don't like Francisco?"

Bishafer shook his head violently, "No, no, in fact, Francis and I have known each other since we were young. If we say we have good feelings, it is more like family love. He is 5 years older than me and has always taken care of me like a brother. The impulse from love is always a bit less.

These years, I’ve never met someone I’m attracted to. Francis’ persistent pursuit slowly touched me, so I wanted to try it. Maybe this would be a good home. For women, find someone to love. My people are far better than those I love but don't love me.

It may be selfish to say that, but. . . "

Yang Cheng understood why the happiness on her face was not so natural. She completely deduced a happy state of being loved. As for whom to show, is the answer not obvious?

Sad, for both Bishafer and Francis, stupefied is to act life into a movie bridge, sad!

"Bee, as a friend, my opinion is to make a cautious decision. Faced with a man I can’t love, no matter how good he is to you, there will be a day of burnout. When that day comes, you will feel in your eyes The other side is full of unbearable problems, and the two will fall into endless quarrels. In the end, they will have a bad relationship and break up sadly. By then, will you be the only one who is sad?"

Yang Cheng really said this from a friend's point of view. If it weren't for this, how could he not understand the reason why he would rather demolish a temple than a marriage?

Bishafer promised to consider it seriously, and then brought the coffee over, "Taste it, I don't have a few hundred dollars a pound of coffee beans, give it a try, Anna sent it."

Yangcheng has no milk or sugar. The original American coffee tastes a little bitter, but the aftertaste is very long. This cup of coffee may be sold at a good price at Starbucks.

"Very good, I will often come up to ask for a cup of coffee when I pass by." Yang Cheng joked.

"Of course, you are welcome at any time. By the way, do you want to see what I did half of the program planning?"

Yang Cheng put down the coffee cup, "Of course it's good~"

Bi Xia Fu smiled lightly, turned around and went to the study, and quickly walked out with a stack of freshly baked printing papers and motioned to Yang Cheng to sit. She herself sat cross-legged next to Yang Cheng, "Here, this is the general idea. , The details need to be perfected."

After Yang Cheng thanked him, he solemnly turned it over and it appeared that the name of the program was temporarily blank. It shouldn't have time to think about it. The target broadcast time period is 10-12 o'clock in the evening every Friday, and the prime time on Saturday and Sunday is already Occupied by other variety show hegemons, a new show rushes into the battlefield to grab food, and it's not bad not to be hacked to death by a chaotic sword.

While watching Bishafer, he explained his thoughts, "Before writing this plan, I studied the hottest variety shows in the United States, "Allen Show", "Survivor", " A Week in Hollywood", "America's Supermodel" and "Dancing with the Stars", etc., there are many types, but the hottest "Allen Show" always occupies the top position. Of course, this may be the same as Allen's It’s about personal charm, and it’s all about men, women and children, but there is nothing novel about the format of the show itself."

Yang Cheng nodded and agreed with her statement. He leaned back on the sofa so that he could see Bishafu’s face and continued to listen to her. “The show we want to create is still mainly talk show. The show can be ignored, but the successful experience of "Allen Show" is the most worthy of our reference."

The plan is not written in detail, but the framework is very clear. Yang Cheng can see Bishafu’s efforts. But to be honest, this idea is not brilliant, it can only be said to be quite satisfactory. In other words, this program Once filmed, I'm afraid I can't get over the big waves. It's too difficult to grab the ratings from the big variety show kings with this idea.

However, he didn't blow Bi Xiafu's self-confidence. After all, this was the first time she planned a variety show in person, and she always had time to smooth her thoughts slowly. . .