CH 114

Chapter 114: Getting Information

“Yes, it’s that place.”

“So, just wait for Asgard’s people to come and take the opponent away?

Do you still need such a fanfare collection?

Wasn’t it taken away by Asgard’s own people last time?

If their people come to make trouble, don’t they care about it themselves?”

Tony was reluctant.

Compared to that Loki, he is more interested in this aerospace carrier now.

Unexpectedly, S.H.I.E.L.D. still has such a technology.

He now wants to find an opportunity to install something that can steal information on it.

Moreover, he is also doing it.

“We are not sure if the people in Asgard knew that Loki was making trouble.

More importantly, we don’t know if this incident was intentional by the people of Asgard.

If Loki is only the opponent’s forward worrier, then we are in trouble.

So next, we have to be prepared.

Except dealing with a Loki.

We may also face more enemies in Asgard.

Once something like that happens, this is the biggest crisis.”

Nick Fury gave his guess.

Hearing this news, everyone at the scene was somewhat silent.

This guess is very possible.

“So, what are you going to do? Just rely on us people being able to deal with them?

Should this matter be expanded to the level of global security?

Get everyone ready?”

Tony continued to offer his opinion.

“No need for the time being, we need to try to deal with it first.

If it is determined that it was an invasion by Asgard, then we really need to raise the level of danger to a global level.

Therefore, what we have to do is to find out why Loki came to Earth.

And why he took Tesseract Cube.”

“Take away Tesseract Cube. Listening to your account, it is obvious that Tesseract Cube has the function of opening the passage of the universe.

Then the other party simply wants to **** this Tesseract Cube.

Then they use it themselves.

Or, it is to use this power to open a channel connecting other places on the earth.

It was as if Loki had crossed over there by himself.”

Dr. Banner simply stated the reason why the opponent robbed Tesseract Cube.

“This is also our guess. Now, we need your mind to find out where Tesseract Cube is.”

Nick Fury tells the reason why Banner is here.

With the help of his mind, he completed the positioning of Tesseract Cube.

“No problem, I can try as much as possible, so, where is my laboratory?”

After Banner finished speaking, a new Dr. Banner began to “grow” on the ground next to him.

Flower fruit activated.

Everyone on the scene, unless they knew Banner’s ability in advance, the others looked astonished at this time.

Even Tony looked at Dr. Banner in disbelief.

“Dr. Banner, in addition to being able to transform into a green giant, you can also create a clone!”

Banner didn’t know how to answer his question.

This embarrassed Tony.

“Of course, your positron collision paper is truly unparalleled.

I spent the whole night taking a good look and preparing for today’s events.

Sure enough, smart people have two lives.”

Tony found a step on his own.

What he meant was that he actually had two lives.

“Wait, I slept for decades, the world is changing too fast.

But, I want to know, what is going on? Does this belong to the cloning technology you are talking about?”

Captain America Rogers felt that his brain was getting less and less.

They talked about gamma rays and positron collisions, and he felt that he just listened to the bible.

But what is going on now?

A living person just grew out of the ground in this way.

Nick Fury looked at Banner’s clone, and he felt a pain in his brain.

Here, it seems that Captain America Rogers is the only one who is not capable of fruit.

Only he was kept in the dark.

“Captain Rogers, I will explain this to you slowly afterwards.

What I can tell you now is that they belong to those with fruit ability.

It’s like a mutant in this world now.”

“Mutant? I knew a mutant, nicknamed Wolverine.

We participated in that war together. He was a powerful soldier.”

Captain Rogers heard of the mutant’s name, and instantly thought of an old friend.

“Do you know Wolverine?”

This time, it was Nick Fury’s turn to be surprised.

“Yes, now, I didn’t expect that the other party’s age is so old, no wonder we feel the more problematic the information the more we investigate.

It turns out that he and you are from the same era, so that makes sense.”

Captain Rogers’ words resolved a recent question Nick Fury had.

Wolverine’s information, the more they investigate, the more they feel wrong.

It was as if the opponent appeared on the battlefield one after another.

That is a span of decades.

“Wolverine is still alive? Yes, his self-healing ability is not even afraid of death, so it is normal.”

Captain Rogers was also surprised by the existence of Wolverine.

But looking back, this seems to be normal.

“Well, is the topic we are discussing biased?

Now I want to talk about the members of the Protoss of Asgard.

We have a few people who may be good at fighting.

Find the person from Asgard, I’ll go and fight him first.

If you can’t win, you will try again.

If it wins, then he will be arrested and waited for trial.

Not to mention, they may be interesting to judge a Protoss.”

Tony has his arrogance.

The Ark Reactor with strong power.

Has a powerful metal armor.

He thinks he is the superhero.

He also heard about the things in New Mexico last time, when Nick Fury also approached him.

It’s just that he happened to be absent at that time.

He felt that even if it was a god, he could still fight.

At this time, he was still the Tony Stark who had super armor and was full of pretense.

At least after experiencing the Battle of New York, he will gradually reduce his personality.

“Dr. Banner, there is your laboratory.

Waiting for you to use gamma rays to find Loki’s hiding place.

Then, we have to take the opponent directly.

Remember, this is your first joint operation.

I need you to give our reputation to the entire universe.

You can no longer let others come and leave as they want.”

Nick Fury stated the main purpose of this collection.

Become famous!

And another purpose is to test the attitude of the person with the Devil Fruit ability when facing these.

Will Demon messengers interfere with their fight against others?

Even in the battle against the Protoss, will the Demon Messenger come out to help?

After all, they should be a competitive relationship.

Dr. Banner received the task, and the two bodies entered the laboratory directly.

There, he used S.H.I.E.L.D. technology to continuously search for gamma-ray points on the earth.

Just before the team of the Avengers was officially established.

Loki’s people have already begun to build equipment that opens up space passages.

In the entire team, because of the presence of Barton, Loki even formed a strong team without even giving up his efforts.

Because these people are all enemies of SHIELD.

“Agent Barton, very good, you made my offense simple and orderly.”

Loki looked at Agent Barton with satisfaction.

“This is what I should do.”

“Since you are a member of S.H.I.E.L.D., then you should be aware of the legends about Demon messengers on earth.”

“Demon messenger? Yes, in fact, SHIELD now has a department that specializes in fruit abilities.

Not surprisingly, we will see the horror of those with fruitful powers in this battle.

Speaking of this, I want to tell you first about the characteristics of those with fruit ability.

So as not to encounter unexpected situations, be beaten at a loss.”

Next, Barton told Loki all the fruit abilities he knew.

After Loki listened, his eyes became more and more dangerous.