Chapter 953: Mixed world war

That is to say, Lin Feng has the ability to resound the fruit of thunder, and the speed is superb to be able to dodge, and the long knife in his hand returns Mihawk with a backhand blow.

"Wan Lei!!"

The clouds in the sky were guided by the forest wind, and soon countless black clouds condensed, and then countless violent thunder fell from the sky and slashed towards the three people fiercely.

"Wow haha, leave this drizzle to me, the power of darkness!"

Blackbeard chuckled wildly and left the battle group. Countless dark power emerged from his body, and the dark power also poured into the sky, constantly absorbing the lightning and thunder that resisted the sky.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!!!"

Hancock kicked out three legs in a row, Lin Feng did not hesitate to touch her three legs with a backhand. After the three legs were met, Hancock flew back and saw Hancock’s calves flushed, and his charming face was slightly affected by pain. It's red, and it makes people worry about it, and I can't wait to hug it right away and take a good look.

Lin Feng was taken aback for a moment, and he looked at Hancock hesitantly. Hancock’s aromatic feet are very powerful, especially the petrochemical ability, which is very difficult to deal with, but he didn’t feel uncomfortable just now. I wonder if the power of the aromatic feet is. There are other reasons for this.

Mihawk didn’t know if he had an admiration for Hancock or he saw Hancock as if he was injured. A narrow light shot from his eyes, and the long knife in his hand reached Lin Feng in an instant. Lin Feng roared. The two quickly confronted each other with more than ten knives again, and the entire sea surface suddenly raged, and the reefs on the bottom of the sea broke apart under the waves of the knife wind.

"Asshole! Damn it, dare to hurt his concubine's right foot, it is unforgivable, go to hell!!"

Hancock rubbed his feet and glared at Lin Feng very aggrievedly. Just now, she said it was a fragrant foot, but she didn't have the ability to use it. Holding a bit of complaint against Lin Feng in her heart, her finger lightly touched her lips. Then he aimed at Lin Feng, his fingertips immediately turned pink, and then a small heart-shaped light flickered.

"Kiss the gun!"

"Just enough!"

After being attacked by Hancock one after another, Lin Feng has never hurt her. After being charmed, Lin Feng’s immunity to Hancock is getting bigger and bigger, his eyes narrowed and he was no longer polite, and his left hand suddenly turned into lightning. Also aimed at Hancock.

"Give me aside first! Dao Wife!!!"

The power of violent thunder and lightning blasted out of Lin Feng’s palm, and the thunder and lightning that was thick enough to barrel rushed towards Hancock. Hancock’s kiss gun was instantly submerged under the attack of Lin Feng’s wife. The violent lightning did not stop at all. The bang came in front of Hancock.

"What a cruel heart! You can bear to hurt such a beautiful woman, you deserve to be a **** of death!"

Blackbeard moved to Hancock's body at this time, his palm gushing out with huge dark power to block Lin Feng's attack.


Persimmon picked up a soft pinch. Judging from the current situation, it is impossible to defeat Mihawk. Even if Blackbeard poses little threat to him, this guy is paddling, and his strength is better than Mihawk is not low at all, and if you want to open the situation now, you can only make ideas from Hancock!

After making up his mind, Lin Feng paid attention to Hancock's movements without a trace. The long knife in his hand attacked Mihawk like a slash. The endless wind of the blade was raging on the sea, Mihawk's face and eyes were cold. The flashing cold light blocked all Lin Feng's attacks without saying a word.

"Huh! Huh! Huh!!!"

In such a high-intensity battle, in just a few minutes, Mihawk was breathing heavily, and Lin Feng was no better. He had to face Hancock and Blackbeard, which was more intensive than Mihawk’s consumption, but wearing Above perfection, Lin Feng's resilience and self-healing power are more than twice as strong as Mihawk!

"Go to hell!!"

The long knife in Lin Feng's hand suddenly broke out, and the violent long knife severely chopped off Mihawk's head. Mihawk roared, and the long knife in his hand blocked his head without hesitation, and the two knives collided violently. , Mihawk said sweetly, Lin Feng's move was completely useless and unskilled.


The two flew to the rear at the same time. Lin Feng swallowed the blood in his mouth abruptly, narrowed his eyes and used his body to resist the aftermath of Mihawk's attack. The price of this was that Lin Feng suffered more injuries in his body than Mihawk. Heavy one point.

Lin Feng's body turned into a flash of lightning and rushed forward again. The black beard grinned and released the power of darkness. Seeing Lin Feng and Mihawk did not mean to help, as for Hancock. , She herself deliberately released water to Lin Feng, if she could, she could not wait to make up for Mihawk to earn an assist, where would she go to help Mihawk.


Mihawk stared at Blackbeard fiercely, because here only he could block Lin Feng head-on, so it was him who confronted Lin Feng head-on, and Blackbeard resolved Lin Feng's lightning power according to the agreement.

Although he did a good job, no one could tell that Lin Feng focused all his energy on confronting him. As for the power of thunder and lightning, Lin Feng did not release much at all, and he could easily block the piggyback with the strength of the black beard. To help him, who knows that Blackbeard just stood by and watched the excitement. He didn't mean to come up and help him at all!

This caused Mihawk to provoke terrible anger. Facing a powerhouse of Lin Feng's level, he even beat Xiao Jiujiu in his heart, which is absolutely disgusting! !


Lin Feng's knife suddenly changed its direction in the air and moved the target of the kill to Blackbeard. Mihawk just wanted to go up to block Lin Feng, but remembering what Blackbeard had done, he snorted and his body still let the force go. After flying away, it didn't mean to stop at all.

"Asshole! Damn Lin Feng!!"

Seeing Lin Fengxiang killing himself, Blackbeard yelled. He was already paddling. Why don't you take the opportunity to attack Mihawk and beat yourself?

Facing Lin Feng rushing over, Blackbeard only symbolically releases a dark force, and then pulls away and retreats to fight Lin Feng head-on. Indeed, only Mihawk can do it, even the proud Blackbeard does not want it. Faced with Lin Feng. ..