Chapter 205: Human untrustworthy

"Xiong Tuo, don't worry too much. Since humans have captured the prince, they will certainly not put the prince in danger.

But our next battle will be a little passive. "

It was Hong Tianhu who was speaking, and he recognized his current position.

It was impossible to return to the human territory, so the orcs he planned to go to trusted.

"Huh, human, when is it your turn to speak here."

Xiong Tuo has a natural aversion to humans, if not for Zaku with Hong Tianhu.

He had already killed Hong Tianhu.


Hong Tianhu's face became a little gloomy, but he did not have a seizure, but chose to bear it.

When Xiong Tuo is not paying attention, his eyes become bloodthirsty and sharp.

"Xiong Tuo sent a hunter, and the prince must not be hurt."

Zagu's gloomy voice finally came.

"Report, we found His Royal Highness, who is hanging outside the human camp at this time."

A soldier came in to report.

"What, take me to see."

It was also getting dark at this time, and the orc army was not far from Xu Tianyu's camp.

Moreover, Xu Tianyu had already arranged the scene. In the eyes of the orcs, Reese was dropped on a railing outside the camp.

There are torches all around, even in the dark, Rhys can be taken care of clearly.

There are also soldiers patrolling around from time to time. It can be said that the chance of rescue is very difficult.

"Huh, what a human being."

Seeing such a scene, Xiong Tuo angrily glanced at Hong Tianhu next to him.

Then go to prepare, the hunters are the assassins of the orc army, they are members of the wolf tribe.

The movement speed is exploding, and he is good at acting in the dark.

"Master Zagu, do we attack at night?"

Xiong Tuo respectfully stood in front of Zaku.

"Well, hit the human camp head-on, and then give the time hunter to rescue the prince."

"At the moment the prince was rescued, he killed all human beings for me."

"Master Zaku, where is Hong Tianhu?"

"Humans cannot be trusted."

After Xiong Tuo understood, he nodded and left.

It was late at night, and the orc army began to move.

As for Xu Tianyu's camp, he had already guessed the movement of the orcs.

Coupled with enough rest during the day, the soldiers are now full of energy and full of energy.

"We went according to plan. First, we sent people to leave first. After my dragon armour is broken, we can fight the first wave with the orcs.

Because the orcs want to save the prince, the first wave of offensive is definitely the weakest, and we can earn a wave of heads before leaving.

After I gave the order, no matter what the situation is, we must leave. When we leave, we will be embarrassed.

Then, if we don’t want to leave food for the orcs, we have to set fire to burn the food.

Of course, don't burn too much, or our plan will not be too successful. "


Xu Tianyu helped them get acquainted with the plan once, and everyone was gearing up, waiting for action.

"Remember that the first group to leave was Susan and Qing Kunna, and Rex. You are taking away your family members, and the guards, know?

"Ah, why did I leave in the first batch."

Rex was a bit dissatisfied. He still wanted to kill the orcs. It seemed that there was no chance now.

"The strength of your direct subordinates, don't you have any compelling points?"

Powell said he was very happy, of course he had to jump out and brush his presence.

"Powell, your guard is not as good as my domestic slave. What qualifications do you have to tell me about this sentence."

Rex said he was very angry and unwilling.