Chapter 1224: The warehouse can't fit

"Ding, your copper ore on the domain network platform has been sold, remember to check it."

"Ding, your iron ore on the domain network platform has been sold, remember to check it."

"Ding, your Hei Yao ore on the domain network platform has been sold, remember to check it."


Ximen Tianhai, has not yet reacted, has been directly bombarded by the system's prompts.

Then Ximen Tianhai, with a flushed face, confirmed all the transactions.

"Boom, boom..."

Then not far away, wood fell continuously.

Now not to mention that it is to build a city lord's mansion, even if it is to build the entire general city, it is enough.

Ximen Tianhai was excited, and quickly asked the miners to build the house.

He has been fed up with the feeling of sleeping in style these days.

Simultaneously, Ximen Tianhai was also curious to open the domain network platform. He wanted to see who had pulled him at this critical time.

"Tianyu City? Did you actually buy a ship? Unfortunately, it was traded with gold coins."

Ximen Tianhai was disappointed. If he traded ore, he could go fishing with a fishing boat, and he could get some relief in food.

"Or, talk to each other."

When Ximen Tianhai's thought came out, there was no way to suppress it.

The other party was able to purchase so many ore, obviously because of his lack of ore, and the ore is precisely what he has the most now.

Maybe you can ask the other party to change the price and use ore instead of money.

Just do it when he thinks of it, Ximen Tianhai, without hesitation, directly sent a message to the lord of Tianyu City through the domain network rooftop.

At this time Xu Tianyu was arranging work with the White Demon.

"Master, the ore has been received, but now the warehouse can no longer fit it."

"How many? Then I will get two warehouses out, anyway, it will be useful in the future."

Xu Tianyu said indifferently, he just bought and bought it was enjoyable, and he really didn't check how many tons of ore he bought in detail.

"Master, if you are building a warehouse, there will be a discrepancy with our previous plan. Maybe now we need to expand the area of ​​the outer city of Tianyu."

"What, I remember back then, but according to the standard of 1,000 acres of land, there is no place for the construction of the city so soon?" Xu Tianyu was taken aback, how many ore he got, he couldn't put it on a thousand acres of land. ?

"No, the outer city was planned before. In addition to houses, barracks, and docks, there are many possible functional buildings. Of course, warehouses are also under planning, but we only planned five warehouses."

"Now it's full of ore. I just built one again. The place has become very small. So if you want to build a warehouse again, you may need to place it outside the city and start expanding the city."

"Can you tell me how much ore I got?"

Xu Tianyu asked strangely. In addition to seeing the trade of one ton of iron ore for one ton of wood at the beginning, he started buying and buying frantically. Now that he saw that he took it for granted, the ore behind must be even more expensive. Cheap.

"There are five kinds of ore, iron ore is the most, three warehouses are filled, it is expected to exceed 10,000 tons, copper ore and silver ore, there is about the number of warehouses, black ore ore is similar to iron ore, and finally There are still a few gold mines."

When talking about the gold mine, the White Demon said with a smile.

"Because we have been short of gold coins recently, I have asked people to cast gold mines into gold coins."