Chapter 1308: Skeleton General

However, after Xiao Bone upgraded to level ten, it seemed that he was no longer interested in the bones on the ground, and began to concentrate on killing the enemy, working hard to improve his experience.

The fusion function has stopped directly.

Xu Tianyu knew that the bones of the skeleton soldiers no longer met the needs of small bones.

However, Xu Tianyu didn't stop Xiao Bone. He knew that there must be more powerful white bone creatures in Island One. Now he only needs to kill the slow skeleton soldiers.

The player who killed the skeleton beside Xu Tianyu was a little embarrassed when he saw Xiaogu's killing method.

It is too fast, Xiao Bone likes to catch a skeleton soldier, and then a sweep, basically all the skeleton soldiers within the attack range will become powder.

A spike, a very spike.

Moreover, the small bones didn't know what is called fatigue, so when the player changed one batch to another, the small bones that killed too much, finally attracted the attention of the higher skeletons.

General Skeleton.

That's right, a skeleton general riding a bone horse stared at the small bone.

However, he was transformed by Xu Tianyu since he was born, and now with Xu Tianyu's command, there is no possibility of Xiaogu at all.


The two creatures came head-to-head, but there was no small bone of the horse, and it was not the reload of the Skeleton General at all, and they flew out directly, not knowing how many skeleton soldiers were killed.

Moreover, the small bone had an arm, which was shattered by the impact.

But when the ossicles stood up again, the arm was about to recover.

Xu Tianyu knew that this was the ability to regenerate the broken limbs of the ossicles.

However, General Kuluo was still able to stand up when he saw Xiao Bone. He was very dissatisfied, and rushed over with his horse.

This time, Xiao Gu had learned well, and instead of head-on, he just avoided and attacked his side.

Although the effect is not bad, the spear in the hands of General Skeleton does a lot of harm to the bones.

However, just when Xu Tianyu was about to help, suddenly Xiao Bone's arm flew out directly, and the target was General Skeleton's head.

Suddenly, it was obviously unexpected by General Skeleton. The other party was pierced through the head by Xiao Bone's arm without reacting at all.

Finally, the whole body fell directly from the back of the bone horse to the ground.

"Bone spur skills?"

Xu Tianyu thought of the skills in the small bone skill bar. Originally, Xu Tianyu thought that bone spurs were just a melee skill, but he did not expect it to be a long-range attack.

Xiao Bone was also very excited about killing General Skeleton. He ran over and directly attached General Skeleton's spear to himself.

Even more, he pulled out a lot of bones from General Skeleton and replaced them with his own.

Obviously, the bones on General Skeleton are better than those of Skeleton. Finally, Skeleton turned directly on his horse and became the second Skeleton General, but he was even more powerful than the previous Skeleton General.

Skeleton soldiers, who were not opponents of Small Bone, are now a waste. Small Bone rides on a horse, and can clear an area in one rampage.

Such an existence obviously attracted the attention of other skeleton generals, and they rushed over, preparing to hunt down such an arrogant existence as Xiao Bone.

However, how could the small bone that had been successfully replaced by the shotgun be hit by the opponent again.

Directly challenged two skeleton generals one by one, and even fought with ease, the players around were a little ashamed.