Chapter 1836: Blew

"Black God, you are crazy, you actually used half of your body to melt like this."

Jiaolong said in surprise.

The Flood Dragon was right. The Black God directly gave up half of his body and turned the surrounding sand into metal, directly isolating the Flood Dragon from contact with the earth.

"Really? Jiaolong, your body is fused together by me. You can't run away. If you choose to surrender to me, I can save your life."

The Black God laughed and said, Jiaolong was startled, and he found that his body wrapped around the Black God had slowly lost its sensitivity.

"Asshole, what you want from the beginning is my body." Jiaolong said in surprise.

"Haha, you guessed it, I have used many methods to isolate you from the power of the earth, the last thing I want is fusion, to metalize your body directly, could it be your rough seduction, if it weren't for me I really think I’m stupid, have I been fooled?”

Black God said with a big smile.

Xu Tianyu, who was listening, was also a little surprised. Hei Shen, the iron lump, has become refined. Is his brain so good?

However, the corner of his mouth curled up in the next moment. What he wanted was two keys. Now that both sides are hurting, it would be even better.

"Ah, Black God, do you think this can defeat me? You want to assimilate me, you dream."

"Mud entanglement."

The soil rolled, and then flew up, entwining the two arms of the Black God, and then slowly solidified and turned into a reef, fixing the arms of the Black God in the air.

"Soil gun violence"

Countless javelins appeared again, and all the attacks were to greet the black god.

The Black God was helpless, the Flood Dragon attacked too fast, the only thing he could do was to close his eyes.


A round of explosions, smoke and dust flying all over the sky.

"The soil gun exploded."

Jiaolong didn't mean to stop at the slightest, he knew very well that taking a little attack would never cause fatal damage to the Black God.


After a dozen or so rounds of bombardment, the Jiaolong stopped panting, consuming so much spiritual energy in one breath, even his demigod couldn't hold it.

But when the smoke slowly dissipated, Jiaolong's face suddenly became ugly.

"Black God, you are crazy, you actually blew yourself up."

I saw the black **** who was riddled with holes, and his body was shrinking with terrifying light.

And Jiaolong wanted to escape, but his body was half fused by the Black God, and it was impossible to leave.


He was able to gather a defensive shield in front of him, but the shield was directly broken in the next moment.

"Haha, the dragon is useless, wait for death."

"Ah, Black God, you must not die."


A huge explosion sounded, and even Xu Tianyu, who was standing in the distance, felt a wave of air drag him away.

How terrible is the self-destruction of the demigod? Seeing the two peaks razed to the ground in front of him, he understood.

A huge pit appeared in the sand, and the huge bodies of the Black God and Flood Dragon were gone.

Xu Tianyu ran desperately, and although he blew himself up, he knew that the key was definitely not that easy to destroy.

But as he approached the pothole, he stopped, quickly hid to the side, and looked down in surprise.

The Black God and Flood Dragon, who should have been destroyed, were still alive.

However, the black god's body shrank countless times, and the height could only reach Xu Tianyu's waist.

And the dragon has also become a small snake with no arm thickness.

However, the keys they carried were still shining brightly.