Chapter 1400

Wu Liang was dumbfounded. He originally thought that there was a ten thousand year old rice dumpling in the ancient tomb, but after listening to his tone, it seemed that he was still alive?

how can that be?

Since ancient times, it has been extremely rare for strong people to live for more than a thousand years. They often need special racial talents, and the human race has a shorter lifespan.

This ancient tomb has been tens of thousands of years at least, and the people inside are still alive?

This is completely to overthrow the common sense in the practice world. Once it is spread, it will definitely cause an uproar in the world.

At the same time, there was excitement in his eyes, could this be his great opportunity?

If you can gain longevity...

Just thinking about this idea makes me happy.

Prince Jinwu's complexion changed drastically. He is still young at this time, and he still has a long lifespan. Longevity is not that urgent for him. On the contrary, if his father really lives forever, wouldn't he want to be a prince forever?

It was such a painful realization that the soon-to-be-obtained position of Demon Emperor flew away.

Contrary to him, the Demon Emperor's eyes instantly became hot: "Why did you live so long?"

But after all, he is not an ordinary person, so he quickly forced himself to calm down: "What do you want?"

"Sure enough, he is a smart person," the voice chuckled, "then just listen to me patiently."

Prince Jinwu hastily said to the Yaohuang: "Father, be careful of fraud. This person has tried his best to keep us here. I don't know what kind of trap he has set up. I think we should go to other places to explore, so as not to be caught by Zaan and the others." Get a head start."

The Demon Emperor was a little hesitant when he heard the words, that kid Zaan had too many secrets, and he was the first person he couldn't see through for so many years, maybe the other party might really get some chance first.

At this time, a joking voice came from the ancient tomb: "It seems that your son doesn't want you to live forever. It's no wonder that things like this in the royal family are too common."

The Demon Emperor's eyes became sharp all of a sudden, and he stared at Prince Jinwu firmly.

In fact, he could hear that these were words of sowing discord, but at his age, he cared too much about longevity. Once people cared too much about something, they would become blind.

Prince Jinwu hastily explained: "Father, don't listen to his nonsense, I absolutely dare not have such thoughts."

The Demon Emperor snorted: "Listen to what he has to say before making any plans."

After what just happened, Prince Jinwu didn't dare to say anything, but he scolded this ancestor who didn't know how many generations to death in his heart.

"That's right," the person in the ancient tomb laughed, "After talking for so long, I still don't know your names."

The Demon Emperor frowned. There are some sorcerers in the world, and they can often use a person's name as a bait to plot against the other party. However, such things as birth date and hair and nails on the body are needed. As long as you take good care of the latter, you won't be troubled by him. : "You can call me Demon Emperor."

Prince Jinwu said: "My name is Prince Jinwu." Wu Liang opened his mouth: "My name is..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by the person in the ancient tomb: "Everyone speaks so loudly that they don't even have names, but they only use titles."

Wu Liang closed his mouth a few times, and couldn't help being very depressed. He dared not consider himself a human being in the eyes of the other party.

Hey, that's right, the Jinwu clan is reminiscing about the old days, why should I join in the fun.

The Demon Emperor said coldly: "Our family has been like this since ancient times. Only the most distinguished status is eligible to be replaced by titles."

"Well, say what you want," the voice seemed a little disdainful, but it didn't bother with it, "My name is Dan Zhu, and my title is Emperor Dan Zhu!"

There was a hint of arrogance in his tone.

The Demon Emperor was a little disdainful: "Emperor? Listen to what you said, you probably haven't been emperor for a few years, how can He De use this title."

That voice: "..."

After a long time, he let out a long sigh: "You are right, I am indeed a waste, hahaha~"

Hearing that his voice was a little crazy, the Demon Emperor was worried that he would miss his own affairs by going crazy, and hurriedly asked: "Since you are the successor of the previous emperor, why are you easily usurped?"

Hearing this, the voice returned to normal, replaced by strong hatred: "Because the one who usurped the throne is also from the royal family, his name is Shun, and his ancestors were also emperors."

"Many, many generations ago, we had a common ancestor named the Yellow Emperor. Later, the Yellow Emperor flew into the sky and passed the throne to his son Shaohao, who is the ancestor of our generation and is honored as the White Emperor."

The Demon Emperor's heart moved: "What do you mean by Feitian, did you die?"

The voice sneered and said: "Ignorance, of course, literally means that it has ascended to the fairy world."

The Demon Emperor's eyes became wild all of a sudden: "Is there really a fairy in this world?"

Although he is honored as an Earth Immortal by the people of the world, no matter how powerful he is, he is still an Earth Immortal, far from a real Immortal by a thousand miles.

But for tens of thousands of years, all kinds of amazingly talented monks have emerged one after another, but none of them have truly become immortals. Later, everyone even doubted the realm of cultivation, and the highest is the earth immortal.

The Demon Emperor had been trapped in the realm of the Earth Immortal for so many years, and at first he had the same doubts. In the last few years of his life, he had a faint feeling that the Earth Immortal should not be the upper limit, but if he went any further, he had no clue at all.

So now hearing that someone in ancient times could ascend, how could one not be excited.

"What's the fuss about this? There are too many people ascending. For example, Di Jun, the father of the ancestor of your Jinwu clan, also ascended to the heavens, so he passed the throne to my father." The voice snorted, as if there was a kind of A strong sense of superiority.

"What's going on with Ascension..." The Demon Emperor couldn't bear it any longer, and asked a lot of doubts about his practice.

The voice interrupted him impatiently: "Now you are not asking me, but listening to me."

Hearing about Feisheng from him, the Demon Emperor's attitude towards him has obviously changed: "Please tell me!" It's worth it... ah bah bah bah, I don't want to die.

At this time, the voice from the ancient tomb continued: "After Emperor Bai ascended to the throne, his son should have taken over the throne, but his nephew Zhuanxu robbed him of the throne, and Zhuanxu was called Emperor Xuan by the world. Since then, too much love and hatred have occurred between the two bloodlines of Emperor Bai and Emperor Xuan..."

"Emperor Xuan reigned for many, many years. After he left, the throne was also seized by his nephew. His nephew is from the lineage of our Baidi, that is, Di Jun, the father of the ancestor of your Jinwu clan. Di Jun later Pass the throne to his son Di Zhi, but his reign is very short, and he will soon give up the throne to his younger brother Yao, who is also my father, Emperor Yao."

"The world has been peaceful for so many years. Later, various disasters occurred everywhere, such as droughts, floods, and various terrifying beasts ravaging the world. My father had to appoint a large number of men to deal with these problems."

"And there are many descendants of Xuandi Zhuanxu, such as Gun, Shun... Because Emperor Xuan has been away for many years, his descendants have always been very peaceful, so my father relaxed his vigilance and gave them too much power. These people took advantage of the opportunity to grow up, and Gun was the most powerful among them. But Shun was always obedient, so with his help, my father killed Gun on Yushan, and his body sank into Yuyuan. "

The faces of the Yaohuang and the others changed, thinking that Yuyuan might be the place where his group came in.

"But I never thought that Shun was a wolf with ambition. Without Gun's check and balance, his power could no longer be controlled. In the end, he took advantage of my father's retreat and made a surprise plot to seal him up."

"At first, I was kept in the dark, thinking that my father had ascended to heaven. It wasn't until he respected me as emperor on the surface, and then quickly deposed me with some trumped-up charges, that I realized his wolf ambition."

The Demon Emperor secretly sneered, this guy is also stupid enough, he only came to his senses at that time, but now that he is asking for something, it is not easy to say too serious: "You told me this, what do you want me to do for you? "

"Smart!" The voice was a little more excited, "I need you to help me lift my father's seal!"


Many records about ancient times in history regard Di Ku and Di Jun, one of the five emperors, as the same person, but I don’t think they are the same person. Di Jun should be the god of the eastern race (such as those of Dongyi), but later Dongyi Conquered by the Yellow Emperor's clan in the Central Plains, many legends were mixed together. For their own purposes, later generations of Confucianism put many things about Emperor Jun on Emperor Ku.

Of course, for the sake of simplification, this novel is still treated as a person.

In addition, it depends on how you understand the Zen teachings in ancient times. Some people think that the same thing is voluntary and beautiful, but some people see it from another angle, but it is full of conspiracy.

Anyway, this novel is a fictional story, everything is designed for plot conflicts, please don't take it seriously.