Chapter 54

"Mom, I'm back."

The girl opened the door and shouted. There was a quarrel from her parents in the room.

It doesn't matter to her parents whether she comes back or whether she has had dinner.

My father was paralyzed in bed. Although he could move for a while, he could not do anything else except that he could barely go to the toilet on the spittoon.

Mother goes out to set up an early stall every day.

It is reasonable to say that the atmosphere of their family should be as many TV reports and newspapers have published,

poor, tough,

but without losing the warmth and harmony of their family.

I should also do well in my study and strive for my parents.

But maybe fairy tales are a minority after all. There is a big difference between my home and the similar reports I have seen before.

His father was paralyzed at home, but he failed to cultivate himself. He was very grumpy. Especially for his mother who worked outside every day, he often scolded and said that her mother had a man and a lover outside.

It's a j product to say that mother is shameless.

Mother always quarrels with father, then father will fall and roar.

This man's strength for the rest of his life may have been spent lying in bed swearing.

But I can't fully sympathize with my mother, because the little jewelry and some clothes that my mother occasionally wears are definitely not the kind that my mother would buy;

and once she was in the hotel with her boyfriend, she met her mother and another man who should have gone into the same Hotel.

At that time, the two people almost walked into the same elevator. If she didn't react faster, she told her boyfriend that she would go to the bathroom first, and a terrible embarrassment would be born.

It's a fragmented home,

it looks like it's stormy, in fact, it's leaking everywhere.

She didn't know why her mother didn't divorce her father. She didn't know why she didn't have a little self-knowledge as a father who lost his ability to earn money or even do housework in bed.

In a word,

habitually opens the door with the key,

habitually hears the parents' quarrel,

habitually walks into his small room in the attic,

habitually pours himself a glass of cold water,

habitually opens his latest Apple notebook,

habitually takes out the gentle makeup remover he just bought,

habitually opens it The beauty blogger video that I often watch,

log in to Zhihu habitually.

That's her life, and that's how she's doing now.

College entrance examination, for her, has long been an unreachable dream, because her performance is too poor, poor to their own despair.

She regrets that she shouldn't say her head teacher violated herself for tens of thousands of yuan in junior high school.

At that time, the mother was very excited, and the father was very excited. After saying this, the mother didn't go out to set up a stall for a few days, called several relatives, and carried the paralyzed father to the school gate on a stretcher.

The husband and wife wept bitterly,

they were sad and miserable,

reporters came to hear the news, like a blood shark.

Morality and ethics, lack of human nature,

are often the favorite hot spots of journalists at present, because it will not trample on the line and the risk is extremely low, but the hot spot effect that can be harvested is enormous.

In a word, the trend of

that event made her unexpected.

At first, she just wanted more pocket money to buy clothes.

His head teacher and Chinese teacher, who knows his family's situation, has also helped him a little. He even pays some tuition fees in advance.

Occasionally, Ren's mother would invite herself to her home for dinner.

Mr. Ren is not married yet,

plus she often goes to his office and home to run,

does give a lot of people a chance to catch up with the wind and shadow.

Gossip had existed before she exposed herself, but at that time, she didn't care.

Although, she also heard.

In one time she secretly went to the bar to play, on the way out by the teacher ran into, the teacher was indifferent to her down, he seemed very disappointed, to himself.

His mother didn't call her to eat anymore,

he didn't even pay some tuition fees in advance,

he didn't help himself,

this made her very angry.

Then she threatened to go to the teacher and ask for money. She needed money. She needed money to buy lipstick, clothes and groceries.

But the teacher refused her, even if she threatened to expose it.

Even now, she thinks that the head teacher in her middle school is really a scholar.At that time, he even knocked on the table and shouted: "justice is free of people."


is it true?

After the incident started,

he was directly suspended by the school.

The huge pressure from the public opinion finally broke him down.

He fought back angrily,

made a long reply on the Internet,

said "there is too much for you",

even if she was only a middle school student at that time, she was just a learning slag, at that time, you can see that the teacher's reply was pale and powerless.

Although it seems to have a strong voice, a noble and upright spirit, not afraid of rumors.

But in the eyes of outsiders, it's a dead duck with a stiff tongue. He thinks he's right. He wants to muddle through by relying on his identity as a teacher.

The teacher has taught Chinese all his life, and has taught a group of students how to write a good composition, but his "composition" is not good.

What the outside world and public opinion want to see is not his style, but his "Lu Xun" style of retort and irony with a voice thrown at the ground stimulates the nerves of the outside public opinion.


are we all wrong?

Just you wise?

No way.

Then, it's more aggressive.

Now, when a star is involved in a scandal, he has to ask a public relations company to deal with it in various ways.

If it's just a matter of reason and facts, if things are so simple,

then most public relations companies will starve to death.

At that time, a message was dug out that an uncle of the teacher was the section chief of the local education bureau.

A very small section chief, over 50 years old, usually abides by morality. He is also an old scholar who likes to study psychology. Therefore, his interpersonal relationship is very poor. He is 50 years old and has no chance to rise again.

But the outside world for this news, only a short sentence title: Animal teacher background unveiling!

Everything, it's going to explode.

People indulge in their "anger" and feel that they are fighting with the dark forces and the powerful people in the world,

the media are gaining traffic and exposure to their heart's content,

this is a feast set off by her.

Finally, the teacher in the teaching upstairs jump, into the end.

At the beginning, the school paid tens of thousands of yuan to its family to help people recover their normal teaching, and also made a "final conclusion" for this incident.

How can you lose money if you don't feel guilty?


After learning that the teacher died,

she suffered all night and then regretted for a month.

It's a painful night because she still has conscience;

unfortunately, for a month, she found that if she waited until she went to university and came back in this way, she could make more profits, such as insurance research, such as more compensation.

I took my wallet out of my pocket. It's the girl named Lin Yi. She's my classmate.

There's a lot of cash in the wallet and a lot of VIP cards.

There was a wry smile on the corner of her mouth: Oh, the rich.

Rich bitch.

Then she took out the five thousand yuan in her pocket and put it into the small locked drawer. She thought that she had a good harvest today. In fact, she had received many donations after that, all of which were split half by herself and her parents.

After removing her makeup and washing her head,

She reopens the web page,

logs in to Zhihu,

today, she is ready to write about her day's life.

For example, she has a brother-in-law who runs a bookstore, for example, she has a sister who is a doctor, for example, she has a father who runs a pharmaceutical company and once worked as a hospital director.

She wrote that today, a classmate who had been violated by a teacher but was actually a green tea bitch lost her wallet. She despised her in her heart, but still took 5000 yuan from her brother-in-law to her.

Because five thousand yuan, for her, is just a small change of pocket money every month.

Take pity on this green tea bitch.

She has a large number of fans who pay attention to her news. As soon as she sends a message, many people come to reply and praise her. She likes this feeling. Here, she finds her new life.

Even, sometimes she can't distinguish the virtual reality of the Internet from the real one.

She thinks she is Lin Yi.

Of course, some people satirize that she despises the poor because of her rich family and good conditions.

She replied calmly: who are?

She closed the computer, ready to rest, stay up late, is the natural enemy of women, she needs to maintain their own, their own leather bags, it seems that their parents left them with real value.

She went to the bathroom and washed.

The quarrel between parents is still going on. The father is throwing glasses and scolding his mother. The mother scolds him for being a coward. Why don't you die quickly,It's a man's duty to find a car to lie down on the road and pay for his family.

She smiled and went back to her bedroom after washing.

When I opened the door,

I found that there was a man sitting on my bed,

a man,

a man was smoking, and the ashes were shaken in the cover of a skin care product I just bought.

For a while, she didn't know how to face the man.

Originally, her closed notebook was reopened by the man,

the man was looking at his reply on Zhihu.


lasted for about three minutes.

"What are you going to do?" she asked, trembling at last

She knows him. She just met Lin Yi's brother-in-law who runs a bookstore.

Zhou Ze put cigarette butts in her skincare products,

she took a cigarette at the corner of her mouth. That one, which is very expensive, was bought after she accompanied an old man once.

Zhou Ze looked at her with a smile,

and then said seriously:

"pay back the money."