Chapter 300

After eating the ice powder, he went back to the bookstore and took a shower habitually. When he went upstairs, he opened the bedroom door and found that Yingying was changing the bed sheets.

The little girl squatted at the bedside, carefully inlaid the corner of the bed sheet, and then slowly smoothed it, making it very careful and thoughtful.

Zhou Ze didn't go in either. After all, it's just midnight now. The normal business time of the study is at night. He, the boss, can't go back to sleep first.

It's special to go to zhouze, where his employees are rich one by one. If they don't do business, they will still enjoy the hot and spicy food. On the contrary, they have to drink the hot and Western food.

I went to the next room to see Lao Xu. He was still in a coma. After recovering these days, he looked like he was asleep.

If it wasn't for his nails that he still had some discomfort and was afraid of misoperation, Zhou Ze really wanted to wake him up.

Sleep, sleep, sleep,

just know to sleep,

don't go to work,

think it's great to have more than 20 Suites?

Think there are more than 20 Suites in this life can not stop sleeping in?

What if the price falls?

Thinking about it,

Zhou Ze shakes his head,


it seems unlikely in case.

Out of the room, aisle location, there is a large glass box, there is a potted plant.

Originally, this potted plant was put in Laodao's room. Before, Laodao also slept in a room with the Deacon. Later, Laodao moved it out by himself.

The reason is that when sleeping at night,

Lao Dao can always hear the sound of flowers blooming.

If it's just one time, this experience can be said to be very beautiful, and scholars and poets can write poems and lyrics for it;

but according to the old saying, the goods open all night, open and close, close and open and close again, so when you sleep, it's like someone is tearing countless pieces of paper in front of you.

Any good thing you experience a lot, will not feel any more interesting.

At night, the potted plants are placed in the corridor, and during the day, they are placed on the balcony of the room on the second floor to let it fully bask in the sun.

After that night, Zhou Ze began to look at the state of the dead man and thought that he would wriggle slowly and then recover slowly. Now it seems that he thought too simply. Under the big glass box, there is almost a puddle of sticky mud. Several big lotus leaves and a fist sized flower have grown the height of the glass box.


really can't grow back?

Zhou Ze is also a little uncertain. Who told little monkey to do nothing to sow seeds for his head here.

Pick up the glucose around him, Zhou Ze poured some water into the glass box, and Hua Guduo even shook Zhou Ze, as if thanking Zhou Ze for flattering him.


Zhou Ze showed a smile on the corner of his mouth and reached out to touch the flower.

When Zhou Ze's hand reached out, it opened first and then closed quickly, as if he wanted to bite Zhou Ze's hand off.

Zhou Ze didn't avoid, but let the flower wrap its palm.


the tingling did not come, but the palm, especially the fingertip, seemed to be wrapped in a warm current, which was very comfortable.

After a few minutes, the petals opened again,

Zhou Ze returned to his hand, and found that his hand was full of viscous white liquid, sending out bursts of strange fragrance. The position of the little thumb that had broken his fingernail was now itching, which was a sign of granulation.

Reach out and take a picture on the lotus leaf. Thank you.

Zhou Ze turned to go downstairs while looking at his hand. Although boss Zhou has a habit of cleanliness, he also knows that these liquids on his hand can't be wiped now.

A mosquito flies past the entrance of the corridor. When it is near the glass box,

huaguduo suddenly grows two meters. It jumps up and opens the petals to make the mosquito "in the mouth". Then it shrinks back again.


"Boss, talk about it. Go to his house in three days."

Lao Dao comes to report to Zhou Ze.

Zhou Ze nodded. Lao Dao asked for his advice. Zhou Ze agreed before.

"Boss, what's the matter with the fingerprint on that guy's back?"

"Maybe it's the ghost on the road. I was patted on the shoulder by the ghost and asked the way."

"Big question?"

"It's just a ghost mark. He doesn't show any signs of being haunted by ghosts. The whole person looks normal. It shouldn't be a big problem.

In this world, there are few people who have been harmed by ghosts, but there are many people who have accidentally run into ghosts. However, the latter has nothing to do with it. After all, the ghosts that can harm people are the minority. ""I hope it's OK. What a nice young man."

Although the young city manager's "high mouth" scared the old Taoist priest's back several times, his starting point and heart were really good.

"I find you've been a little fraternal lately." Zhou Ze said with a smile.

For the sake of a stranger, please go to his home and do things together.

human relationship, although it can't be clearly marked, no one can deny its value.

"Now the mentality is different. If you can help one, you should accumulate virtue for yourself."

"Your thought is very dangerous. It's usually before you die that you will have such a change of mind."

Zhou Ze reached out and patted Lao Dao on the shoulder.

Lao Dao shivered with fear.

"Boss, don't you have such a scary one?"

"It's OK, don't be nervous. Anyway, when you go to hell, it's like going back to your own home. I promise I can deliver it to you comfortably."


Lao Dao doesn't know whether he should say thank you or not.


A loud muffled sound came from outside the bookstore.

Zhou Ze turned around and saw that a bus had already driven to the sidewalk outside. A fire pump was also cracked and began to spray water. There were people screaming across the street.

"A car accident?" Said the old man.

"Take a look."

Out of the bookstore, Zhou Ze saw a girl lying on the side of the road. The girl fell to the ground. There were several bleeding places on her body. There were several wounded people sitting on the ground nearby.

The bus driver got off the bus and was in a hurry to make a phone call.

Out of the instinct of a doctor in his last life, Zhou Ze took the initiative to walk over and first looked at the girl lying on the ground almost in a semi coma, because her injury seemed to be the most serious.

There is obvious trauma in the position of head, chest and thigh. The opening of the head is relatively large, and it is also suspected that there may be fracture in the body.

"Boss, are you ok?" Lao Dao follows.

"Take the car and take it to the hospital." Zhou Ze said.

"Oh, yes."

Zhou Ze raised his head. There is a camera here. The incident should have been recorded.

Lao Dao drives the newly repaired Nissan out, Zhou Ze puts the girl in the car and Lao Dao drives.

Zhou Ze said that he would take another driving test with Lao Dao. Lao Dao went to take the test, but Zhou Ze didn't.

"Which hospital?" Lao Dao asked.

"The nearest one."

The old road drove to a private hospital,



is Lin's hospital.

Zhou Ze didn't contact Dean Lin. after the car drove into the hospital emergency building, he shouted a few times. Soon a nurse and a doctor came out with a stretcher car and pushed the girl into the emergency room. After finishing these

, Zhou Zegen's old way smoked on the side of the flower garden. After about two hours, the sound of high heel shoes rang, and then came the familiar perfume.

"You sent them?" Dr. Lin asked.

Zhou Ze nodded.

"You bumped it?"

"There was a car accident at the door of the store. The bus was responsible for the accident. We learned to do a good job." Lao Dao explained at once.

"Open rib fracture, hemopneumothorax, spleen rupture, we several departments joint consultation, after the diagnosis directly sent to the operating room, now the operation is just over, very successful, the girl has been out of the danger of illness."

"Do you need to cover the medical expenses first?" Lao Dao asked.

It costs money to go to the hospital. I always know that.

Zhou Ze shook his head.

Lao Dao nodded his head and secretly said that his hospital was roaring!

Lin wanqiu smiled, "the cause of the accident is the bus, so all the medical expenses will be paid by them, and the victims don't need to spend a penny on medical expenses.

Of course, in this case, we are implementing zero cost registration, emergency examination and approval of all examinations, tests and drugs are treated first and then paid, so as to ensure the treatment as soon as possible.

After all, human life matters. "

At this time, a motorcycle drove to the hospital, directly bypassed the gate guard Pavilion, drove to the emergency building, and jumped down from above a middle-aged man in a T-shirt.

"Is my sister in there?" Asked the man.

Zhou Ze can hear the voice. It's him taking the girl's cell phone in the car. Well, the girl's cell phone is a fingerprint lock, so he directly takes her finger to open it.

"The operation was a success. Your sister is out of danger." Zhou Ze explained.

The other party glanced at Zhou Ze and ran into the hospital.

"Never say thank you." The old man is dissatisfied.

"Don't have a problem. When you fund poor students, you don't get the same treatment?"

“…………” Lao Dao."Go, you are busy."

Zhou Ze said goodbye to Dr. Lin, got back in the car, drove on the old road, and they went back to the bookstore together.

The bookstore was open until three o'clock in the morning. Business was not good tonight. Zhou Ze went upstairs to sleep with Yingying.

When Zhou zegang woke up at 10 o'clock the next day and went downstairs to wash himself in the bathroom,

he got up early and cleaned himself. The old Taoist who was sitting at the bar drinking tea suddenly called to Zhou zegang with his mobile phone:

"boss, look at this circle of friends."

Said, the old way came to take the initiative to send the mobile phone to Zhou Ze.

"Love: save my sister":

Tongcheng No.11 bus, a tragic car accident, a young girl in the flower season was severely damaged, her family was poor, and she was in urgent need of life saving money! "

"Well?" Zhou Ze Leng for a moment, asked: "yesterday's car accident?"

"yes, as like as two peas in the hospital, we have the hospital address, the ward number, the same.

The writer is the girl's brother.

Her brother said in the above: CT 30000, the family managed to gather 20000 hospitals and didn't do it;

the hospital only recognizes money and doesn't recognize people, now her sister is in urgent need of surgery and rescue,

it needs millions of medical expenses to return, I hope everyone can help his sister,

save his sister! "