Chapter 678

In the scene,

was a little embarrassed,

lawyer an put down his phone,

smiled in a friendly way,



so clever."

Zhou Ze shook his head and said nothing.

When lawyer an came to Zhou Ze, the two "YangGuo" stood side by side. The wind was strong in the mountain, and their empty sleeves were flying with the wind.

Zhou Ze suddenly thought it was a bit silly, so he deliberately stepped back.

At the same time, raise your hand and point forward, which means, you first.

In the absence of Lao Dao, there must be someone ahead.

Lawyer an nodded, then reached out and pointed forward.

The little boy rolled his eyes at the two one armed men and walked forward.


On one foot,

the rusty iron door fell.

They don't go to investigate, they don't go to play and sneak in. It's too tired and troublesome.

Just a few little bats and an old bat,

go straight in.

He left the host behind, and Zhou Ze and others followed the little boy.

That filial son,

Zhou Ze really can't help him,

he's a little silly, but he's really cute.

It's no wonder that ah Hong Hui has feelings for him. Of course, this is also because these guys don't belong to the category of ghosts. Even if we let a few fish out of the net, it will have no impact on Zhou Zelai's theory, and the cause and effect won't be counted as our own in the end.

As for who should be in charge of these people,

Zhou Ze really doesn't know. Anyway, the Yin Department doesn't have this business.

The area of the sanatorium is not large. There are only two buildings. The doors and windows are closed, and it seems that they haven't been opened for a long time.

However, when the public went in, they found a man with a black blanket sitting on the flat ground downstairs. The man had no hair and had a sick look on his face.

He seemed cold, curled up in a blanket, shivering.

"Just him?"

Lawyer Ann looked around.

"I regret it." The man under the blanket said, "I shouldn't have let them put me here. You've been so slow. I can't stand the cold. I'm afraid I'm frozen to death here before you come.

You don't need to find any more. I've let the other people out and told them not to come back.

They are all poor people, too.

After being infected by me, they didn't do anything harmful. "

The man's voice was hoarse, but not low, and he could feel his voice shaking. According to him, it was frozen.

"You know who we are?"

Lawyer an asked, pointing to himself.

The man shook his head and said, "guess, maybe it's from the country."

"Well..." Lawyer Ann.

Yingying goes to the next room and finds a chair for zhouze. Zhouze sits down on the chair and asks:

"we're here to ask you something. Don't be nervous. I've always been very kind-hearted and kind-hearted;

in this world, there are few enemies."

The man reached out of the blanket and a tablet fell to the ground. A video was playing on it. In the video, Zhou Ze killed the two vampires.

“…………” Zhou Ze.

Oh, it's embarrassing.

"I said, your blanket is not for keeping warm. I'll see what's in it."

Lawyer Ann stepped forward and reached for the blanket.

"What do you do, don't get hurt by me!!!!!!"

The man just blew up.

In fact, many people have this habit. When their emotions get out of control, they will often burst out their "mother tongue", that is, local dialect.

Lawyer an ignored each other's dissatisfaction and directly opened each other's blanket.


good guy,

no wonder to cover the blanket,

except that the head and hands and feet of this man are normal, the whole trunk has shrunk to an unimaginable extent.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!!"

The man shrieked and danced like a spider.

Lawyer an covered his blanket back, frowned, and said, "are you crazy about the practice of contractive Yang skill?"

The man was furious, but he just grabbed his blanket. It didn't look like a "grown-up" or a desperate patient.

Zhou Ze, who had worked in the hospital for ten years, had seen too many similar scenes."I have never killed or harmed anyone. They are all voluntary. I am helping them. I am helping them."

The man kept muttering.

"Well, what's the matter with those three guys?"

Zhou Ze asked.

"When we found out that you went to Xiaolin's house, I asked them to see the situation. Instead of letting them kill you, we just wanted to know who was investigating us.

We are afraid, we are really afraid, we are afraid to be treated as a source of infectious diseases, we are afraid, scared to death.

But, however, they are, you... "

They were killed by you.

"I just want to ask you if the zombies at the end of last century have anything to do with you?"

The man was stunned,

didn't answer,

but there was a look of expectation on his face,


"you are not here to solve us?"

"I'm not interested in you."

If it's a serious vampire, Zhou Ze is interested in studying it, or catching it to rebuild his "animal world".

But in front of him, including those infected by him,

Zhou Ze has no interest at all.

This can't be regarded as high imitation, low matching can't be regarded as high, it can only be defective.

"I'm not very patient. Can you live on and see how you perform?"

Zhou Ze lit a cigarette.

To be honest,

I thought I had to fight with a group of bats after entering the sanatorium. Who knows the final scene.

"That was more than 20 years ago, when I was a member of the archaeological team..."

"How could you be so familiar at the beginning? Hey, you're not going to recite tomb raiding novels?"

Lawyer an couldn't help joking.

"My name is Wu Chengguang, and I graduated from the Department of archaeology. At that time, I followed my tutor's team to carry out archaeological exploration in the area from funanhe to Qingchengshan. There were not many people, and the conditions were relatively poor at that time. The teacher just took five of our students.

Moreover, this time, I was only responsible for exploration, because there are many ancient tombs in Chengdu, but no matter how many, it is impossible to find them at will, but that time, there was a real discovery.

Just at the south foot of Qingcheng Mountain, my tutor found a steal hole.

We are all very excited. We think that our tutor is not famous in the industry. We have been eager to have a major archaeological discovery to increase our reputation.

So we violated the rules and didn't inform the above. Under the guidance of our tutor, we stole the hole first.

My tutor thought it was a stolen tomb, but who knows, when we go down the hole,

what we see,

is a closed door,

red paint, completely made of copper block, which is closed at an angle. Because of the thickness of the door, it can't be completely closed. Standing outside, it can even be as wide as a mobile phone You can see inside.

The tutor took a flashlight and took a picture forward. Since the door was not opened, we were ready to return home.

After all, if you want to open this door, you need a professional engineering team.

But just as we were about to leave,

a cloud of black fog suddenly appeared behind the Zhumen gate, and we were all covered in it.

Everyone fled together, worried about the poison in the black fog.

I was the first one to come out,

when I was ready to take over the second one, he pushed me to the ground directly, and then he began to scream wildly, covering his head and running in other directions.

Next up a few students are the same, they seem to have completely changed a person, directly rushed out.

Because the tutor is the oldest,

in normal times, people always flatter and ask for help when he is the tutor, but no one wants to let him escape, so he is the last one to come up.

But when he came up, he jumped at me directly and wanted to bite me!

I was thrown to the ground by him, picked up the stones around me and smashed them. My tutor was killed by me, with his head in bloom.

I'm scared to be silly.

because of killing people, I didn't dare to call the police. I even lived in seclusion in the mountain forest for a long time, about half a month. I really can't stand this kind of savage life. But I'm afraid that the police found the body of my tutor, and I'm afraid that I'm wanted, so I just stole the clothes of the residents living at the foot of the mountain I secretly went back to Chengdu.

I tried to contact my family, but found that I had died in my family's side. The cause of death was an archaeological accident. My family even had a funeral for me.

I found the place where my tutor used to store cultural relics, which only he and I knew. Because I helped him handle it, I took out the cultural relics and sold them for a lot of money. I found a place to live in Chengdu.Slowly, the zombie incident began to spread, it is said that many people were bitten, and then a lot of power was deployed to carpet search and capture.

I'm afraid because I have a hunch that those biting people may not be old zombies, but my classmates.

Because even I began to be interested in blood, but only duck blood and chicken blood, I only felt sick of human blood.

I think it may be because I was the first one to run out, so I am not deeply infected. My classmates and tutors are deeply infected and have lost their wits.

The next development is very conventional. Anyway, I have been living until now, and the effect of this disease is becoming more and more obvious. I haven't lost my mind, but my body has become this way. "

"Where is the tomb?"

Zhou Ze asked.

The man grinned, showing his black teeth, and said with a smile:

"it's in the middle of this sanatorium."

The man tilted his head,

"I have been guarding it until now.

But I've never had the courage to go on again. "