Chapter 834

There are some things that can't be forgotten. It's really a fear inherited from the blood. Generations after generations are engraved and spread. Time can make them dim, but it can't be completely erased.

at this time,

is in the depths of this soul.

is on this sea of the sea,

before this white bone continent,

appears before her in the face of the man,

Hao *,

recalls the fear of her ancestors being killed and cooking!

"Ah ah ah!!!!!!"

* Hao opened her mouth.

began to scream in terror.

shouted, but

was not afraid at all.

, because in this cry, was filled with too clear and obvious fear, which almost broke her hysteria.

Yinggou didn't speak. He just stood here and stood quietly;

the horrible pig head like a mountain has started to slack up.

It dare not move forward, dare not touch the scale of the man in front of it, dare not let the other side misunderstand it has a slightest sense of offence.

for a long time,

Hao * barely managed to calm her mind.

still buried her head.

hung down her eyes.

, the ancient beast,

seemed to be a piggy piggy.

The winning hook raises its hand,

"remember Have to I Come on... "

Take out home, do not take even, but also people take out their own mouth.

Rao is the boss Zhou who is behind him. He is speechless. He is too arrogant and lazy.

Hao * was not angry. He had no idea of anger even before he recognized the identity of the man.

At that time,

it seems that the ancestors of their own had a destiny,

that was to be the food that the owner of the sea of the netherworld would take and use at will,

even in his own sphere of influence, there was a giant like existence,

but when the hungry or the one who wanted to eat the taste, a sense came that the clan leaders of the

clan would come from Please bind yourself,

take the initiative to come to the deep sea of the nether world,


prepare your own cooking utensils,

make your own cooking.

It's humiliation,



but after a long time of humiliation, there will be no sense of humiliation anymore. It seems to be a ceremony. The sense of ceremony dilutes the sadness and brings intoxicating glory.

It seems that it is better to be the dish of Chinese food than the head of the ethnic group, which can make the young generation yearn for.

is just a pity that

, who love to eat Hao *, never puts their bones under his throne.

is simply because

is not qualified.

"It's you..."

Hao extremely carefully lifted his head,

* drew up the attention of 120000 points.

Rational thinking keeps telling it that the man in front of us has fallen. Even if he is not dead, he is no longer the terrorist.

It has nothing to be afraid of, really don't be afraid, even the other side needs to be afraid of themselves!


in most cases, the advantage of

perceptual thinking can crush the so-called rationality.

Especially when the winner says the next sentence:

"stay You One Tao Meaning Recognize... "

It's not easy for you to leave the seal and sneak into the Yangjian. It's encouragement to leave you with a sense.

For the rest,

just give it to me. Shed tears of gratitude. *

is more than "giving you a full corpse".

has made him feel very excited and almost grateful.

It's glory, glory, glory!

, it is the first one that can make this backward *!

"I have something to tell you."

Yinggou nods silently and signals the other side to go on.

"I'm not the only one coming up this time, but also the other two

"Yes Who... "

In turn,

the winning hook asks:

"OK Eat Do you... "

Hao bowed his head in a aggrieved way,

said, "

* I don't know."

Yinggou's eyes sank a little.

, the PigHead of the huge pig began to tremble and immediately said, "

," I really don't know. At that time, when I broke away from the source, I could sense that the source of my division was replaced by * two times.I don't know who did it, and I dare not try and ask. "

Boss Zhou can't sit still when he hears this.

PigHead, though he is scared to be like a pig head in front of winning hook,

is still outside, and is also a big boss in hell. Otherwise, he would not be forced to suppress by the early generation of Taishan government *.

can play tricks in the eyes of Hao *, how terrible is

? How terrible is


Zhou Ze knows better that the current Hao * is broken by the bookstore and others, which is the same as binding to the winning hook.

In fact, in dealing with this matter, the winning hook is also a little cautious. Maybe in his opinion, it's a bit too humiliating to expose himself to death in order to eat a mouthful of pork.

's original Bookstore's plan is to track down the hunt one by one and seize the source of * ho's separation one by one.

This meal is pig's head meat,

the next meal is pig's hoof,

then ribs,

streaky meat or something,

give yinggou a whole pig feast.

But now,

they seem to be mixed with parts that do not belong to pigs,

if we continue to hunt according to the previously set plan,

it is hard to say who is the hunter and who is the prey.

Yinggou nodded slowly,

the huge pig's head began to dissipate slowly,

turned into a green diaphragm, and then separated out strands of blue smoke, which was very uneasy and slowly approached yinggou.

Yinggou slowly began to breathe in,

the green smoke began to be slowly injected along his nose,

a flattering voice came:

"adults, it's all the fault of Taishan in the early generation, and my flesh body has been broken, so today you can't taste my real flesh and blood. It's a pity and pity."

Zhou Ze licked his lips,

how sensible people were when they said this.

in a trance,

Zhou Ze was a little confused about who was the real watchdog.

* all the green lights were absorbed by the winner. The existence of the

part was completely erased.

turned around and

looked at Zhou Ze.

Boss Zhou can clearly detect the smell of tie Han's body, which is much more condensed than before. Sure enough, pork is a tonic. Eating pork may be more tonic than eating any donkey hide gelatin.

"There's a pig's hoof outside. I'll swallow it for you later, or we'll do it ourselves?"

I don't think Lao Zhang has slowed down, and the little boy has some injuries. It's hard for them to hunt the big pig's hooves on Gengchen in a short time.

"You Look With Do... "

It seems that it was because he had just eaten a meal and was starving;

or because he agreed with the deep concerns of Zhou Ze's words,

that's what happened,

that's the end of the next pig's hoof.

If we continue to hunt, we may have problems. The existence of a more frightening existence of

than that of HO * seems to have been laid out in this defection. It is unwise to be caught up in the sight of such a great power when the winning hook has not yet been restored to its full extent.

Yinggou walks past Zhou Ze,

raises his foot,

steps on the white bone ladder,

walks step by step to the throne of his own height.

Zhou Ze raised her head,

looked at the high steps above,

Tucao: "

," you used to make complaints about climbing such a long step every day when you get up and down, are you tired of climbing? "

Win hook didn't pay attention to him.

"Well, I said, I've sat in that chair. It's too hard. To be honest, you might as well put a sofa bed on it."

In the middle of the vast ocean of the netherworld and the top of the continent with white bones, it symbolizes the real supreme position of hell in that era?

Win hook's footsteps slightly quiver, or continue to go up.

It seems that

he is breathing deeply.

Zhou Ze laughs,

sure enough, he's a soft eater,

it's not angry.

"Hey, I said, why is there a hole under here?"

Zhou Ze pointed to the seat where he had just sat.

There is a golden mat inside, and it's a sunken area.

"I said, you don't have to go up and down every day. It's good to lie here."

The hook stops and a meaningful smile appears on the corner of his mouth Very Hi Happy? "Zhou Ze shrugged his shoulders,

"I still like it here compared to climbing so far."

"Then Li It's Dogs Nest........ "

“…………” Zhou Ze.