Chapter 1056


The old man with the wine in his hand was stupefied for a moment,

"I said, brother, you've died a little, haven't you?"

Even the old man who read countless ghosts was shocked by the death of the man in front of him. Fortunately,

was only a little scared, but there was nothing else.

The visitor is the guest,

the customer is the God,

in the "book house" business,

if you dare to pick out the guests with colorful glasses, it's really difficult for you to pick out any satisfied ones.

It's really hard for you to guarantee that even the most beautiful and handsome person in your life will look good in death.

Lawyer an is not in the bookstore now. He takes little Lori and little boy to Xuzhou to carry out the action of "saving my good brother Gengchen".

But a while ago in the bookstore, lawyer an and Lao Dao thought about the way to generate income after they resume business.

For example, use a special camera to give "ghost" a beautiful face, then print it out and express it to ghost's relatives and friends in the Yang.

Then the library is here, and there is an extra photo fee and express fee.

This is a kind of innovative thinking, which means that the industry has been upgraded;

in essence, it's similar to labeling the food that can't be sold as "low sugar", "low fat" and "low calorie".

As for the fear that the relatives and friends in the sun will be frightened by the appearance of ghosts?

If it doesn't exist,

open the circle of friends, it's all beauticians, and it's sure to achieve satisfactory results.

Xu Qinglang got off the table and went to the box to prepare some food.

The man took the old man's glass, took a sip, smiled,


"finally free."

"Tired to live?"

Lao Dao talks with understanding.

In the past, there have been tests, with and without Laodao, and there will be obvious differences in the banknotes left after customers are sent to hell.

Obviously, before going to hell, it's really warm to have a close old way to talk with you.

As long as people are warm, it's easy to pay.

"Live, OK."

The man sighed with emotion, looked at the old way, handed back the empty cup, and said slowly:

"I'm tired when I'm dead."

The man's eyes are clear and calm.

Generally speaking, before reincarnation, most of the dead will be in a state of "unfinished mind"; after all, in this world, people who can live clearly and freely belong to the minority.

Here, there will be some extremes, even "madness".

This kind of calm is really rare.

The man was wearing a black trousers and a white coat, but the trousers and clothes had been rotten for a long time, with heavy stains on them.

It's like

it just came out of the ground.

"Brother, how did you die?"


Hearing this answer,

a politically correct hand sitting at a round table Picking rice suddenly shakes.

Lao Zhang raised his head, looked at the man,

and found something, which was not as simple as he thought.

Zhou Ze took the soup bowl from Yingying's hand and drank the soup silently.

When there are more ghosts to send down, people will easily become numb.

Reality is always more popular than the description of words;

boss Zhou has been used to this kind of things for a long time, and has not been filled with the indignation at the beginning, just like doing the work on the assembly line, day by day, it has become a habit.


that's why Zhou's boss wants to keep Lao Zhang by his side.

because Lao Zhang is here,

can make Zhou's boss remember occasionally,


he is still an individual,

he should do some personnel work occasionally.

Lao Zhang quickly swallowed the food in his mouth and almost choked. He came over while patting his chest and took out the notebook he had put in his chest pocket

"Ha ha, is this to shoot" the hell detective "

Seeing Lao Zhang like this, Liu Chuyu couldn't help joking.

He wants to enliven the atmosphere. Moreover, he is now a constable. Lao Zhang, a former colleague, is just a ghost. So he thinks he can make fun of Lao.

But when we eat and drink soup, no one laughs with Liu Chuyu.


who are you, and you should laugh at political correctness?Don't you see that even the boss is silent, which is tacit to Lao Zhang's behavior?

Liu Chuyu bowed his head awkwardly,

went on,


"Are you a policeman?"

The man looked at Lao Zhang, still calm.

Lao Zhang nodded, took out his ID card and put it in front of the man.

As a ghost, for the dead, it has a natural position advantage. In the process of sending the dead to hell, a ghost with a larger rule would like to let others kneel and kowtow to put out a score larger than that of the king of hell.

It's also the reason why it's better for the king of hell to be a little devil.

But on Lao Zhang's side, he likes to think of himself as a policeman rather than a ghost.

"It looks like a real cop."

The man nodded.

"Can you tell me something about you? You just said that you were killed."

"Well, killed."

The man is still calm, as if he is not talking about his own affairs.

"By whom?"

Lao Zhang took out his pen and prepared the record.

"I've been dead for sixteen years. What do you think is the point of saying that now?"

Old Zhang dun for a while, 16 years?

"Don't you want revenge?" The old man said, "bring to justice those who have done you harm!"

When the man heard this, he suddenly laughed.

This smile makes Lao Zhang uncomfortable;

Lao Zhang is not angry, but this smile makes him uncomfortable.

He knows what this smile means. He has seen it many times in his long career of criminal police.

Vast, powerless, helpless, finally, to numbness.

"Say it."

Lao Zhang reminds me.

Sixteen years is an old case. People's evidence and material evidence may be seriously damaged. In addition, the conditions for the police to handle the case 16 years ago are incomparable with those now.

The most typical example is DNA detection. In fact, for a long time after this technology appeared, police in many places could not use it at first for various reasons.

Lao Zhang remembers that in the early days, when the Bureau wanted to do a DNA test, it had to be sent to foreign research institutes to apply for a DNA test. The Yellow broccoli was cold and expensive.

Time, can erase too many traces.

But Lao Zhang didn't lose confidence because he could directly "interview" the victims, which is almost the bug in the police. Holmes' analysis and reasoning can't match the real sense of "let the dead speak".

"Now, what's the point of saying that?"

The man shrugged his shoulders,


"at the beginning, I reported upward, and all kinds of accusations were in a sea of stone. I have been trapped there for 16 years. What else can't be seen and what else can't be thought of?"

"Boss, why 16 years?" Liu Chuyu at the dinner table asked Zhou Ze in a low voice.

"Maybe it's because there are some special things in the place where he died, such as fetters or spiritual things, or there are some special gas fields or buildings nearby, which make his soul gather there all the time without scattering or reincarnation."

It's the equivalent of 16 years in prison, and it's the most horrible and lonely prison.

Zhou Ze looked up at the man, and he could hear that the other side was not really so-called or open, but was extremely disappointed.

Lao Zhang picked up his police hat, pointed to the man and pointed to the badge on his head.

seriously said:

"since I am wearing this dress, I will be able to stand this dress.

I've probably guessed what misfortune you may have encountered at the beginning, and what happened

But please believe me, most of the police are good police. They all respect this responsibility and mission. "

"Pa Pa Pa Pa!"

Liu Chuyu began clapping.

Zhou Ze kicks Liu Chuyu in the leg.

Liu Chuyu asked Qu babadi to lower his head.

Wuwu (┬┬)

the man looked at Lao Zhang very seriously,

Lao Zhang also looked at him very seriously,


the man nodded,


"you are a good policeman."

"Thank you, so..."

"But I'm here to give birth, and I don't have money to pay you. To be honest, my family may think I'm missing, and they haven't burned money for me in the past 16 years;

I don't have money to pay you to help me preside over justice."

"Money, what is it?"

Zhou Ze said at this time.But in fact, I want to say,

I have no money for a long time?

It's also a great reward for opening business!

But when Zhou Zeyi saw Lao Zhang's solemn look,

come on,

if you have no money, you have no money,

it's worth it to make the political right happy.

"Yes, the boss is right. We don't want money. Please tell me what happened to you at the beginning. I'm here to guarantee you. No matter who is involved or what forces are involved, I will help you to get rid of your grievances and punish your sins."

Others may be pretending to be forced.

But when Lao Zhang said this,

he was really sincere.

If Lao Zhang in his last life just doesn't violate his own bottom line, he has been dead for once, has become a ghost man, and has become a crime where I want to do whatever I want to do. What's your background? What's the relationship? What's the ability to resist the action style of your son-in-law.

"Sit down and talk while you eat." Old Xu pointed to the box and said.

The man was led into the box, and Lao Zhang sat next to him and poured him wine.

"I'm the village accountant of Chenjia village. Sixteen years ago, I reported that our village head illegally occupied the land in the village and misappropriated the national poverty alleviation fund.

I reported it to the town government, the police and all the authorities I could report at that time. "

"And then?" Lao Dao asked.

"Then, I was led by the village head's brother to take a sack at the roadside at night, and was buried alive under the village sign boundary monument that was being built at that time.


16 years. "

"Alas." Lao Dao sighed.

At the door, Liu Chuyu, who heard the story, asked doubtfully:

"after being buried for 16 years, how can the spirits of the dead come out now? What happened?

What's more, he came out a few days earlier, not a day earlier, not a day later. The door of hell hasn't been opened yet, so he may have gone straight out of his wits. "

Zhou Ze's eyes were on the Internet cafe outside the house.

Liu Chuyu looked along the line of sight and saw the letters rolling on the electronic screen made by the old way on top of the Internet cafe according to the requirements of the street office:

"eliminate and punish the evil, punish the evil and hit the black......"

Liu Chuyu sighed, "so justice may be late, but it will never fail."

Zhou Ze suddenly smiled,

Liu Chuyu also smiled. Finally, he felt that he was right. He was right. Damn it, I didn't feel it when I was in Changzhou before. Now I'm in Nantong. It's like being with a tiger!

(*^__ ^*)

Zhou Ze turns around and shouts to Lao Dao:

"Lao Dao."

"Ah, boss?"

"Make a big electronic screen at the door of the bookstore tomorrow."