70 King Glendale and his brother.

We also successfully won this month's match and were able to keep the classroom.

As usual, the days went by with a celebration in Central Street and a dinner in a fancy restaurant with Lucin and Meldy on another day.

Me and Tina, Rifa's wedding reception was finally on the day after tomorrow.

I'm still at school today, but the reception will be on Count Silveray territory, so I have to go home tomorrow.

Everyone in the class is supposed to attend the reception.

Tomorrow, as I was preparing to go home, I had a visitor.

I happen to be near the front door. I'm leaving.

"Oh, Hart, it's been a long time. You've grown."

"Heh, Your Majesty!

When I opened the door, there was the king of this country.

Get on your knees in a hurry.

King Glendale and I have known each other since the king was still a prince.

When my father, the Count, took me to the Imperial Castle, I met you several times.

"Hart, don't be so afraid. Here, stand up. Your brother brought me here today."

"Long time no see, Hart, how have you been?

Cain, my oldest brother, came out from behind the king.

"Brother Cain, it's been a long time. I'm fine."

Cain belongs to the Knights of this country, and he's been busy with a lot lately, and I haven't had a chance to meet him.

"By the way, Your Grace, why are you here today? If I could help you, I would have asked you."

"I heard my SS captain's brother got married. I'm here to celebrate. Wouldn't it be weird to call and celebrate?

"Oh, thank you"

Hmm? The brother of the SS captain?

What, maybe...

"Um... is your brother your SS captain?

"Yeah, I'm born"

"My age was near and easy to talk to, so I took it from me. He's got a lot of strength."

Before I knew it, my brother had emerged in great numbers.

My brother, who was supposed to be a member of the Knights, joined the King's SS in this country and became captain.

In the first place, it takes a lot of standing and strength to join the Knights of this country.

Well, my brother was pretty strong when he let him have the sword, and he had the hopes, and he thought one day he'd be in the Knights platoon captain class.

But I was just surprised to be the SS captain.

"Congratulations on your promotion, brother. I wish you'd let me know."

"Thanks. Sorry, I've been busy."

"Let's apologize from me too. Cain was dedicated to my escort. He's serious. My brother said he was married and he didn't even want to go to the feast."

"What, then..."

"Oh, I came here today to force you to bring Cain in the name of an escort"

Oh, my God.

Hey, no, it makes me feel pretty sorry.

"Of course we're going to the reception the day after tomorrow."


"If you ask me, isn't Hart married to that hero Tina and the princess of Alheim? Those who defended this world, the princess of another country, married the nobility of our country. I, the king of this land, have a duty to celebrate it."

"Oh, you are"

"By the way, I've already told Count Silveray I'm going."

Oh, my God.

It seems certain that King Glendale will be at the reception already.

I don't know about our reception, it's going to matter.

"Master Hart, what's wrong? Ah, Your Majesty."

Tina came to see how things were going.

Tina is also familiar with King Glendale.

"Oh, Tina. Beautiful as ever. Congratulations on marrying Hart this time. I am more than happy that a hero like that has been bound to the people of our country."

"Thank you"

Tina bows deeply.

A little after Tina arrived, Rifa also came to see how things were going.

"What about these people, Mr. Hart?

"This is the king of Glendale. So, my brother's in the back."

"Well! My name is Rifa, former 2nd princess of the Kingdom of Alheim"

Rifa bows.

That's right, he's a former royal.

It looks amazing.

"I am the king of Glendale. Alheim was attacked by Appstos the other day, but I'm glad he didn't take care of it."

"Thank you for your concern. Mr. Hart here, Dear Tina, and everyone at the Yfrus School of Magic have helped us."

"Sounds like it. King Alheim gave me the leaves of the world tree as a sign of gratitude and friendship. As a friendly country with Alheim, I hope to continue to do well."

"Words Without Body"

"Hart did a good job too. We built a friendship with Alheim. Make Lord Rifa happy so he can continue that relationship."

"Yes, be sure"

He finished saying everything he wanted to say, and the king took SS with him and went back to the castle.

Cain was supposed to talk to us a little more before returning.

Cain is the king's escort.

Looks like he was going back to the castle with the king, but Cain stayed because the king wanted to come back after a little talk with us, and the SS people recommended it too.

Guide Cain to the reception room.

"Hmm, what's this?

Ciro was sleeping on the couch in the reception room.

If you didn't think you'd be here in the morning, did you stay here?

"It's my pet Ciro."

"Something, I don't feel like it's just a dog... I don't know, a god beast, right?

What, you know what I mean?

Speaking of which, my sister Charles had cheat skills such as reading heart surgery, so it wasn't surprising that Cain, who was held to be more talented than Charles, was somehow capable.

"Brother, do you see an aura or something?

"No, one way or another, it's intuition"

"... could that be the kind of skill?

"Oh! You got it, Hart. Super intuition is a skill."

I really had it, Cheat Skill.

What's going on with the Silveray family?

When this happens, my second brother seems to be capable of something.

Lord, were you visiting tomorrow in your clothes?

Yoko, who was looking for me, came to the reception room.

"Kyu, Kyou Fox!? Why are the demons here!

Wow, that's right, super intuitive.

I instantly figured out who Yoko was.

"Brother, you're my user demon, so you'll be fine."

"Hey, what are you talking about! Nine-tailed fox!?"

Can you still believe it......

"" Master Hart, about tomorrow... oh, excuse me. "

Bad timing, Mai and May came to the reception room, too.

"Now he says there are two superior spirits!? What's going on here?!

I then told Cain how my family had grown so far.

Of course, there's no way I can hide it from my super-intuitive brother, and I'm supposed to talk about me being a reincarnator, etc.

As a matter of fact, Cain has always noticed with super intuition that I am a reincarnator.