198 Mother fox charm magic

"As always, the Lord is a mess to do."


"My mother told me not to. If we ignore it and force the Lord's... we can't help it."

Yoko shows her hulked face as she supports Kyou, who is gutted as she shivers her pimples and body into small pieces.

"Uh, are you okay?

"I couldn't wake up for half a day before when the Lord messed me up. Well, my mother was extraordinarily good at magic manipulation, so she could control what the Lord put in her right away."

They have to give me a few minutes off at least.

"Well, then I'll leave Yoko's mother to Yoko. For once, you look better. I've been called by Elmia and Saira, so I'm coming to pick them up."

"You got it."

Hart moved to Elmia and Saira.

─ ─ ─ ─

A few minutes later, Hart brought back Sayla and Elmia.

Its Seira and Elmia were solidifying when they saw the giant of a burnt dragon in black.

Welcome back, Lord.

"I'm home. That's... Yoko's mother, right?

Next to Yoko, there was a woman head down to Hart.

"Yes. My name is Kyou, my mother of yoko. Thank you for your concubine resuscitation and recovery."

I fall in love with that sloppy voice.

Kyou raises his head, staring at Hart, his hair dripping in front of his face in his ear.

Every one of those things is graceful and beautiful.

"No, it's my wife's favor."

"My daughter told me. You said you made a deal knowing your daughter was a nine-tailed fox... aren't you scared?

"Um, I'm not scared. Yoko has been a good girl since the first time we met."

When I enrolled in the classroom at the School of Magic, it was Yoko who spoke to Hart next to Rifa.

At the time Hart made a bunch of good friends at the school and wanted to invite those friends to the mansion, a little lonely to spend time with Tina.

Hart was easily 'good guy' certified Yoko, who even spoke to me from the first time I met him.

That didn't change, knowing that Yoko was a nine-tailed fox. It is also due to the fact that Hart was not very aware of the dangers of the Nine-Tailed Fox in the first place.

"Really... I can't do this, but take care of it"

"Yes, I swear I will make you happy."

"Oh, Lord!

Yoko happily hugged Hart.

"My concubine is happy to see my daughter's face like that...... then I am with this. Call me whenever you need the help of a concubine. We will reward you for this."

"Will my mother live with us?!?"

"The concubine is a nine-tailed fox that has become a complete body. If it were known to exist, many humans would surely come to crusade. That's why I can't be with you, Yoko."

Kyou stares at Yoko with a sad look.

"But you can't go to the battlefield. So if you absorb the magic that contains negative emotions, you won't be able to be by Hart's side."

"I've become a complete nine-tail!

"... Huh?

"I am filled with the magic of the Lord and Shiloh. That's why you can't run off like your mother worries. Besides, if humans come to crusade, the Lord will protect them!

As Yoko looked back at Hart, he smiled and nodded to affirm Yoko's words.

"I want to live with my mother."

"Yoko says this, and I have extra room in my mansion. If Mr. Kyou would be so kind..."

"Kyou, that's fine. It's a very attractive suggestion that you can hide it because you don't have the full strength yet."

Until the Nine-Tailed Fox is fully fledged, it is a demonic tribe that mainly uses magic and brainwashing magic that hides its existence and sometimes enters and grows into humans.

"Besides, your magic was very comforting. But..."

Kyou deposits himself in Hurt and puts his hand on his shoulder.

"It's about not being able to seduce too many concubines. You love my daughter, don't you? If the concubine cares, you forget about your daughter and become captive to the concubine."

The colored incense overflows from her and clings to Hurt.

It is the true enchantment magic of an adult, and a fully fledged nine-tailed fox. If it depends on this, the subject becomes obsessed with Kyou, and becomes its sayings.

Of course Kyou didn't seriously try to corrupt Hart.

I was just going to warn the Demons not to be alarmed.

"I never forget a yoko. He's one of my most important wives."

"─ Huh!? Why?

Kyou was surprised because Hart answered naturally, as if the enchantment magic had been underdeveloped.

"Mother, charm to the Lord. Magic doesn't work. And of course all the hypnosis and brainwashing."

"Oh, no..."

"The Lord doesn't even work the enchantment magic of our nine-tailed fox, and he's so badass that he unilaterally destroys even my seal of obedience. So staying with the Lord is the safest thing in the world!

The enchantment magic doesn't work, and I was able to destroy the sign of the covenant of subordination, because all of Hurt's statuses are fixed by a curse.

That doesn't make Hart manipulated by anyone.

Tons of pure magic sent in by Hurt earlier. Then Kyou understood that Hurt was pretty strong.

She was also a fully fledged nine-tailed fox, but not in full speed, so her mind is moved by the suggestion to lean under the mighty (Hart).

Kyou had one anxiety.

If I truly love this man named Hart...

Even if the enchantment magic doesn't work, he wears the art of corrupting a man.

It's a sexual move, or every fine-grained trick. She was familiar with the moves to please a man.

Also, I don't think beauty is inferior to my daughter's.

My beloved daughter may grieve when she truly tries to get Hart to love her.

I've been thinking about that.

"Dear Hart. Could the concubine stay in your mansion?

Kyou decided to stay by Hart.

I attacked myself earlier, so much pleasure I've never experienced before - if I were by his side, I might be able to taste the array again.

Kyou took more pleasure as a woman than her beloved daughter's happiness.

I don't even know about that, Hart.

"Yeah, fine. Welcome to the Ernoll family, Kyou."

"Best wishes. Dear Hart."

When Kyou left Hart, he moved by the yolk and put his mouth close to its ear.

"Yoko, try not to let the concubine steal him,"

"Ha, mother, what!?"

It was a declaration of war against Yoko from Kyou.

But Kyou doesn't know yet.

That Yoko is not the only competitor.

That there are ten beautiful women and girls besides yolks by Hart.

No matter how much you try to charm Hart, as the twelfth Hart woman, you're going to have a boring day of being treated on an equal footing with ten wives, except Tina.

Kyou never thought of it.