249 Dating Former Virgin & Former Saint Knight

Returning to the mansion to get dressed and travel to Fountain Square in Central Street, sitting on a bench there, Elmia and Saira came about enough.

roughly twenty minutes earlier than the time promised.

"Hart, have I kept you waiting?

"Thank you for waiting!

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm looking forward to seeing you two on a date, and I'm here a little early. You're both cute in your personal clothes."

The look on their faces brightened up.

Seira's personal clothes are a white piece.

I think the feathered jacket is the one I gave her for her birthday.

Elmia's clothes are less exposed than the armor she usually wears, but she's wearing black shorts underneath, and her beautiful legs look more prominent than usual.

Is it because your chest exposure is suppressed and your gaze is focused on your raw feet?

They were both cute.

And Elmia was horny.

By the way, when I meet someone in my family for a date, I try to get there a lot earlier than I promised.

Because I'd be more likely to get someone in my family in trouble if I were in the rendezvous place first.

The Ernore family has all the top beauties and beautiful girls in this school.

When they're wearing stylish personal clothes for a date and sitting around it to meet up, I can speak up enough to make sure.

I mean, to prevent my wife from getting numbed, I try to move faster than the meet up time.

Of course, it's true that you're looking forward to your date.

"Well, let's go."


When I offered her my hand, Saila took it without hesitation.

Keep coming to my right, and I'll put my arms together.

"Look, so is Elmia"

Urging, Elmia can't quite try to take my hand.

"Ko, where there are so many people, you (...) and (...) are... um, Murray"

In a voice that seemed to disappear, Elmia complained.

Fountain Square in Central Street is a popular place for couples, so there are many pairs of men and women around us.

Nevertheless, both Ermia and Seira are beautiful, so they attract attention for the sake of it.

He's embarrassed to put his arms together.

"Besides, I'm tall..."

Elmia is taller than me.

When she tries to turn her hand around my arm, she's in a weird position.

All that makes me sorry that I'm too short.

Of all the boys in my class, I'm the lowest.

Luke is a long-lasting handsome guy, and Lucin has a good gatay to the top of the class even when viewed throughout the school.

For once, I'm the taller of my age too...

Elmia's style is too good.

"Master Hart, Elmia..."

"What... yeah, yeah. Okay."

Seira whispered to me, so I decided to follow it.

"Elmia, I'm coming!

"─ Ah."

Take Elmia's hand a little hard and start walking.

Elmia is shy looking down, but she followed me without complaining.

After all, Seira knows best how to deal with Elmia.

─ ─ ─ ─

I walked a little bit and came to the cake shop I was looking for.

I don't queue around the store because I'm fully booked to take it home or eat it.

"Hart, I've come this far without an appointment... are you sure you're okay?

I saw a very stylish store and Elmia seemed anxious.

"Yeah. It'll take a little while for the cake to come out, but the seats won't be a problem"

That's what I said, pull Saira and Elmia's hand and go inside the store.

"Welcome. I'm so sorry. It's sold out for both takeaway and in-store meals today."

"Oh, they're fine. I'll handle it."

A pastry dressed woman came out of the back of the store to block the words of the young lady clerk.

"Welcome, Master Hart,"

She's the manager here.

"Store manager, long time no see. I came without contacting you, but can you make me a cake today?

"Of course it is. I'll take a moment, as usual, would you mind?

"Yeah. It's okay."

"I'm in awe. Now, come here."

Take the manager's guide to the cafe upstairs.

There are about ten seats upstairs, but most of them were buried.

Just a short distance from the counter at the cafe, there was only one empty seat. It's not like the seats around it, it's surrounded by three sides in a compartment that's as tall as my chest that stood.

We were led to that seat.

I can sit up to four people.

This seat is always available for me.

When I arrive, or when the person I gave the voucher to arrives, I am able to eat without reservation.

This store is famous for its cakes, but you can also order snacks. After a snack, many people say they will be eating cake.

Okay, hold on a second.

The manager bowed down and went down to the first floor.

"Ho, I could really come"

"Even without an appointment, you're going to be eating cake here. But... that just takes time, doesn't it?

"No, they always come out in about twenty minutes."

The manager said he wanted me to wait a minute, but in time, that's about it, the cake comes out.

I told Sayla and Elmia about it and they were both surprised.

Cake making usually seems to take a lot of time.

I've never made a cake, so I don't know...

He also said that fluffy chiffon cakes, a specialty of this store, are particularly difficult to make.

It is the skill of the store manager to shorten the difficult cake making process over time by using magic. Of course, magic doesn't change the taste.

But magically making a cake takes a lot of concentration, so you think you're only gonna do it when I come to the store and order the cake?

Using magic, it was Tina who developed the technology to make cakes in a short period of time.

The manager here was Tina's apprentice.

And Tina is also the head of the H&T Chamber of Commerce that opened this store.

It was all thanks to Tina that I was given such a privilege.

By the way, Tina and I have been to this store for many dates.

In the middle of a meal, Tina started mentoring the clerk on customer service, and sometimes it wasn't a date...

Thanks to Tina's guidance, this place had become one of the top quality shops in Central Street, both for food and customer service.

─ ─ ─ ─

About twenty minutes later, the manager brought me the cake.

"Thank you for waiting. We pride ourselves on our chiffon cake."

"Oh, oh!

"Sounds delicious"

"Thanks, Store Manager"

"Yes, well, take your time."


"" "Here you go!

Put your hands on chiffon cake.

It was fluffy.

The accompanying fruit is also delicious.

More importantly, the whipped cream put around the chiffon cake is the best.

What I loved in the world I was in is a complete reproduction. Great mouth melting.

Saira and Elmia are obsessed with eating cake.

When confronted with something really delicious, people get silent.

I've been eating a few times so I'm getting used to it a little bit, but when I first got here, I kept carrying the cake to my mouth carelessly, without thinking about any leeway.

Saira and the others today, that's exactly how it was.

Saira, who usually eats slowly, moves her mouth a lot faster today. Elmia had a pretty big bite.

If you eat so fast, you'll have a great sense of loss later, huh?

I've been through this.

So slow, taste and eat.

After that, the two of them immediately finished eating the cake.

"Look, Saira. Ahem."

"Is that okay!? Ahem"

I'll give you a little of my share to the soggy Saira.

Sayla gave me a very good smile.

Elmia was staring at the situation.

"Is Elmia here too?

"Oh, well, I... that..."

"Yes, uh"

"Ah, uh."

Elmia, who would never do 'ahem' or anything in public, jumped on the fork on the cake I offered her today.

Her face was bright red, but her cheeks were loose.

He's cute, isn't he?

I'm so glad they brought you both here today. They both had cute personal clothes, and they saw a little derried Elmia.

Who shall I bring next?