254 World Tree Benefits and Immutable Metals

"Ha, Master Hart... What's this?

Tina looked surprised when she saw us surrounded by red fruit and couldn't move.

What a surprise she is.

Suddenly, a giant tree grew in the courtyard?

Or that a lot of red fruit is falling into the garden?

Maybe Silf, who hasn't shown up in a while, is here.

I'm surprised I don't understand this situation either. In the meantime, I told Tina the facts I knew.

This giant tree that grew up in the courtyard of my mansion.

Seems like a world tree.

This is what happened yesterday evening when Silf planted the seeds and Luna gave him the leftover water from the bath.

...... yeah.

I don't know what that means.

I heard why Silf planted world-tree seeds in my mansion.

She seemed lonely, too.

It seems that if the world tree grows here, Silf can stay here forever.

Well, that's good.

What I don't know is that the world tree grew to this point just by sprinkling the leftover water from the bath.

Silf said the world tree grew, probably because of the leftover water from the bath.

As for Luna, she acted like she didn't think it was okay to just dump the bath water.

Before enrolling in the School of Magic, she said that since she was in the orphanage, vegetables grown in the garden had been fed leftover water from the bath.

That Luna habit caused the situation in front of me.

Looks like Luna was going to give the world tree some leftover bath water this morning. I had Jouro in my hand.

I'll try to demonize the liquid in Jouro.

─ No, there was so much magic blending in that I didn't have to look at the devil.

What, is this really leftover water from the bath?

... apparently for sure.

It was some amazing liquid.

She said it was leftover water from the bath she put in yesterday, but it was usually warm.

Also, I feel pretty dense energy.

Well, if I apply this liquid, I can't even get (...) na (...) ru (...).

Nevertheless, this is probably not the case unless it is a primitive body capable of accepting enormous amounts of energy.

The World Tree was just a primitive body that could accept the energy of this incredible hot water, which I duly named "Awesome Water."

"Still, it can't be this far with just Jouro's water that Luna raised, can it?

-That's right.

Luna only gave Jouro some amazing water once last night.

No matter how tremendous the magic water contained, there was so much magic swirling in the world tree that I didn't think Jouro would have a minute of it.

"Um... I, I have an idea"


I was just going to whine like I was talking to myself, but Tina reacted to that.

"What do you mean, you have an idea?

"Would you follow me for a moment? I'll clean these up once and for all."

Tina recovered all the red fruit that had fallen into the courtyard by wind magic and transported it to the kitchen of the mansion.

─ ─ ─ ─

Tina followed me, and Silf and I are headed to the basement of the mansion.

I'm also surprised that there was a basement for food storage in my mansion, but I didn't know there was a bigger space than that.

By the way, Luna hasn't followed me on an underground expedition of my mansion like she's on cooking duty today.

It was my first basement, so I was pretty excited.

Normally, Silf is supposed to give Koyu's some tension, but he's kind of quiet today.

He seems scared of Tina's behavior for some reason.

Always hiding behind my back and keeping Tina out of sight.

"Sylph, what's going on?

"Wow, I don't know. But I'm... scared of Tina."

I asked him sooo much and he gave me that answer.

Silf himself says he doesn't know why he's scared of Tina.

"Excuse me, Master Silf. I didn't think I was a world tree..."

Tina seems to know something.

"Tina, what do you mean?

"Well, actually..."

Just then, I went down the stairs to reach the deepest point.

"In the space ahead, the roots of the world tree came."

When Tina opened the door, the space was wide open.

There was a large crack in the wall, and various stones, large and small, were rolling.

"Oh, that's huge."

"This is the space I originally created so that Master Hart can train in magic."

He told me that Tina was in this space.

That all the soil and stones on the wall became rare ore because of the great water flowing into this space.

That the roots of the world tree have grown so far that they have returned to just stone because of the suction of magic from rare ore.

Only Hihiilocane must remain that way.

And it turns out that massive amounts of red fruit have fallen on the ground because of Tina, whose intent to kill sprouted on the roots, threatened the world tree.

Silf is the incarnation of the world tree.

That's why she was scared of Tina.

"Tina, you're sorry. I didn't mean to."

"Yes, no! I'm the one, sorry. There are no shards to threaten Master Silf."

Silf is the incarnation of the world tree in Alheim.

The world tree planted in my mansion grew out of seeds made by the Alheim world tree.

I mean, it's going to be Silf's kid.

He seems to feel responsible for it, too, because his own child did it.

"Hart's sorry too. I got a lot of Orihalcon and stuff because of this..."

"You don't have to worry. I don't need that much ore."


"Orihalcon or something brittle."

"─ What!?"

"Ha, Master Hart...... what?

Approach the brilliant wall in the same color as the ring you gave Tina. It's a chunk of hijiirokane.

That's so much!

─ ─ Excellent.

"Tina, thank you for creating this space. Thanks to you, I can pick lots of hihihirokane."

With that said, wrap a flame around your hands.

It's not a fire or something that I always use.

It burns bright blue, super hot flames.

A flame that produces with the magic of a thousand fiery knights while feeding air adjusted to optimum quantity and quality with wind magic.

Otherwise, hihihirokane cannot be processed. Conversely, if this flame can be handled, it can be processed like a candy worker, even if it is a hyilocane called immutable metal.

Magic that takes a lot of concentration and skill to handle.

So I twisted off some of the hi-hirokane that was popping out of the wall.

"Look, I'm just so happy I picked this out."

He coned and rounded a chunk of hihi-irokane, turned it into a beautiful sphere, and then showed it to Tina and Silf.