273 B-Rank Adventurer Johann (3/3)

... Done.

Despite a fierce battle that seemed to have been a battle for the survival of this world, all five of the slimes were alive and well.

Besides, all five bodies are intact.

If the Harts can't win, there's no way I can do something about this slime.

No, it's not like I'm...

No one in this world will beat them.

Two slimes restrained Yoko and the Citries eight, while the other three were dancing in the center of the arena.

Are you happy to win?

When they tried to get out of the barrier...

The world ends.

The face of my daughter-in-law and my sons passed.

Oh, for the last time, I missed him...

I thought so.

"Oh, um... Johann,"

"Ha, Hart! You okay?!?"

Hart regained consciousness.

He was falling right next to the magic barrier I was in. He was just looking up at me.

"Slime... you're strong"

"─ Huh?

No, I don't think what you guys were fighting for is slime, no matter what you think.

Catch him, I'm the one who's been following him here, but I'm pretty much sure he's not slime.

I'm so sorry I brought you something weird!

"Oh, we... lost, didn't we?"

Hart weeping remorsefully.

No, I didn't lose!

You can't lose!!

If you guys lose, the world will end!!

"No, not yet."


"You guys haven't lost yet!!"

"Mr. Johann..."

"You guys can still do it! You are the only ones here!! The survival of the world depends on Hart, you guys!!

It may be harsh, but we have to get the Harts to fight.

As far as I can tell, despite all that fighting, no one else has as much status as the Five-Body Satisfied Harts.

"Chi, by the way...... if you lose, is it possible to rematch?

"A rematch?

"Yep. Even if we lose this one, it means we can take the promotion exam again."

"Promotion exam? That's not true, I'll make you take it as many times as you want!

I'll always let you take the promotion exam.

So take these slimes down!

If that's what you think...

"Really, thank you. Let me re-challenge you next week."

That's what I said, Hart got up.


Hey, how can you stand up?

No, I want you to stand up...

"For now, that's it for today"

When Hurt rang his fingers, the magic barrier that had covered their surroundings disappeared.

Not good!

Slime (the ruin of the world) is out!!

─ ─ I thought the slimes were dancing in the middle of the arena unchanged.

Without worrying about such a slime, Hurt moved out.

"Hey, let's go home."

When Hart speaks up, his party and all the party of a woman elf named Tina stand up flat.

And the yoko and citrie parties that were in captivity were freed from the tentacles of the slime.

What... What!?

Hey, what?

What the hell is going on?

"Seira, give everyone healing magic"


A woman named Saira used some amazing healing magic, though I don't know.

So, Lucin's injury, which was falling to the ground in a worn out appearance, heals.

And for some reason, the slimes were included in that recovery range.

Luca, please restore the arena.

"I'll take care of it"

A girl by the name of Luca is like a dragonoid.


When I wondered if the scales that dotted her body had grown slightly, I suddenly used the Risalection (resuscitation magic).

It's supposed to be resuscitation magic.

"What... Huh?

The floor of the battlefield, heavily chosen and burnt in black, has been beautifully restored.

Too surprised to have a voice.

"Seira, Luca. Thanks."

"No, because Mr. Lucin was mostly the only one who was damaged"

"It was easy to repair Mr. Hart because he left his magic on the floor!

I don't know. While we were having this conversation, all of Hart's people were up.

"You know you shouldn't be alarmed because it's slime, right?

"Mmm, I'm sorry."

I'm sorry.

"Me, I'm not alarmed because I'm slime already!

"Guys, you got it...... OK! Go home. It's a reflection. Tina, can I make you a curry today?

"Leave it to me"

"Whoo! Tina's curry today?!?"

I was on Hurt's shoulder, and I was a little scared because the little wolf suddenly spoke.

Looks like I'm registered for being a Hart user demon... but you can talk.

"" Tina's curry, I'm looking forward to it ""

"Ha, don't go home soon!

"Yes, sir. Bye, Mr. Johann. Thanks again next week."

With that said, Hart left the arena with his people.


What... but maybe I'm the one left to take down those slimes!?

I was afraid of that.

For some reason, the Slimes also left the arena about Hurt.

"Nevertheless... your Lord's attack, too fast"


"Well, you're too skilled in magic clothes, aren't you? Call me Master, okay?


"Mr. Leucine, this girl says, 'Fine.'"

"Luna, do you even know what Slime says?

"Yes, of course."

"That's great."

"" Kyuppi!

He said he had fought so hard until earlier, and the Slimes were mixed up in a circle of conversation, as if they were Hart's people from the beginning.

"Uh... I mean, with Doyuko?

I don't know.

In the meantime, it looks like the world has been saved.