423 Ambition of regulars in the main battle

An adventurer's guild in a certain country.

Nine humans gathered in the room on the top floor.

This year's Glendale representative has some bad guys.

"It's about Familia." I've heard rumors, too. "

Whatever it is, the leader's magic power is separated from ordinary people.

"I've heard that there are other monsters besides the leader."

According to the scout, the battle level was different.

But at last, there will be a change in representation.

The former representative was certainly strong, but he was stiff-headed.

"They're too serious to know it's romantic."

"You've turned down all our invitations..."

In the strongest clan match, the top three clans that have won the qualifying rounds of each country advance to the second qualifying round. From Glendale, a clan called "St. Glenn" had recently passed the second qualifying round and competed in the main battle.

"But that was before last year."

St. Glenn, who was called S-Rank Clan and Glendale's strongest, was defeated by Hart's [Familia].

At last, this year we might be able to do The One in the main battle.

"" Ohhh! ""

"Oh, are you doing it!?"

“No, wait. We need to check in on the new Familia.”

"Because Glendale itself is a serious country."

"I don't think the new representative is in the same line as St. Glenn."

"I want you to be as playful as we are."

"Not only that, but we also need to be strong enough to recommend it to the main battle."

"It was enough to defeat St. Glenn." I'm sure you have the power. "

Anything from the scouts?

"It's not just about the qualifiers. I want more information."

"Do you know the name and age of the clan master?"

At that time, a shadow appeared in the room.

He was a secret detective belonging to a certain clan. The most powerful clan representatives in the world are gathered here.

"I will report to you." Confirm the "Transformation Mechanism" to the clan house of the new representative "Familia". "

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

Clan representatives who listen to men's reports.

At last, the romantic clan has left Glendale!

“The financial and technical capacity to not only have an ideal, but also make it a reality”

"and the power to persuade your people."

No, it's okay to have such overwhelming trust that you don't have to complain to your peers.

Or breakthrough power that you can do on your own.

"There's no romance that can't be achieved without them."

"That is, if──"

"" "Deformation of the clan house!!" "

They rose all the way to the ceiling and predicted that their dreams would come true for many years.

At last, this year's biggest clan battle may see the clan house fight.

"Sixteen years since each clan representative gathered together and the" "Clan House Deformation Association" "was secretly formed"

"... you're here, aren't you?"

"We're the second generation to inherit our will from our predecessors."

"It's the same with me." But my ancestors still wish for their dreams to come true. "

"It's been a really long time."

"But wait a minute."

"Huh? What's wrong?"

I wonder if Glendale will be the venue for this year's main battle?

"... hah! Maybe..."

"It is possible that the clan house fight war will not be allowed in the first place!?"

Clan representatives with a desperate expression.

That super serious clan is a country with St. Glenn.

I'm sure the king is serious as well.

It's also a land where the water spirit king Undine gives blessings.

That Spirit King doesn't seem to be able to make jokes, so it's really tight after all.

No matter what I think, it's impossible.

There was heavy air in the room.

"Shit. This is the year I was thinking about it."

I guess we'll have to hope for another four years.

"There's no need to worry about that."


A man dressed in gorgeous clothes appeared in a place separate from the man who was a detective. Even if the detective tries to protect his clan representative, his body will not move for some reason, and he can only see the man who showed up.

"Who are you!?"

"I am the king of Glendale." It's Jill Glendale. "

"King of Glendale... eh, real?"

"No, you idiot! Keep your head down!"

One representative, who knew Jill, warns the others.

"Well, I'm the one who suddenly showed up at the secret meeting." Don't be so afraid. I just want you to bite one of your plans, if you can. "

"And I── say,"

I want you to fight against the clan house and make the war a reality.

»» »Eh» »

"Isn't it interesting?" We must do it. I'll arrange the venue for you. ”

"Ah, um... that's really good, isn't it?"

“I'm a man of my word. However, I need you to keep your promise that you, as well as me, will fight this war. That's the condition for a clan house fight in this country. If one of the clans in the main battle didn't have a transformed clan house, it wouldn't be a battle."

Jill's figure began to fade.

I'm looking forward to your struggle.

While saying that, Jill disappeared.

"I-It's gone!?"

"I didn't see any signs until I showed up."

"Could it be that we don't realize it?"

Maybe you're stronger than us?

It's possible.

"He could easily assassinate us."


Whatever it is, the venue doesn't seem to be a problem.

That's right.

All that's left is for each of us to do everything we can to move forward in this battle.

The clans led by those gathered here are regulars of the strongest clan-determining battles, and their clans are being matched so that they do not win in the second qualifying round.

Well then, let's meet again in this battle.

"" Respond!!! ""