CH extra 12

[Zixu] «Pure Serenade» 02 - Every ancient record has standards for exceptional beauties.


1 九霄環佩 a guqin made by legendary Master Lei in the Tang Dynasty, there are only 5 of them in existence nowadays. Top.

2 The Langyuan paradise is the mythological home of the immortals. Top.

3 Metaphor for something that is mighty, swift, and powerful. Top.

4 《梅花三弄》The title translates to something more along the lines of “The plum blossom melody plays three times” but that’s also too long imho. Listen to the song here. Top.

5 An idiom that means a kid with outstanding future prospects. Top.

6 Something extremely daring, bold, or audacious. Top.

7 The text calls him a 三無 lit. three not haves, which is either a buddhist thing or (most likely) refers to a character with the three not haves: 無口、無心、無表情 lit. no mouth, no heart, no expressions, i.e. speaks very little, hides their feelings, and shows few facial expressions. Top.