Chapter 5

Chapter 5

After a while, Albert took another spoonful without saying a word. Only then did I feel relieved.

“Delicious, right?”

“Let’s stay quiet during mealtimes.”

“Oh, but I’m really proud of myself. How difficult it is to match the Prince’s taste~”

Suddenly, Albert put down his spoon and crossed his arms. His eyes curved upwards as he stared at me, and he looked absolutely mesmerizing.

But I knew all too well that his smile wasn’t real. The atmosphere in the room cooled instantly.

I laughed awkwardly, but at that time, Albert opened his lips.

“I’m usually a picky eater.”

“I don’t think Your Highness is a picky eater. It’s obvious from your expressions.”

“Can you read my expressions, Rosé?”

I nodded right away while Albert gazed at me as though he found me amusing. But it was a good opportunity to change the subject.

“The left side of Your Highness’ lips goes up slightly when you’re eating something you’re satisfied with.”

And today’s spicy potato soup seemed to cater to Albert’s tastes.

“I didn’t know that.”

He smirked and took the spoon in his hand again. Soon, a quiet meal commenced.

It’s a common saying that you shouldn’t disturb even dogs when they’re eating.

‘What makes me the happiest in this tower is when I eat something delicious. Second best is when I get to see Albert’s face.’

After I finished eating, I washed the dishes. Albert was still barred from entering the kitchen, so cleaning up over there was my responsibility.

I took a bite out of the apple I brought for dessert.

Albert sat at his desk, as usual, wearing his monocle to inspect the wand.

How long would it take for us to get out of here?

In the novel, it took a year because of Rosé’s torture methods, but now it was different.

Honestly, I couldn’t wait to get out of here.

Life here was terribly boring.

Albert used his time efficiently and improved himself every day, but I want to go out and walk around, travel a lot, and meet people.

It’s not like I had the internet or even a smartphone here.

Oh, I miss it so much. Civilization, wherefore art thou.

Imagining myself holding an imaginary smartphone, I asked Albert in a rather sullen voice.

“Your Highness, when are we getting out of here?”

“It’s not so easy to do that, Rosé.”

“Did you solve it? That curse on the wand.”

“I’ve almost disconnected the imprisonment spell connected between the wand and the tower’s front door.”

This man was crazy. I spoke in a serious tone.


“What is it.”

“Be honest with me. Your Highness isn’t human, but a god, right?”


“Not even a deity could be as perfect as you!”

Albert, you’re the best! I’m your number one fan!

He’s saying that we could get out of here soon?!

Ecstatic, I raised two thumbs up and praised Albert.

He smirked. As though he was a cat watching a mouse who was buttering him up, he’s just letting me go wild. It felt like he’s amused by me, but who cares.

I asked in a hopeful voice.

“When can we get out?”

“It’ll take some time.”

“What?! Why?”

It was like the world had collapsed. Albert continued speaking calmly.

“If we get out now, I’ll only provide a valid excuse for that king to get rid of me.”

“So how long will it take?”

“About three or four months.”


Ah, right, there’s that thing.

In the novel, Albert gathered his support from the tower. He sharpened his influence and established personal connections to drive out the king.

Even when he was confined to the tower, he used all of his strength and efficiently, contacting a lot of people outside the tower.

“I’ve decided to think of this tower as an opportunity…”

With his arms crossed, Albert spoke in a low voice, eyes flashing dangerously.

“An opportunity to change everything.”

He turned his gaze back to the wand.

I could understand where he was coming from. But… it wasn’t so easy to shake off the disappointment I was feeling.

Even more so because he told me that he was almost done removing the curse.

It’s like a new type of torture based on false hope.

Ah, no no. I need to pull myself together. If I hold it in, then my old age would be guaranteed.

I took another bite of the apple. Then, at the crunching sound, Albert turned to me.

I was crouching down on the floor with the corners of my lips downturned. On the other hand, Albert was sitting upright at his desk, and our eyes met.

I could feel the inherent arrogance that he exuded as he looked down on me. I thought he’d look away soon, but he stared at me for a long time.

Soon, he opened his lips.

“You have an unusual face. Unlike you, I think I’m disappointed looking at you.”

Huh? Do you think I’m stupid? In a fit of anger, I blurted out—

“What do you mean ‘unusual’? I’m human, too!”

He sighed and removed his monocle.

As if his monocle was interfering with his sight.

“Why don’t you like this place, Rosé?”

“It’s not that I don’t like it, but it’s frustrating and depressing to be here… Sometimes I get so overwhelmed with emotions that I can’t control. Isn’t that the case with Your Highness, too?”

“…I don’t know. I’m used to it.”

Albert rose from his seat and came closer to me.

“But I know you’re having a hard time.”

“Thank you very much for noticing.”

“You don’t usually show it, but you really seem like it’s taking a toll on you.”

I muttered inwardly. That’s why social life is important too, Prince.

He knelt down in front of me and looked at me squarely.

“You’ve done a good job, so I’ll give you a reward.”

“Are you giving me more land to guarantee my long life?”

When I asked him seriously, he chuckled.

“That’s not it.”

With his fingertips, he raised my chin gently.

…My chin.

He raised it…?

Huh? Huhh?

This is a breach of contract! You didn’t ask for permission to touch me!

Alarm bells rang in my head.

But honestly though— for one split second, I thought ‘How many women out there could possibly resist him in this situation?’

“If you don’t like it, tell me now.”

And I knew Albert knew this, too.

He asked because he knew I wouldn’t dislike it.

“…Your Highness knows what I’ll say, but you really—”

Albert laughed with a low voice.

“It’s simple, Rosé.”

He spoke with a sly tone, then kissed me on the forehead.

And my forehead became hot.

His lips only slightly touched my skin, then went down… and brushed against my lips.

It was only an instant, but I was left in a daze. The place where his lips touched was burning.

He spoke languidly.

“You’ve done a good job.”


“Let’s keep up the good work.”

His eyes curved slightly as he laughed.

…As if he was trying to lure me in.

No. No no no. You’re only trying to fool me.

Emotions were heavier shackles than contracts.

Whether I kissed my boss or not, time went on. I slept well anyway because it was my day off, so I didn’t have to get up early the next morning.

It was agreed upon that I would have one day off every week.

Albert’s breakfast this morning was bread and eggs that I’d already prepared for him in the bedroom.

Ah, I love sleeping in. It was almost lunchtime when I woke up.

Descending the attic’s ladder, I rubbed my eyes that got swollen because I slept too much.

Today again, Albert was gracefully sitting on his bed while reading a book.

He was as perfect as a man who just came out of a clothing store all decked up. In comparison, I looked like a beggar on the streets.

But I didn’t want to look good for him, so it wasn’t a problem to show him my half-asleep bare face.

As I looked at Albert, he in turn tilted his head to one side, as if asking if I wanted to say something.

So I spoke solemnly.

“Your Highness looks handsome today as well.”

He’s handsome every day! A handsome face really is the best…!

“You’re the same as always.”

“Does your mood feel better? Who doesn’t like being called handsome, right, Your Highness?”

“What if I say yes?”

“Then please give me more land…!”

Love won’t feed me!

This Prince won’t feed me!

But if he gave me more land and money, I could get a building or two, then my life would be so much better!

I am a simple, materialistic maid.

Long live capitalism!

“You’re dismissed.”

“Yes, sir.”

I gave up right away. I didn’t have to insist on it because the land that was already promised to me might get cut down.

But then… His lips caught my eye.

Albert’s kiss on my forehead and on my lips… This boss of mine was sneakier than I thought.

He was using his beauty as a weapon effectively.

“I think Your Highness is not just smart, but very, very smart.”

Begrudgingly, I admit that Albert definitely had the skills of a high-level trickster.

If he were Korean, he might have even been a popular idol or actor.

The way he moved people’s hearts with perfectly timed fan-service showed that he knew how to trick people well. My heart fluttered somehow.

That’s why… This is going to be a problem.

Humans were social creatures. It was only a matter of time until we got attached to each other the more we spent time in isolation.

And if the other person was as captivating as Albert, the effect would be even greater! Just look at the flutters I felt just a second ago.

I tried not to think about it too much, but the fact was… I’m also vulnerable to loneliness.

Usually, I wouldn’t like people as arrogant as Albert. I already went ahead and told him directly not to fall in love with me, but if it happens, it happens.

It’s not as though I especially like the light kisses he gave me. I think it would be more exciting to just touch his face.

But I didn’t want to feel anything for him.

What happened that time could just be brushed aside as a one-time mistake. However, I didn’t want him trying anything like that again while we’re cohabiting in this tower.

So, after mulling it over again and again, I came up with a countermeasure.

“Your Highness, I know we can’t go out and I know you won’t give me more land, so would it be alright if I ask just one favor?”

People would say, ‘I’m the only one who doesn’t have a cat!’

If I had a pet animal who could be my friend that I could take care of and be with, even if it wasn’t a cat, I feel like I’d be less lonely.

“A favor?”

“I want to have a pet.”

“A pet…”

“Dogs need walks, but we can’t leave the tower so we can’t get a dog. But a cat, or maybe a hamster? I think they won’t get stressed out too much if they can’t go out. Even if it’s a different but similar animal… I want to raise one.”

I’ll take very good care of my pet and give it my full attention so it won’t get sick. Then, I wouldn’t have the time to think about Albert.

But of course, I’d have to get my housemate’s opinion on which animal would be good. It’s the best method I could come up with for now.

“We’re not getting out of here anytime soon anyway. Please? Can you do this for me?”

I looked at him with watery eyes just like the cat in Shr*k.

And I didn’t forget to make my voice tremble so that I sound even more pitiful.

It wasn’t like I’m asking him to start his rebellion right away.

Rosteratu was going to die eventually, but he was the one who locked up Albert here. He wasn’t just someone to underestimate.

If I tried to rush Albert just to get out of the tower sooner, the novel’s contents might go awry, and his coup d’état might fail. I might also get caught in the crossfire because I’m someone who’d help him with his rebellion.

For my aspiration to grow up to a ripe old age, it would be better to just follow Albert.

Albert would know better when and how to fight the current king.

That’s why I found this alternative!

I pouted as pitifully as I could.


With his arms still crossed, Albert stared at me with an almost invisible bemused expression, like a parent watching his child whining.

“I can’t bring in animals, Rosé.”

“Just give me permission and I’ll take care of that. We’re living together, so of course I have to ask you. Do you have any allergies?”

I grabbed Albert’s hand when I saw a hint of hesitation.

“I promise I’ll cook you a magical dish later.”

“…You’re just trying to get something spicy again.”

“No, but well yeah, we’re going to eat spicy food again today, but that’s not it.”

Spicy was always good, but I have another dish in mind, and it’s my secret weapon!
