Chapter 10

Chapter 10

“Your Highness, have some dessert~”

I opened the door with a bowl of apples in hand.

With his gray hair tied and his monocle on, Albert was preoccupied with his research.

He shut his eyes tightly, then opened them again as he pressed his forehead hard.

I placed the bowl down at the end of the desk. Then, I sat on the floor and looked up at him.

Albert tilted his head to the side and stared at me.

“It’s tiring.”

“Is it not going well?”

“Progress isn’t bad, the work is just complicated. I think I’ll be able to unravel everything within the day.”

“Wow… Our Prince is such a genius.”

He was someone who could figure out the curse on the wand and the magic spell over the tower that was made by 30 high-ranking mages? And this quickly? Rosé Artius in the novel was fearless.

In my admiration, I chewed an apple. I liked how crunchy it was.

“Now I can get in touch with outsiders.”

“I see… There must be a lot of people who want to contact Your Highness, so there’s no more need to worry!”

King Impotent spread bad rumors about Albert to the commoners, but he couldn’t get all the nobles under his control.

The current King was already notorious amongst those who met him in person.

Because of his selfish personality, violent temper, and incompetence in handline state affairs, the only nobles who liked him were his lackeys.

“Prince, you have some on you.”

“…’Some’ what?”


I went in without even inhaling, so I was a little out of breath—but I was able to say what needed to be said.

Albert smiled anyway. He seemed to be getting used to my compliments that just came out of nowhere.

As expected, there’s no one in the universe who hates getting compliments. Alright, now onto the next thing.

“Can I ask Your Highness a favor?”

“I guess that’s the main topic here. Just tell me.”

It was a small request, so I thought he’d do it. I spoke with determination.

“Please let me hire a famous pâtissier later. Even just one.”


“Oh, is there no one called a pâtissier here? Someone who makes desserts. I really like sweet things.”

Sweet things were the best of all, especially when you’re feeling depressed. Food that could change your mood was just precious.

Folding his arms, Albert stared at me like he’s looking at something interesting.

“You like sweet things. But I thought you only like spicy things?”

“I told Your Highness before. Sweet and spicy are a spectacular combination.”

Albert smirked and rested his chin over his palm. As though recalling something, he was silent for one moment, then he muttered.

“The desserts from the chef of the palace were amazing.”

“Oh my, really?”

“I don’t like sweets, so I didn’t enjoy them… But I do think about them sometimes. The sweet taste that spreads all over the tongue.”

“Wow… But how could I possibly take the royal chef with me?”

I’m a person who knows my place.

If he’s a royal chef, he’ll definitely be prideful of his work, so I can’t take such a person just because I want to.

“Please recommend a chef that I can hire later.”

Korean food was something I could make, but eating sweets here is like plucking stars out of the sky.

I couldn’t bring in some desserts that were pre-made, and I had no talent in baking.

Albert stared at me.



“What do you want to do when you get out of here?”

It was almost like the first question Albert asked me.

I thought hard about it and decided to answer honestly. There’s no reason to hide my retirement plan from Albert.

“Blanc and I will move to a city that’s just the right size, and I’m going to enjoy my life as a building owner.”

“A building owner?”

“I want to rent it out to people who need to find a small house to live in. Then, I’ll find a chef who’ll cook all kinds of dishes I want. And I want to buy everything without worrying about money. I also want to travel—it’ll be fun to ride a cruise ship.”

I planned out a fancy life.

I was already happy just thinking about it. Once I leave this place, I’ll start a new life.

“It’s a normal life.”

At Albert’s response, I paused.

Well, it might sound strange to him. It’s something too easy to achieve for a prince like him.

Buying everything without having to worry about the expenses was something mundane for him.

Of course, his life wasn’t all that smooth either. If it was, then we wouldn’t have been trapped in this tower in the beginning.

But it might be hard for him to understand why I’m pursuing a normal life.

“Yes, I like things to be normal.”

I agreed with him. It’s a truth that I had realized since I was young.

“Actually, I think living a normal life is something that would bring happiness. And that’s kind of difficult to have.”

Before transmigrating into this book, the people in my world persistently strove to live a normal life by earning money and sacrificing themselves. I was part of that society, too.

I had a little bit of happiness while living alone, day by day. Of course, I still tried to live a better life.

I’ve always wanted an ordinary life.

“Is it hard to live like that?”

“Your Highness’ life and my life could hardly be considered mundane.”

Well, look at us now. We’re two people trapped in a tower.

But was that all? The early genre of this novel was confinement. I just went ahead and changed it to an office setting with me as the employee and Albert the employer.

Albert was going to suffer for another year. He would have lived being buried under work until Seo Ina appeared.

When would Albert be happy?

I didn’t have the answer to this question. And I couldn’t possibly ask Albert.

The happiness that you feel when you can buy whatever you want…

I know how precious it was to live with some small happiness in your life.

The same was true in this tower. In the reality that I was flung into, it’s just better for my mental health to be grateful for what’s given to me. It wouldn’t do me any good to look only at the bad sides of things.

I clenched my fist and spoke resolutely.

“My goal is to live a normal life.”

“…It seems like you’ve become a different person since a few days after you entered the tower.”

Well, he’s not wrong. I smiled wider even though my heart was being pricked with guilt.

“Was it too idealistic? I think I went crazy when I saw Your Highness’ face. Because the Prince is so handsome.”


“Of course. I’ve come to my senses now, so Your Highness doesn’t need to worry.”

But because I thought I should change the subject, I asked Albert a question instead.

“Prince, how about you? What are you going to do once we leave this place?”

Albert blinked, as though he didn’t expect that I’d ask him the same question.

As he tapped his chin with one finger, he tilted his head to the side.

“I don’t know if I can tell you. You’re the one who trapped me here.”


“I think it was your plan to be with me for the rest of our lives here.”

But to that, I made a serious expression.

“Your Highness still doesn’t believe me?”


I was about to make a disappointed face, but because Albert’s answer came so fast, I was surprised instead.

After that, I just gaped at him because I didn’t know what to say.

As he saw my stunned face, his lips curled up into a smile that was so blinding.

His voice flowed out like a calm wave.

“It was a joke.”

“…Your jokes aren’t funny, Prince.”

Albert nodded.

“I never knew that was the case. It’s the first time I made a joke.”

That sounds about right.

“But I think it’s pretty fun seeing your shocked expression.”

“So, what is Your Highness going to do after getting out?”

The sunlight that seeped into the curtains fell over Albert’s features.

He spoke in a low voice.

“I will be King.”

Why was it that… his face looked lonely to me.

“I have to be King so I can live, Rosé.”


“It’s a fight that would end only with one person dying. I know this kind of struggle very well.”

I realized that he was talking about his family. His two brothers, who fought until death for the position of Count.

I wondered what kind of life it was, just to survive. But I didn’t ask him. I was a person who didn’t derive to know.

In Albert’s life, I’m nothing.

In order to remain like that, I had to keep this narrow line between us.

Just as he said, Albert would eventually push out Rosteratu and take the throne.

His relationship with me had changed, but Albert’s future remained the same.

I was curious. Would it be the same once Seo Ina appeared?

Would Albert fall in love like he did in the book? Or would he love someone else?

I hope Albert lives well.

It was a scary future, but he’ll achieve great things.

In this world where Albert lives in, killing people was as natural as him exuding charisma yesterday. It was strange from a modern person’s point of view.

Because our worlds were different in the first place.

I listened earnestly to his words.

“And I’ll be very busy after I become King.”

Since he’d have to strengthen his hold on the position, he’d work hard to rule the country and guide the nobles. I nodded.

“Your Highness, it’s good to work hard, but you shouldn’t overwork yourself.”

“Haha… Do you think I’ll do that, Rosé?”

“Yes. Because you’re a perfectionist.”

Albert was good at everything. He was able to rise to his place now because he worked himself like a dog, especially with this physical and mental strength.

But there’s no way that he wouldn’t get tired. Everyone needed to take a break once in a while. He’s such an unrealistic person that I sometimes forget that he’s human.

“I want you to be happy, Prince.”

To me, he’s not just a character in a book, but a person who was right in front of me.

Even if we weren’t close, I still wished him happiness.

Albert stared at me silently without saying a word.

He wouldn’t have expected me to say this. I wondered if there was anyone in his life who wished him the same thing.

As the atmosphere sank heavily, I smiled to try and change the mood.

“I hope you don’t just work every day. It’s nice to relax while eating delicious food. You should know how blissful it is—the powerful combo of sweet and salty!”

“Thank you for worrying about me.”

Albert, who had been sitting by his desk, approached me.

He patted my head just like last time.

His hands were so gentle, so I didn’t move away and just kept silent.

“But, Rosé.”


I had bowed my head, so I looked up at him again.

With a faint smile, he spoke.

“I don’t exist in your life.”

Albert would be out of my life the moment we left this tower.

I couldn’t say anything to his unexpected question.

As though I was making excuses, I answered.

“Your Highness won’t need me in your life. If we go out now, you won’t have to deal with a maid like me anymore.”

No matter how clueless I was about the laws and hierarchy in this world, I knew how ridiculous it was to have a maid and king in the same space.

Albert knew this fact more than anyone.

“…It’s like that.”

However, the way Albert looked at me was strange.

“It was like that.”

And his low whispering voice was strange as well.