Chapter 28


Chapter 28

It’s the first time I’m seeing Albert fall asleep. Come to think of it, I never did see him sleeping before this.

We slept at different places and even at different times, and he always tended to wake up before me. He was completely my opposite when it came to lifestyles.

Perhaps that’s why this situation is amazing.

With his eyes closed, the face that I couldn’t look at directly before was now right here where I can stare at in more detail. He’s so handsome. Even if I say it hundreds of times, it wouldn’t be enough.

His beauty was something I wouldn’t get used to even if I stared at him all my life.

In fact, it was difficult to know when exactly he fell asleep. The way he didn’t move now wasn’t any different from how he was a while ago.

I just guessed he already fell asleep when the hand holding my wrist gradually loosened its grip.

“You finally let go.”

Albert was also a human being, so he couldn’t help but succumb to sleep. Though even this natural fact was surprising to me.

I got up from my seat and wiped his face carefully so that there would be no sound. Then, I covered him with the blanket only halfway up because he could feel hot later despite the cold sweats

Light leaked through the curtains as the sun rose, so I quickly closed those curtains to block the light that might reach Albert.

He definitely wasn’t sweating as much anymore. However, I still don’t know whether his condition would continue to improve or if it would get worse in the middle. I needed to be by his side to observe his condition in the meantime.

Still, it was difficult to just keep sitting next to the bed. I wasn’t doing anything, so it felt like I was going to fall asleep at any given time.

At this point, I decided to rummage through the stuff we brought back from the duke’s castle and organize them. It would lift Albert’s mood if he could see how his room had changed brightly the moment he woke up.

Perhaps because I went outside for a bit and came back, but my longing for the outside got worse. It couldn’t be solved after just going out once.

This yearning that I had barely forgotten was revived with just a single trip outside. How refreshing it had been to walk while inhaling the cold, but crisp outside air—how beautiful nature was to see.

Also, how fun it was to talk to other people.

The tower inside was too narrow and too stuffy. But I had to accept reality.

What was making me continue enduring the situation was the definite hope that I was going to be able to get out of here someday. It was the hope that, if I just power through this now, I’ll be granted wealth and a new life in the future.

If it wasn’t for that, I might have already fallen into depression.

What would have happened if Albert was trapped here alone? Though whether he’d have been confined alone or not, I couldn’t imagine him going crazy or becoming depressed.

Let’s not think about this. As I shook my head, I looked around the room.

The only bedroom of the tower was equipped with all the essential things for daily life, but it still looked somewhat desolate.

Rosé, the maid in the novel, had no interest in interior design or furniture at all. Though I can understand her side since she couldn’t design a room when she was only a maid.

I thereby decided to compromise with reality so that I could like this place more.

I placed the pouch on the floor. It was as light as a feather, so there wasn’t any sound when I put it down. As I opened the pouch, I reached in.

The first thing that my hand reached for were the books.

One book, two books, three books… As many as ten books had been pulled out. After ten books, I took out a small bookshelf that could be placed atop a desk.

I took that over to Albert’s desk and put the books in it. The books were organized from left to right according to their height and thickness. The desk used to just be achromatic before, but now, there was a splash of color.

Next, I took out the red rug that used to be in the guest room I stayed in.

Unfolding the rug, I pulled it over next to the bed. Once Albert wakes up, the place where he’d make his first step became soft. It was also a bonus that the pop of color made my eyes happy.

I set aside the other rug so that I could bring it to the attic later.

After the rugs, small frames came out one by one. The sizes of the frames containing paintings were all different from each other.

I placed the smallest frame on one side of the desk, then I leaned the largest landscape painting against the wall.

Even if I’ve yet to hang it on the wall, the landscape painting made the room brighter just by existing. It looked good, too.

The blankets and pillows brought from the guest room also came out.

I’ll put these in my room later, then I’ll change Albert’s beddings with these over here after he wakes up…

After taking out the sheets and pillows, a few more small bookshelves were pulled out. When I assembled those bookshelves together, they looked like a proper-sized bookshelf. The more I decorated, the more proud I became.

I started designing the tower’s interior with a few ornaments.

On top of the fireplace, Christmas tree-like decorations were set and leaned against the wall. I also placed a vase on the desk, then a small house trinket on the bedside table.

Curtains came out of the pouch as well. I wanted to change the curtains in the room right away with these red curtains, but it wasn’t right for me to decide on my own. I had no choice but to decide that I should ask Albert later.

Ah, of course I checked Albert’s condition while I was working. I took breaks to wipe off his cold sweat from time to time.

Finally, the interior was satisfactory.

The room felt a lot more cozy. I’m proud of myself. This is all thanks to me. After I finished this, I felt rewarded, and I looked forward to what would happen later.

What’ll Albert say once he sees this?

With a delighted heart, I checked Albert’s condition once more.

His cold sweat had definitely decreased, and his shallow breathing had become more relaxed.

He said that he should be sick for about two more days…

Should I stay up all night like I did before? Agonizing over this, I opened my mouth and yawned like a hippo.

I yawned for quite a long time.

As the midday came, my eyelids gradually started to close. The crisis of grogginess came again. My eyelids were so heavy. I stayed up for such a long time, so I deserve to sleep, right?

And since I didn’t sleep, I have a raging headache. It’s no match for Albert’s sickness, but I wasn’t exactly in tip top shape either.

First of all, Albert should have something to eat when he wakes up. He can’t go inside the kitchen, so I need to bring some food up in advance.

Accompanied by dragging, sluggish steps, I went down the stairs. Of course, I didn’t my best not to wake up the sleeping Blanc.

After heating up the porridge, I placed one bowl of it and a spoon on the tray.

While thinking about what side dish would be okay even if it’s cooled down, I simply boiled some eggs.

Porridge and eggs would be enough to fill his stomach. I’ll need to see his condition first later before I can decide on what meal he’ll have next. Or, we might have to stick to porridge.

I had no plans of unnecessarily teasing a sick person with food they might not be able to eat.

When I put the porridge on the desk, I yawned again. I really want to sleep right this second.

If I could, I would have wanted to go up to my attic room and sleep right there, but Albert might feel some discomfort by not being able to find me when he wakes up. So I shouldn’t leave.

Looking around, I found the blanket and pillow I was meaning to carry upstairs at a later time.

I plopped down on the soft rug next to the bed. I brought the blanket and pillow with me next to the bed, placing the pillow in front of the bedside table and spreading out the blanket. I’m used to sleeping on the floor anyway.

I have no idea what kind of material this fluffy rug was made of, but it felt like a futon, so I liked it. A stray thought crossed my mind that I wouldn’t have to miss my bed for the time being if I lay this on top of my cot in the attic later.

Planning to write something, I brought a quill and paper with me so that I could stay away while observing Albert’s condition. I wouldn’t sleep this way.

Sitting next to Albert’s bed, I put a book on the floor and placed a piece of paper on top of it. It was a temporary measure in case the floor might get scratched.

Should I draw or make scribbles? Thinking about it, I decided to write down all the things I want to do once I go outside again.

Things I want to do once I get out of this place, which was too narrow with nothing to do inside.

It was kind of like a bucket list.

As soon as I got some ink on the quill, I wrote down my list.

Even though I was doing something, my eyes just kept drooping.

Maybe if I sleep for just a bit, I can stay awake better.

I lay down on the newly prepared, simple bed.

“Wow… I love this.”

I just lied down, but I think about half of my fatigue disappeared just then.

As expected, people were meant to lie down. I decided to close my eyes.

“I’ll just sleep a little and wake up right away.”

I’ll take a five-minute nap and then wake up to check Albert’s condition. With this resolute determination, I closed my eyes.

But of course, the magical, resentful promise of ‘just five minutes’ betrayed me.

Five minutes always turned into thirty minutes, and then an hour, and so on.

Albert woke up with his head throbbing heavily, as though he was being stabbed by an awl over and over again. Like last night, his back was soaking with cold sweat.

His body also felt heavy, so his mood plummeted even more. He wasn’t in such a good condition to welcome a new day.

Exhaling, Albert sat up. A wet towel fell off his forehead.

As he looked around, he realized that something was different. The room’s atmosphere has changed.

The desolate bedroom now had a cozy feel to it. It smelled much more like a human being’s residence compared to before.

His desk was decorated with old-fashioned things, and it now looked like a small library.

Books, frames, and an inkwell were neatly arranged on the desk, as if the desk itself had been plucked out from an office elsewhere.

A cushion he was seeing for the first time—whether in Liam’s place or not—became the sofa’s focal point.

There were other unfamiliar decorations welcoming him atop the fireplace. Not only trinkets, but also various kinds of famous paintings were perfectly blending in the room.

These were things that were from Liam’s castle, but once they were placed here, they felt completely different.


There was only one person who would do all this while he was asleep.

The only one here with him.

The one who was in a contract with him…


Albert found Rosé sleeping next to his bed, lying down on a rug while covered by a blanket.

Next to the sleeping Rosé was a piece of paper and a quill that had rolled out and spread ink. Albert frowned as he stood up while cradling his head. Then, he picked up the piece of paper.

After going over what was written, Albert had a blank expression as he blinked.

The words written in a round cursive script that was very like Rosé… made him speechless.

—Things I want to do once I get out of this place

The list, which expressed Rosé’s wishes, began with simple tasks like ‘taking a walk’ and other such things.

Taking a walk, talking to other people, buying clothes at a boutique, making friends with people of the same age, traveling, eating delicious food with Blanc, not cooking for a month and hiring a chef…

Most of the wishes were ordinary, yet couldn’t be fulfilled here inside the tower.

The list made it clear just how much she wanted to get out of here.

Albert stared at Rosé’s sleeping face.

‘It’s impossible to live like this forever.’

He knew that, but he liked being here.

There were times when he wanted to abandon everything and just continue staying here, in this place where he could be a simple human being, without such status and without such obligations.

At first, he detested Rosé and the things she did. But after they signed that contract, which she brought up as though she’d become a different person, he gradually became accustomed to her presence and she eventually grew on him.

He got used to hearing her candid praise. The spice-laden food that he didn’t even like gradually suited his taste.

It was like experiencing a calm rain that slowly but surely broke down a once-solid wall.

Like her.
