Chapter 30


Chapter 30

Albert turned around and carried the basin with one hand. It was so different from when I was groaning while lifting that with both hands.

“I’ll change the water.”

Albert also looked graceful from behind even while he was carrying a wash basin. Yet again, I was mesmerized by his elegance, but I wrapped a hand over my forehead.

“Agh… It’s like someone hit me.”

This was the first time I was experiencing a headache like this. It was a kind of pain that my various experiences with headaches couldn’t even alleviate. I really, urgently need some Tylen*l. As a person from modern times, it was so sad that I couldn’t have this.

This was only a fraction of the pain that Albert had gone through.

“Just how did you endure it?”

It really made me realize again how amazing Albert was, seeing as how he endured a whole lot more pain than I was going through now. It knew now how difficult it was to keep it all in without letting out a single groan.

Still, I could at least do one of the things I wrote on my bucket list.

Lying still without doing anything.

Three cheers! Everything hurts, but this is nice. Lying down like a homebody was as natural as breathing to me.

“Ack, you’re back?”


Albert set down the full basin. The moment he did, the water overflowed a little.

He carried that much with one hand, I can’t believe it. I realized again that Albert’s upper body strength was just that great. As expected, people should exercise.

How buff could I get through the exercise of breathing?

While I was lost in these wrong thoughts, my stomach grumbled. I must have used up my calories since I’m in this much pain anyway, but I still had to eat something for sure.

Phew, I’m glad I made a lot of porridge. It would be impossible for me to cook with this migraine.

I should slowly go down and come back up.

I’m the only one who could go into the kitchen. With a deep breath, I sat up. Again, my head pounded and I stumbled for a moment.


Albert reached over and helped me, holding my hand.

“What are you planning on doing?”

“We have to eat dinner.”

His fingers intertwined with mine. With a low voice, he spoke.

“Rosé, I’m fine.”

Everything was troublesome to do because I was sick, but staying still and doing nothing was only possible when you live alone. And, again, the kitchen was a place where only I can go in and out of.

“It’s like the words ‘I’m fine’ are stuck on the Prince’s lips.”

Mumbling and glancing up, I spoke up again in a louder voice with an excuse.

“I’m sorry, Your Highness. But I’m a bit hungry, so I need to go down.”

“…Is that so.”

As I said this, Albert let me go since it couldn’t be helped.

Albert rose to his feet and reached out to me.

“Then I’ll take you to the door.”

“Thank you.”

It was difficult to turn down his offer since my physical condition was terrible. As I took his hand and clasped it tightly, I bit my lower lip to endure the pain. Moving around harder than I initially thought.

I thought that I’d only need to hold his hand for support, but Albert’s other hand naturally wrapped over my shoulder to hold me steady.

“Just lean on me.”

Albert whispered as he pulled me in. His body was firmer than I expected.

Tensions rose. I gulped dryly.

Seriously, I shouldn’t even be excited by something like this. Sighing inwardly, but it’s true that it’s a lot better now that I’m leaning on him. I soon arrived in front of the kitchen door with Albert’s help.

“Really, I don’t know how I can face you later, Your Highness. Where else will we be able to see a maid being taken care of by a prince?”

Standing at the door, I chattered on for no reason. It was an afterthought to remind myself about the distance between me and him.

Albert stared at me, his expression calm. So I’ve been caught. He’s been reading my face much better than I imagined he could.

As though he didn’t hear anything just now, Albert changed the topic right then.

“Go inside and come right back out. Don’t make me wait.”

I was already sorry for making him wait. I replied rather bravely.

“It’ll take me a while, so please return to the room and rest. It’s not like I can’t move anymore.”

Albert narrowed his eyes and smirked.

“Who was it again who said that she didn’t like lies? Rosé, can you tell me?”

…But Albert ignored my suggestion swiftly.

I really can’t win against him.

In the end, I entered the kitchen and left Albert in front of the door. Blanc followed my movements.

The first thing I did after coming into the kitchen was to place a pot over the stove and started the fire to heat it up.

While I was warming up the porridge, I leaned against the wall.

“Don’t be siiick…”

Evidently worried, Blanc was on the verge of tears.

“I’m okay, I won’t die. See? Sick people can get better.”

I patted Blanc’s head and comforted him.

It wasn’t so difficult to reassure Blanc since he could now see that Albert’s all better again.


“Yes, yes.”

He still had tears brimming around his eyes, but Blanc seemed to understand what I was trying to say.

Soon, the porridge was all heated up. After contemplating for a while, I took out some eggs and made a simple rolled omelet.

Albert’s been having about the same food for several days in a row now. It seemed difficult for a well-built person to eat only porridge.

As I focused on other things, I could feel another wave of the migraine coming again. So, I quickly grilled some meat. Beef was already delicious when it’s just grilled, so I decided to just grill it roughly.

After I get better, I should make at least a bowl of bibimbap.

It’ll be delicious if I add some vegetables, red pepper paste and half a boiled egg. Pressing hard over my temples with one hand, I checked our dinner on the plate.

Porridge, fresh kimchi, egg rolls and grilled beef. I definitely made at least some effort. Good job, Rosé.

I knew it already—I’m a Korean who’s serious about eating, through and through.

“It’s a lot to carry by myself.”

Thinking about how I should go about this, I first opened the kitchen door. Leaning against the wall, I found Albert facing me while his eyebrows were raised.

“I thought you’re only heating up the porridge.”

“How can I give only porridge to you, Prince. Please help me instead. I can’t carry all this by myself.”

I held out the tray full of food towards Albert, who then looked through it and stared back at me.

“Didn’t you say that you’re the one who’s hungry?”

“I know it’s the same for you, too. I can also read you this much, you know.”

How could he not be hungry? He was bedridden just until recently, and it hadn’t been long since he couldn’t even move.

“…Wait here.”

Albert responded after a moment of silence, then he went up the stairs with the tray as though he was flying.

Was that really the speed of someone who’s just walking? It even made me wonder if we have the same experience of going up those steps.

As he returned to my side in an instant, Albert didn’t even gasp or pant once.

“Here, let’s go.”

He reached out to me again.

My headache wasn’t as bad as it was a while ago. I know I can at least walk alone…

But I wonder why.

I don’t want to refuse.

Anyway, once we leave this place, everything will change. Albert and I wouldn’t be able to interact in the same way. Was there really a reason to continue abstaining from doing what I wished to do?

In the first place, was there anyone out there who wouldn’t fall in love with this guy when he’s trying to seduce you? I’m one hundred percent there’s not one person who could resist.

My steel-like resolve seemed to be crumbling lately because I was sick. Just look at how I’m thinking.


Albert whispered my name, perhaps because I was acting strangely. I was just staring at my hand right now.

The conflicting thoughts within me didn’t last long. This was because Albert took my hand and squeezed once.

“Let’s go.”

Albert pulled me in to make me lean against him again. His warmth was much more comforting than I thought.

I really like that the atmosphere of the room has changed. I sat face to face with Albert with the food between us.

Seeing Albert like this as he was eating only porridge, rolled omelets, and meat with only salt as its seasoning, the guilt I was feeling inside me was revived once again.

What would Schubert, Albert’s fan, do if he ever saw this?

How dare you give this kind of food to our Prince…! While saying this, he might just tackle me while his eyes were ablaze.

I’ve known Schubert for only a little while, but I could already picture how he would react.

To relieve my guilt, I focused on stirring my own bowl of porridge. Right. This was a delicious serving of porridge that I poured my heart and soul into making.

I can’t compete with a professional chef by any means, but the dishes I’ve cooked are still tasty.

“Prince, please eat a lot of delicious food once we get out of here.”

“You really are sick. What’s going on that you’re suddenly talking about this?”

…Albert dismissed my loyal advice as nonsense. Feeling unfair, I protested.

“No… I’m just feeling sorry that this is only what I can cook.”

“…It’s fine. Like you, I’m getting used to spicy and sweet food.”

At Albert’s calm declaration, I felt mortified. I can’t believe I was the one who guided the prince towards the spicy squad.

But that’s the only type of food I can cook!

Coughing to hide my embarrassment, I averted my gaze. Anyway, at the same moment I was about to lift my spoon to eat,

“Now, open up.”

Albert reached over to me and lifted his own spoon of porridge close to my lips.

…This, what?

“Aren’t you sick? I’ll feed you instead.”

“…My limbs are fine though.”

“There’s no need for a sick person to use their limbs.”

Did what he said even make sense? Being sick like this has nothing to do with my limbs!

I was afraid I’d give in, so I picked my spoon then. I should eat quickly and show Albert that my limbs were just fine.

Albert furrowed his brows. His hand that was holding the spoon started shaking slightly.

“Rosé, my hand is getting numb. Can’t you just eat this?”

Where’s the person who practically flew up the stairs just now?

“This is an order.”

Of course, I had also personally fed Albert his meal before.

But it was two completely different things to feed the sick Albert compared to me being spoon-fed like this.

I need to firmly refuse…

“I was thinking about increasing the size of the land I’ll be bequeathing to you, but…”

No way, I can’t. No matter how much of a slave to capitalism I am!

“Ah, I think I heard something about the imperial palace’s chef being good at making desserts…”

“Thank you very much for being so thoughtful, Prince.”

…I needed to firmly refuse, but I didn’t. Hahp. I closed my mouth over Albert’s spoon and ate what was on it.

I am very much a slave to capitalism. Hurray for land. Hurray for food!

“Right, isn’t this nice to see.”

As the corners of his lips were raised, Albert smiled.
