Chapter 37


Chapter 37

Albert healed me until the point of exhaustion, so it’s only right for him to stay back in the room and fall asleep.

Now that it’s come to this, the best thing to do was to make some good food for Albert. I was just going to work really hard without any ulterior motives…

But unexpectedly, Albert kicked me out. He’s sending me out since he wanted to rest and regain his strength, but I feel bad leaving him alone. I tried to stay a little longer, though I soon failed.

“Blanc must be looking for you, too.”

Albert soon mentioned the worried Blanc’s name. Recalling Blanc’s tearful eyes, I just had to get up.

Besides that, though Albert didn’t like Blanc that much, it seemed like he wanted to rest alone for now since he mentioned Blanc’s name and all.

“Of course, any person needs some alone time while resting, too.”

As I left the room, I ran into Liam. He was leaning against the wall along the hallway, and the cold look he was now directing at me reminded me of my first meeting with Albert.

I bowed in front of him and had a big smile on my lips.

“Good morning, Duke Masen.”

Since I’ve been trained in the art of serving Albert, Liam’s cold demeanor was like the cold wind a mere air conditioner would give off.

Liam was still scowling. Well, I didn’t have any expectations that he’d change his attitude towards me with just a few words and a smile.

“I have to go inside, so get out of the way.”

“Yes, of course.”

I stepped out of the doorway.

“There should be another attendant in His Highness’ room at all times. If you don’t intend to tarnish His Highness’ reputation, then keep yourself in check.”

“Ah, I apologize. I don’t think I can stay in the room.”

“Are you saying you’re using His Highness’ good intentions just to suit your own convenience?”

“No. I just have to find my cat, and… I’ll find my cat and make something to eat. May I use your kitchen?”


Liam’s expression grew clouded. He couldn’t understand why I needed to go to the kitchen personally. But I want to find Blanc, and I’m hungry. The food that the people here serve doesn’t taste bad per se, but…

I’m currently in the cold northern region of the empire. Can’t a girl have some warm soup? Scrumptious, clear soup! I’ve just been eating porridge for the most part of the last few days, so now I’m craving a proper meal!

Liam knitted his brows. He soon expressed his skepticism, as if wordlessly saying, ‘What are you planning to do?’

Oh, Duke. How can you be so easy to read…

Had I been too properly disciplined by Albert and my team leader in my previous life’s workplace? I might be discovering a new talent—reading people’s emotions and expressions well.

Since Albert was already someone so difficult to read, it seemed like the difficulty level of reading other people had become comparatively low. Though I must say, Liam didn’t reveal his innermost feelings easily either.

“Do as you please. And the cat was taken away by Schubert.”

“Yes. Thank you.”

So Schubert took Blanc with him. I think I’ll have to ask later. After giving my thanks to Liam, he guided me to the room I’ll be staying in.

This room was both similar and different to the room I stayed in the last time. It wasn’t as fancy as Albert’s room now, but this room was better already since it’s bigger than the bedroom at the tower.

The castle’s interior was warm. It’s because the fireplace was lit, but also perhaps due to some magic spells serving as heating systems. Even so, since the dress I was wearing was thin, I still felt a bit cold.

As if on cue, a fleece dress was prepared for me.

“We’ll help you put it on, Miss.”

Two women who seemed to be ladies-in-waiting entered the room as if they’d been waiting for the chance to come in, and then offered to help me put on the dress.

It seemed like only a few people here knew that I was a maid.

It might be a bad idea to say, ‘I’m a maid, too, so you don’t have to help me’…

After much consideration, I decided to keep silent on the matter. We’re staying here for a week and then we’ll return right away. I don’t have to make this uncomfortable for all people involved.

They might think that I’ll be cooking personally, but it’ll be fine as long as Liam says something about it.

“It’s finished.”

“Thank you.”

“No, it’s our duty…”

I can’t believe these noble ladies are being so respectful to me…! It felt strange to see the two ladies-in-waiting be so restless. I’m not a noble myself though…

It’s like a clichéd scene where the female lead typically shows off her kindness. It’s a common scene in romance fantasy novels.

Shaking my head to get rid of idle thoughts, I soon became surprised at my physical condition.

It’s as if I’d been born again. My entire body felt so light, like all those migraines never happened. I think Albert’s magic had fully stabilized in my system now.

…I don’t want to hurt Albert for anything like this again in the future. This happened because I was a dark mage.

Still, he treated me anyway. Since I’m Rosé now, I don’t even have any inclinations towards black magic, so this wouldn’t happen again.

It’s making me feel a bit uneasy that the treatment was done and over with so fast like that, but… This must be because Albert’s just that great.

I realize once again how life is so comfortable when you have the right connections.

Oh, but I should find out more about black magic. And really, about magic in general. Since this castle is huge, there should be a study somewhere around here. It would be a good idea to spend some time there.

Once again, I became very excited about the fact that I’m in a new place after being cooped up for a long time.

“Now then, let’s go find Blanc first.”

Stretching my body and feeling refreshed, I left the room. Just in time, an attendant was walking by the hallway.

I heard that Schubert was walking along the garden at the east wing of the castle. It was snowing heavily outside, so I first thought that the attendant was joking when he said that the baron was in the garden.

However, as I walked towards that direction, I soon saw a glass greenhouse waiting at the end of the east wing’s corridor.

“Please wait here for a moment.”

I can’t believe someone’s bowing so politely in front of me! I’ve never been treated like this in my whole entire life. It feels so weird—so thrilling. Is this what power tastes like?

I soon got excited while thinking about the property I’ll be receiving from Albert, along with the attendants and chefs I’ll be hiring. If possible, I’d like to hire some good-looking people.

The attendant who went outside came back in no time, but he looked a bit troubled.

“I apologize, but His Lordship didn’t allow for you to go in…”

“Um, does Lord Bergen have a cat with him?”

“Pardon? Oh, yes, that’s right but…”

“That’s my cat. I’m here to fetch him.”

That cat belongs to me. I proudly demanded to take Blanc back. Do you know just how much quality time I’ve spent with Blanc?

If Schubert didn’t want to see me, then fine. Even if I couldn’t go in the greenhouse, I’m still taking Blanc with me.

“Can you tell my cat that I’m going to cook something delicious? He’ll come to me then.”

“…I am doubtful that a cat would understand such complicated words, but I shall do as you say.”

Though there was a perplexed look on his face, the attendant nodded.

After a while, the door opened again, and I saw Blanc running towards me. He was so full of energy that, as he came running, his little wings were flapping behind him.


I welcomed Blanc with open arms.

“You came to fetch meee…”

“Of course I did. What were you doing?”

“Ooover there… That human… gave me something… yummyyy…”

“Don’t follow just any human just because they give you something delicious, Blanc. What if he’s some weirdo?”

“No waayy… That human’s auraaa… is goood…”

When I said that, Blanc protested gently. The attendant who was still there blinked at me. I must look like a crazy cat lady talking to her pet.

“What did you just say about me?”

I heard a pointed voice from behind me. Turning around, I exchanged glances with Schubert Bergen.

“No, the Baron is a very good man. I’m just saying it as a warning.”

“You have a way with words, don’t you… You must have been like that with His Highness…”

From the short distance between us, I heard him gritting his teeth. His ferocious glare was intense.

Well, it wasn’t all that scary to me though. I’ve been training under Albert all this time.

In comparison, Schubert was like a huge puppy. I wondered what would be the best thing to do to win over a huge puppy—and the answer came to me in an instant.

Holding Blanc in my arms tightly, I pretended to look away and said with a low voice,

“I’ll be off to cook His Highness’ food now, Baron, so…”


“His Highness quite likes my cooking, so I’d like to cook some for the Baron, too.”

The way to win over Schubert was simple—just mention Albert.

Flinch. There, I saw it. That very slight flinch of Schubert’s shoulders. That minute trembling of his eyes.

“May I have your permission?”

“…W-What if you put poison in it! I don’t trust you at all!”

Schubert exclaimed with a red face. I turned away with a sad expression on my face.

“Is that so. I understand.”

“…You’re just leaving like that?”

Bewildered now, his voice was different from the usual threatening tone.

You feel that it’s a shame, right? Right? You thought I’d try to convince you a few more times.

When it came to improving relationships, the push and pull method was essential.

…Of course, it was impossible in some cases. Albert’s, that is.

I’ll have to lower Schubert’s vigilance. He still sees me as a suspicious witch, after all.

Now’s the perfect opportunity to show him how I cook for Albert and, at the same time, let him taste the same food Albert eats.

Coughing once, I spoke politely again.

“How dare I force Your Lordship to do anything? That would be impudent of me.”


“Then, I shall get going now.”

I turned away from Schubert. Then, I spoke pleasantly towards the attendant.

“Please guide me to the kitchen.”

Soon, I walked away under the attendant’s guidance and headed towards the kitchen. In my arms, the smiling Blanc asked me,

“What are you cookiiing… todaaay…?”

“I think I’ll have to see the ingredients first.”

There were many soup recipes out there. But I had one in mind.

I asked the servant cautiously,

“Do you have any seafood here?”

“If it’s seafood…”

“Anything is fine. Shrimp would be nice to have, but clams are good, too. Mussels or an octopus also.”

“Yes, we have some. Duke Masen likes seafood, so we always have some on hand. We’re not far from the coast, so we have seafood all year round.”

Then suddenly, I heard the sound of rushed footsteps coming up behind me.

“H-Hold it!”

Dear gullible customer, you’re here?

I gaped my mouth open slightly, pretending to be surprised, then turned around to face him. With his hair all messed up now after running in a hurry, Schubert coughed in embarrassment and straightened his posture.

Like someone who was in an unexpected predicament, I raised my voice as I spoke.

“No, but! Baron, why are you here…”

“I must check with my own eyes if the food you’ll cook for His Highness isn’t poisoned.”

Oh, that’s a good excuse. I zealously nodded in agreement.

“…You’re weird.”

Schubert blinked in a puzzlement.

“…Not a witch, maybe an idiot…”

“Baron, I can hear you, you know. If I prove I’m not a witch, then it’s alright to be called an idiot.”

Schubert tilted his head to the side at my words. I don’t think I’ve warmed up to him just yet, but my image had certainly changed in his mind.

This much wasn’t bad.

With a light heart, I started walking again, Blanc still in my arms.

For the first time in a while, I was going to cook again. I’m feeling a bit excited.
