Chapter 39


Chapter 39

The broth was now boiling. It’s my first time making broth with only vegetables in it. Is it going to be okay? It’s a bit unfortunate that I can’t borrow the power of the great and mighty MSG.

When I tasted it, it was a bit bland, so I added a bit more salt. Then, I took out the bitter vegetables from the pot one after another.

Fortunately, contrary to what I was worried about, the white color of the soup came out nicely. Now, it’s time for me to rip the noodles and put them in.

I looked at the dough I prepared earlier, conflicted.

There’s a little bit too much.

It’s going to be frustrating hand-ripping this all by myself…

While lost in thought, I saw Schubert playing with Blanc.

Should I ask? Should I not? But he’s in the perfect physical condition to be ordered around.

As expected, it’s human nature to make use of good manpower. I mean, it’s also true that I got tired from preparing the other ingredients earlier.


“What is it?”

“Would you like to join me in preparing His Highness’ meal?”

Flinching, Schubert looked away, as if he was thinking of a good excuse. Coughing dryly, Schubert answered a moment later.

“Knights do not cook.”

“But if you help me, then His Highness will be able to eat the Baron’s dish.”


“Wouldn’t you like to see His Highness smiling with satisfaction after taking a bite…?”

After hearing what I said, Schubert mumbled the same words and came forward slowly, as if entranced.

And, not long after—

“Wow, Baron! You can become a chef!”

“Nothing’s difficult for me!”

Beside me, Schubert stood with a proud expression on his face as he worked hard on ripping the sujebi. His hands were really no joke. I really do think that he’d be a pretty good chef if he learned how to cook.

The dough of these hand-torn noodles needed to be thin as it was going to be added to the soup later, so it’s definitely not going to be quick to get through this lump of dough.

I felt this while talking to Schubert, but he really was more naïve than I thought.

He’s the kind of person who’s the same inside and out, like a young boy who’s still innocent when it came to the real world.

I felt comfortable enough when interacting with him because he’s different from other people who would say one thing outwardly, but their thoughts were different, or the other kind of people who spoke so convolutedly that you’d have to dissect their words.

Even if this guy didn’t like me much, I still felt like this towards him.

Even so, I’m a little curious what kind of story there was between this boy and Albert.

“May I ask you a question, Baron?”

“What is it?”

“Why do you respect His Highness so much?”

As he was in the middle of washing the flour of the sujebi from his hands, Schubert’s expression became serious.

“Because he saved my life.”


Albert saved his life. Then it was certainly a good reason to revere and serve the prince.

I waited for him to elaborate on the story, but Schubert didn’t say anything more, and I don’t want to force it out of him either. Unfortunately, this was a story for another day.

Thanks to Schubert, I quickly finished tearing the noodles right away. By the time the sujebi was cooked a little, I poured the seafood into the pot.

The shrimp began to glow red one after another. The plump octopus and squid also floated along the broth with the sujebi. I picked up the ladle and tasted the still-boiling soup.


I was worried that it might taste bland or not that delicious because it’s just vegetable broth, but it seemed like my worries were unnecessary.

“It’s finally done.”

I’ve finished cooking my, Albert’s and Blanc’s meal.

I took out a tray and some bowls, then transferred the sujebi and seafood evenly. Next to me, Schubert’s eyes were wide open as he observed my actions. I gave him a little nudge.

“You’ve personally seen me cook the dish, so I hope that the misunderstanding about me poisoning His Highness has been resolved. Is there anything else you’d like to check?”


Schubert shook his head. I called the attendant and asked for some utensils.

“Thank you for taking care of Blanc, Baron. It’s because of you that I was able to finish cooking the meal successfully.”

I looked towards half-asleep Blanc, who was in Schubert’s arms, beckoning to the baby dragon. Blanc rose from the baron’s arms and jumped into my arms, his little wings fluttering.

Schubert had a crestfallen expression as he outstretched his arms towards Blanc.

“You’re doooone…?”

“Yeah. Let’s go bring the food to His Highness and eat together.”

He made me leave his room a while ago, so he might already be asleep by now. Still, I placed Albert’s portion on the tray.


Blanc nuzzled into my arms, and at this, I patted his back.

At one corner of my vision, I saw Schubert pause where he was. I glanced at him.

“May I ask you to come with us, Baron? I still don’t know my way around the castle… It’ll trouble the prince if I’m too slow.”

I could have just asked for directions, and it wasn’t necessary for me to mention that I’d ‘trouble’ Albert, but I needed an excuse. And this kind of excuse worked exceptionally well when it came to Schubert.

Now standing in front of Albert’s room, I knocked on the door.

“Who is it?”

It was Liam’s voice. Seems like he’s still inside. Good, the prince might not be sleeping yet.

“I’m here to serve His Highness’ meal.”

“Rosé, come in.”

After that, I heard Albert’s voice. Taking the tray from the attendant’s hands behind me, I went inside, towing along the hesitant Schubert. Blanc was resting atop my head.

“I thought Your Highness was sleeping already,” I said.

“I feel like I’ll be sick the moment I lie down, so I’m trying to maximize my time as much as I can.”

Albert smiled back at me. Seeing him like this, it was hard to imagine that he was sick. The same was true when observing his actions.

Maybe he’s acting tough in front of Liam.

I walked towards the sofa where Albert was sitting, then placed his bowl of sujebi on the table in front of him.

“I’m surprised that you haven’t turned in yet, Rosé. You seemed very tired.”

“I’m hungry, too. I was able to cook this meal thanks to His Grace allowing me to use the kitchen and the ingredients there.”

“Why does the color of the food look too light?”

“It’s food just for you, Prince!”

People are going to think I can only cook red food! Liam and Schubert are going to misunderstand for sure. I smiled right back at him.

“So, what is this?”

“It’s a dish called sujebi, and it’s made of hand-torn noodles and some seafood. The soup is cool to the palate and the ingredients are chewy.”

“How can this be cool when it’s warm?”

Well, it’s the kind of a cool, refreshing feeling that only Koreans knew… It’s true that Koreans even exclaim, “Ahh, refreshing,” while dipping into a scorching hot bath—but if I say that here, they’ll just think I’m a madwoman. I corrected myself.

“A slip of the tongue, Prince. It’s because Your Highness’ appearance dazzled me so.”

“Seems like you’re being yourself now.”

“It’s best to eat this dish while it’s still warm. Oh, and the Baron helped a lot in making the noodles, that’s why it tastes amazing. I just wanted to mention it.”


I felt Schubert’s piercing gaze at the back of my head as I hurriedly noted his contribution. Liam, who had just been listening to this exchange quietly, blinked in a daze and spoke.

“Do you usually converse like this?”

“Absolutely. I continually praise His Highness’ appearance and serve him delicious food all the time. I will never hurt the Prince.”

Now might be a good time to resolve that strange misunderstanding, so I quickly added,

“I am a loyal servant to His Highness, and I have no intention of doing anything that c—”

“Baron Bergen.”

Ah, maybe it’s a mistake. Albert cut me off mid-sentence.

Albert looked towards Schubert and smiled benevolently.

“Yes, sire!”

Startled by the sudden mention of his name, Schubert quickly knelt in front of Albert and bowed his head.

“I heard that you successfully spread false information around Rosteratu’s knight order. Well done.”

“If it’s to the benefit of Your Highness, I will do anything.”

Emotionally, Schubert nodded. What false information were they talking about? Every word that he said made me realize that the coup hasn’t started yet.

And, I felt a bit left out.

Liam was sitting on the sofa across Albert, and Schubert was kneeling before the prince. There was a balance of arrogance yet ascendancy in the air that surrounded him as compared to the two other men.

The conversation between the three of them felt like a different world to me. And I knew well enough that I would need to get used to this unmistakable distance between us.

I tried to be enthusiastic as I curtsied.

“Then, I’ll be leaving now.”

Blanc’s tail fluttered across my hair.

As I straightened my posture again, I felt Albert’s smooth fingers touching the back of my hand.

“Where will you eat?”

“I will be eating in the kitchen.”

“If you’re going to eat anyway, just do it here.”

“It seems like you’re still in the middle of your conversation with His Grace the Duke, so I’m fine going to the kitchen. It might put everyone in a difficult spot if I listen.”

Liam treated me like that when I was leaving the room earlier, so what more if I stay here.

“We’re done talking. Liam, you must be tired, so you may retire now.”

But right now, Liam was occupied by the sujebi I brought in. He was staring intently at the hand-torn noodles amongst the seafood, a frown on his lips.

“…What is this?”

“Hand-torn noodles, sir.”

“Seafood in a dish like this…”

It seemed like Liam really did like seafood. He seemed upset that his favorite seafood had been used in an unfamiliar dish. Maybe he’s quite the connoisseur.

Even a duke was a human being, so he must have his likes and dislikes. Still, it’s a little sad that he hasn’t tried tasting sujebi just yet. I worked hard to make this!

It’s not the kind of dish that’s eye-catching and fancy like the food that the protagonist of this novel, Seo Ina, cooks, but it’s still tasty.

“Rosé, bring your bowl here, too.”

“No, Your Highness, I’m alright.”

Now that Liam wasn’t showing any signs of leaving the room easily, and with Schubert here, I absolutely have no intention of eating here. It’ll be better for me to go back to the kitchen and eat comfortably there.

“Then I’ll be o…”

I was going to say ‘I’ll be off’ right then, but Albert took a spoon and scooped up a spoonful from the bowl. The well-cooked octopus and soup went into his lips. As he savored the food, a strange silence enveloped the room.

It suddenly felt like I’m in the finale of Master Ch*f.


Albert said only one word, but it gave me a warm, proud feeling in an instant. Because I knew that the way he lifted one corner of his lips like that meant that he really liked it.

It made me even more happy to hear this because I made this dish while thinking about Albert. It’s the kind of happiness that you could only get by giving a present that fits the other person perfectly.

Liam gaped at Albert in astonishment. However, Albert was looking at only me.

“But it’s lonely eating alone.”



Albert’s words elicited an identical reaction from both Liam and Schubert.

“I usually have someone I eat together with, but now…”

There’s nothing I could do in protest when it’s come to this already. It’s really hard to say no to Albert.

“I’ll get some more food and come back right away, sire.”

I’ll go out and give some sujebi to Blanc, too. The moment I was going to say that, a thunderstorm from a certain place suddenly resounded throughout the room.

Grumble, grumble.



Albert crossed his arms and took a good look at Schubert and Liam.



“Bring two more bowls along with yours.”

“Yes, I understand.”

At such a late hour, I was about to have a strange meal with these three men.
