Chapter 57

Chapter 57

As I woke up from slumber, I realized that there’s something weighing down on me.

I blinked and barely managed to raise my head, and there, I found Blanc sitting on my chest, sobbing.

“Hu-aaang… Roséeee… You’re awaaaaake…”

Even when Albert and I got sick, I don’t think Blanc ever cried this much. I reached up to comfort Blanc by patting his head.

“Shh, I’m fine. I’m fine, Blanc. Don’t cry now.”

“I, I…”

Even though he could see that my eyes were wide open now, Blanc couldn’t stop crying.

I had a feeling about what this was about.

I wasn’t the only one who had a nightmare.

You, too, experienced one.

Alexander also gave Blanc a chance to see his fears and confront them.

He did a really good job as a sunbae in life. I patted Blanc on the back and asked.

“Blanc, what did you see in your nightmare?”

“I died, and…”

Blanc’s fear was not anymore just his own death.

“I-In my dream, Rosé… you don’t remember me… and you said you don’t need a fledgling dragon like me anymore…”

His fear was that he’d be completely forgotten.

I wiped away all the tears that left Blanc’s eyes.

“Blanc, let me be your contractor.”


“You know what I realized? That compared to the pain I’ll suffer, I was more afraid of losing you.”

I told Blanc about the dream that I had. His pupils shook.

I don’t want to lose anyone precious to me. But I also don’t want to die.

There’s one reason why Albert was trying to stop me from becoming Blanc’s contractor—and that’s because he thinks that I’ll die.

I don’t want to lose Blanc, and I didn’t want to hurt Albert. I knew fully well just how traumatic that was going to be.

But when there is life, there is hope.

Right after my parents passed away, it felt as though the entire world was collapsing in on itself, but I lived. I continued living. Throughout all this, I found a different meaning to life and I learned how to smile again.

Even when I was a corporate slave, even when I first fell into this world and came to possess Rosé’s body, even when it felt like everything around me was dark. I continued to find a way to live.

It was the same this time, too. I just had to find a way.

To endure the ordeals of becoming Blanc’s contractor, and to not die in the process.

In all the speculations I had laid out, there was not one premise where I think I’ll die.

Because I can’t bring myself to make the ones I love unhappy.

* * *

I heard that Rosteratu killed Marquis Evnen. It’s only been a few hours since Rosteratu woke up and stormed to the marquis’ residence to slit the guy’s throat.

With his eyes besieged by madness. With his body fuming all over. And with the blood of Marquis Evnen coating him entirely, making him look like a monster.

And now, he was gathering his troops in order to kill Albert.

In the original novel, Rosteratu did nothing until Albert escaped the tower. He was just busy playing around wildly and abusing his power.

Because I met Alexander, the disaster that he left behind had changed. And because of that disaster changing into the form of nightmares, the fates of both Rosteratu and Marquis Evnen shifted as well.

Rosteratu now wanted to kill Albert in cold blood.

Fortunately, Rosteratu was still preoccupied with gathering soldiers and knights right now, so he had yet to break into the tower.

“We need to return to the tower quickly just in case some soldiers come and check inside. I’m glad you woke up before the mages started.”

Liam explained the situation to me and urgently led me down the hallway.

Mercy went ahead to inform Albert about the situation, and it seemed like Liam was going to carry me on his back if I hadn’t woken up before the magic circle was activated.

I followed him down to the basement and stood on top of the magic circle. I held Blanc tightly in my arms.

But something felt off, like there’s something missing. With my head tilted to the side, I realized that Schubert wasn’t here.

The owner of this mansion was nowhere to be seen.

“Where’s Schubert, Your Grace?”

“He was called urgently. Rosteratu summoned all the knights to duty after all. It’s an emergency call, but he’ll be back in about at least two hours.”

Ah, right. He did say he’s part of the knight order.

…Besides that, it came to me that the image of an agile, lithe squirrel really suited him.

I recalled how he went to my side at the last minute because he was worried about me. He must have gotten knocked unconscious too since he was within Alexander’s range.

Since Alexander knew that Schubert was on our side, the blue dragon should have given him the same consideration that was given to me. But still, the fact didn’t change that it was still a nightmare.

“Is he okay?”

Liam’s eyes widened when I asked, surprised that I was worried about Schubert at all. Then, he nodded.

“That guy has always been exposed to horrific things, but…”

Liam trailed off. He stared straight at me. The faint illumination within the darkness cast over his face.

At that moment, his black hair looked like the evening sky and the green pigment of his eyes looked even more green.

“You look quite alright yourself, too. Considering that you just experienced a disaster.”

It was only after Liam said this calmly that I realized this about myself.

“Yes, I’m feeling fine, too.”

“The dragon cub kept crying as soon as he woke up. I thought he’d stop if I brought him to you, but even when you were already together, he still continued crying.”

He glanced at Blanc. Of course, Blanc didn’t look like a dragon to him.

Then, Liam bluntly asked.

“Are you going to be his contractor?”

He must be asking since he’s wondering why Albert let me do this. But I nodded calmly.

“Yes, it seems like it.”

“Even though you suffered in that nightmare?”

“…My nightmare wasn’t about the pain I’d have to go through to become Blanc’s contractor.”

“Then what was it?”

“I was left all alone after I’ve lost all the ones who are precious to me.”

Liam was leaning against a wall right now, but he slightly looked to the side and made direct eye contact.

He looked me dead in the eyes.

I mentioned ‘precious ones’ and not just the singular. He noticed that Albert was in the dream I had, too.

After a brief moment of silence, Liam spoke.

“Are you still going to run away from His Highness?”

I guess he’s wondering if I changed my mind after the nightmare. Just as Rosteratu did when he suddenly snapped like that.

His eyes observed me closely. To try and read my true feelings.

“I’ll still move far away from the Prince’s reach…”

As I paused for a bit, I chuckled awkwardly.

“But rather than running away, I think it’ll just be some quality time away from each other so we can sort out our own feelings.”

It hasn’t even been a few days since I asked for his help in running away. I’m so mortified that I’m turning back on my words like this.

But I’m not the kind of person who would stop there and not explain.

I laid out my thoughts carefully.

“The situation we had at the tower was far from ordinary. I know His Highness cares for me. But we need some time apart.”

To be honest, this move was also partly motivated by fear. The more I spent time with Albert, the more I was falling for him. And I still continued to harbor the fear of the despair I’d be drowning in later when he finally says he doesn’t love me anymore.

As I recalled Albert’s face, I laughed.

“But no matter what happens, I’ll always wish for the Prince’s happiness.”

Because he’s the man that I love.

“His Highness’ happiness…”

Liam repeated my words as he averted his gaze. Fortunately, he didn’t seem to be angry when I explained in this way.

I also added what Albert told me before.

“And the Prince also personally told me that I can try and do the things I wanted to do.”

“I see.”

Liam crossed his arms and let out a sigh.

“Rosteratu has taken a hit, but not everything can be resolved right away. We still have to stabilize the peripheral situations and, one by one, deal with the nobles who had sided with him.”

I have a feeling that Liam’s omitting a few things there.

“A lot of blood is going to be shed, huh.”

“Yes. His Highness doesn’t want you to be exposed to any danger, so he’ll probably leave your safety to me. Or Schubert.”


“Let’s aim for that timeframe. I’ll have everything prepared the next time we meet.”


Liam surprised me by saying all this. He seemed to understand Albert a lot more than I thought.

I could also guess that Albert would take these actions. He wouldn’t possibly take me to the battlefield while the coup was ongoing.

Albert himself was aware that I’ll try to run away from him. But he didn’t know where I’d be going.

…Should I give him a hint?

But no. I’m pretty sure that as soon as I tell him, he’d already be waiting there. I could already picture it without actually seeing it with my eyes.

Then, the plans hadn’t changed.

Alright. Just one month. If Albert wouldn’t change his mind after we’re apart for one month—if he’s still looking for me, then I’ll go back to seek him out. At that time, I’ll erase all the doubts in my mind and love him with all of my heart.

After setting my mind to this, I realized that Liam didn’t step into the magic circle.

“You’re not coming with me, Your Grace?”

“I’ll stay here a bit longer. I still have to observe the movements of the nobles here in the capital… Your dragon cub also mentioned that a funeral should be arranged for the blue dragon.”

“Blanc said that?”

“Yes, I heard from Mercy.”

Ah, Mercy is a mage, so she could talk to Blanc. I wanted to take care of Alexander’s funeral myself, but Blanc seemed to have already delivered the message on my behalf while I was still knocked out cold with the nightmare.

I’m so proud of you, Blanc.

While immersed in my pride for Blanc, I heard Liam’s voice as he said something else.

“Good work out there. And, just so you know…”

He glanced towards me, and I saw the corners of his lips curl up ever so slightly.

It was a very minor change to his countenance, but the effect was remarkable. His atmosphere suddenly had a certain hint of warmth that was so different from how he usually was.

And here, I realized again that he really was the titleholder for Duke of the North in a romance fantasy novel.

The magic circle began to shine. And Liam went, Ah— as he said,

“You’re the one who’ll report what happened, Artius.”


When I asked back like an idiot, Liam drove the final nail in the coffin.

“From the matter of the changed disaster and until what happened to you there, be sure to report it all to His Highness, one by one.”

“…No way.”

“Also the fact that you were unconscious for a few days. He should have heard about it from Mercy, though… So he’s probably waiting for you now.”

“…No way!”

I mean, I really was planning to talk to Albert today though, but I was going to think about what I’m going to say first while on the way to his room! Just the loaded question he asked me the other day was already making me sweat buckets!

I’m not ready! Give me time to think!

“I wish you the best of luck.”

I know you’re some hotshot Duke of the North, but how could you hit someone on the back of the head like this? As my resentment towards Liam surged up to my neck, my surroundings suddenly shifted.

Whooooosh. I was back in the middle of a snowstorm again. But whatever it was that’s fluttering around me didn’t matter.


The voice I knew all too well called out to me.

The voice that tormented me in the nightmare yet enveloped me like a warm spring day.

“You must be cold.”

Albert placed a coat over me and wrapped me with it. All vestiges of the worries and concerns I had until just now all but vanished because I was now with him.

“It’s been a while.”

Albert gave me a dazzling smile.

It was my most favorite smile in the whole entire world.