Chapter 73

Chapter 73

“His Highness always tries to solve things by himself.”

“He does tend to do that.”

It’s the first time Liam agreed with my words readily. It kinda felt like we were two co-workers talking about our boss.

“He’s been carrying such a burden all his life, so doing that might come more naturally for him.”

I understood what he’s saying, but at the same time, I couldn’t help but think that it would be lonely for Albert to live like that for all his life. I only wish for him to have more happiness in his life.

Fortunately, I caught on to Albert’s plan. Rather, if I didn’t take this small initiative, it’s clear that he would have suffered.

I had only been half sure of it until now because there was no conclusive evidence pointing to it.

“Is there really a way to change the contractor? I don’t think I read anything about that in the books I have…”

“There’s no known method. If it’s something known by many in the first place, then there would be too many people who’d try to abuse it.”

The main reason entering a contract with a dragon was generally avoided was because the process of becoming a true contractor was so incredibly painful, and that’s why contractors themselves were few and far in between. Everyone accepted this as the truth.

However, Albert found a way to change the contractor.

“I heard from His Highness that he’s going to the Dragon’s Tomb.”

Liam readily told me this information. It seemed like he wanted to prevent Albert from being the contractor, too.

He had never been this generous to me though. I’m sure he’s doing it for Albert.

It made me wonder for a moment, how did these two meet?

“I’ve never heard of the Dragon’s Tomb before… I’ll have to ask Blanc.”

Firstly, it’s a good thing that I had a free month.

During the time needed to prepare for Albert’s coronation as the next king, I should go to this ‘Dragon’s Tomb’ with Blanc, and at the same time, we’d have to work harder at learning magic.

“Your Grace. When I leave, would it be possible for you to spare me one mage?”

It would take too long for me to self-study magic. Albert was such a genius that it felt like a waste for him to teach me because I couldn’t understand right away.

I needed another teacher. Hopefully, someone would be available once we truly get out of the tower.

Dear Teacher, I’ll pay you a lot of money! This student of yours is a building owner!

Without me having to explain to him, Liam understood what I meant. He nodded once, then he opened the door at the end of the hallway.

“We’re almost there.”

Creak. The door was up a few steps. At the end of those steps, Liam pushed the door further open.

Along with a breeze of fresh air, the blinding sunlight welcomed us. The sudden brightness made me squint as I went out.

After Liam, Schubert, Blanc and I walked through the door, the rest of the soldiers followed.

“Knock out the soldiers in the garden. Be careful not to make a sound.”

The landscaping done on the garden was beautiful, and there were many flowers planted there. However, it was like a maze.

Liam’s soldiers easily navigated through it anyway and knocked out Rosteratu’s underlings right away.

They did it so effortlessly, too. Were these men really the king’s knights?

I looked at them with suspicion as we ran past them. Before long, all the knights, who subdued the others, regrouped in the front of the fountain.

I saw Schubert there, and with Blanc in his arms, it looked like the baron was more relaxed now.

“You’re not avoiding him anymore.”

When I walked closer to them and said this, Schubert didn’t say anything for a moment, then he soon muttered under his breath.

“…What can I do when he’s so cute? Even if I know he’s a dragon, he’s cute to me.”

As Schubert said this, he also looked cute, honestly. It really felt like I had gained a younger brother. I chuckled softly, then I remembered what Liam and I talked about earlier.

“Blanc, do you know about the Dragon’s Tomb?”

“…Um. I’m not sure if it’s a tomb, but… I think it’s the place where I was born…?”

But maybe it’s also a grave…? Pondering my words, Blanc continued speaking.

“There are many kids who die even before hatching… Because there’s no place where dragons gather togetheerr…”

It sounded like a hell-like place. From Blanc’s explanation, it was most likely the ‘tomb’ that Albert was going to.

“Do you remember where it is?”


“Let’s go there later.”

Blanc didn’t seem to understand why I wanted to go. I was about to explain, but then the water that was flowing from the fountain suddenly stopped.

Then, the fountain moved sideways by itself, revealing a secret passage leading to the dungeon prison.

“Wear this.”

Before entering the prison, Liam handed me a set of armor and a helmet that a soldier handed to him. Schubert helped me wear it.

It was loose on me because it was too big. Still, this was better than nothing.

“Seems like things are going well,” I asked.

“…How can you be so calm though? Aren’t you feeling nervous? We’re right inside the enemy’s base.”

“But we’ll win, and His Highness will become king.”

Are you doubting it? I answered Liam’s questions matter-of-factly.

Unlike Liam, who was a bit antsy because things might go wrong, I was calm.

This part was the biggest inciting incident of the novel that would lead to the core story, so there’s no way that Albert’s uprising would ever fail.

Besides, Albert already had Rosteratu in his clutches now.

Of course, it’s also true that I fully trust and believe in Albert.

We went back underground. The hallway stretching before us now led straight to the dungeon.

Before Liam opened the door, he held his breath and listened. It was quiet beyond the door.

Was he not being alert? It’s weird that there’s no guards here at the entrance.

“Ready your weapons.”

This was all that Liam said. After giving the rest of us a determined look, he then opened the door.

“I’ve been waiting.”

And as soon as we stepped through the new hallway, there were people waiting for us in front of the prison cells. Unlike the previous group of knights outside, these guys were heavily armed.

The redheaded man standing before us glared at Liam, then with a gruff voice, he shouted.

“Do you truly intend to let that cursed scoundrel have the throne, Duke?! Have you not questioned why he survived alone while the rest of his family perished? That wretch is not a legitimate prince!”

“Watch what you say with that mouth of yours.”

Schubert scowled. He became furious the moment Albert was insulted.

And seeing Schubert react that way, the man guffawed.

“Haha! Baron Schubert. You’re finally showing your true colors. I’ve always wondered why you’ve stooped so low that you even joined the knight order.”


How endlessly pathetic.

I’m not even mad.

In any case, once Albert would come and sweep away all these people later, that’s the only time they’d realize how stupid they’re being… And at the end of the day, they’re just extras to be used as sacrificial lambs for cider¹.


At the man’s command, the knights behind him rushed forward.

We were completely outnumbered, but because the space around us was small and the people were bottlenecking at the entrance of the hallway, it’s a relief.

I looked around. Amidst the flood-like wave of incoming knights, they had an opening in their defenses. Their side was a mess because they were attacking at once.

Clash! Swords clashed against each other, their metallic sounds echoing across the air. But no one seemed to have noticed me.

They weren’t aware of my presence. Mercy’s spell was definitely still working.

The moment I cast a spell myself, my existence would be revealed. Even if they still wouldn’t be able to see me, they would start being vigilant against the presence of a mage here, and this would just make it difficult for me to enter the prison cells.

So, I had to hide my presence.

“Why is a cat…”

The enemy knights naturally got distracted by Blanc. Right now, Blanc was walking leisurely down the steps.

Blanc stared at them. He looked as if he didn’t know what was going on right now.

“Blanc, didn’t you say you have a weak constitution?”

“If you’re fine, I’m fine. Since we entered the contract…”

…Our souls have become connected. This was both exciting and chilling. I should take care of myself, too. I can’t let Blanc die in vain because of me.

“And they’re too slow…”

I got a bit confused by what he said.

“…People are moving slow?”

“Yeah… I can avoid everything.”

Surprisingly, Blanc looked very determined. Even Blanc, who usually moved like a turtle, could be agile when he wants to be agile.

I’ve become his contractor already, but why couldn’t I see what Blanc was seeing right now?

Maybe it’s possible only after he becomes an adult?

I shook my head and focused on the matter at hand again. There’s another hallway behind the attacking knights.

Seeing as how there were two knights stationed as sentries there, that should be the right place.

It looked like the mages were locked up in there.

First, I need to sneak over to that place, use electricity to drive them away, open the prison cell right away, and then go inside to cast the spell on the mages… Three magic spells in total that need to be done in quick succession.

Alright. I got this.

A quick reaction time was the best in this situation. To do the spell, the magic circle should absolutely be learned. Memorization was a key step that shouldn’t be skipped.

I was carrying the wand already, but let’s also bring a sword just in case.

Right then, I saw one knight leaning against a wall to catch his breath.

I’m not sure if that knight was fatally wounded, but Schubert just ignored him and didn’t kill him.

I know Mercy put a spell on me, but I still needed to steel my nerves first before charging straight through these fiercely fighting men.

I took the fallen knight’s sword. As he groaned, he looked around while startled because his sword disappeared.

“…No, where did it go?”

With the sword now in one hand, I slipped through the crowd and ignored the knight’s words. I was surprised to find out how heavy it actually was.

The people around me were fully immersed in fighting the opponents that were right in front of them, so they didn’t notice me at all. I continued to sneak through them.

At the back, the redheaded man gave a steady stream of commands while also fighting Liam. He seemed to be a knight commander.

The way their swords clashed in the air was mesmerizing to watch, as though they were performing a sword dance.

Liam gracefully parried the knight commander’s rather crude and rough attacks. Their exchanges reminded me of fencing.

I lied in the wait for an opportunity, and taking advantage of them briefly getting distracted by the knight commander, I cast a spell on the sentries who were blocking the passageway.


It was the very first spell I learned, and it was also the one I knew best. It’s a spell that would make things easier for me, more than any electric shockwave.

Waving the wand, I visualized the magic circle in my mind. What I wanted to do was for these people to forget why they were standing in front of the door here.

The memories that could be erased by the spell would vary from person to person. Even so, no matter who it was, it’s impossible to make them forget those memories forever.

Still though, it’s unclear how long exactly they’d regain their memories after the spell would come undone.

After I cast the spell, the knights blinked. Looking into their hazy gazes, I slipped between them.


Leaving behind the knights’ voices behind me, I darted down the stairs.
