Chapter 79

Chapter 79

Translator: Yonnee

Wow, a meal with Albert and his most loyal retainers. My life was turning into a desperate survival story of an employee being stuck between the CEO and the Executive Directors… Well, it certainly felt like that.

In fact, I was quite surprised that Albert asked me to bring two more bowls of sujebi. I thought he’d want to eat with only me.

Was their relationship close enough that they comfortably ate together? Or maybe he’s using this chance to get me closer to Liam and Schubert. In other words, he didn’t want me to run off and go away.

Would Liam and Schubert like the sujebi though? Considering Liam’s expression a while ago as he stared at the sujebi, I’m a little afraid to serve some to him. I’m less worried about Schubert since we made the dish together.

“Here you are.”

I had poured some boiling hot sujebi into the additional bowls and placed them on the tray which the attendant, who followed me here, was holding. I also put some sujebi into a small bowl for Blanc.

“But is it really alright to give a cat something like this?”

“Of course it’s fiiine… I eat eeeeverything really weeeellll…”

Blanc said this very proudly, his voice slowing down in some places as he spoke. He seemed excited at the thought of eating a brand new dish. To other people, his words would just sound like a cat’s mewls, but Blanc didn’t seem to care about that.

He was invigorated enough with the thought of him being able to eat the food I cooked and this dish being something he’s never eaten before.

Of course, the servant couldn’t understand a word of what Blanc said, so he only felt perplexed as we left the kitchen. Then, he inquired.

“For you to be helping me like this… You’re a bit unusual, aren’t you, Milady.”

The attendant confusedly looked at me as I helped him out and carried some bowls myself. There had been more than one or two people who asked me the same question before. I’m going to have to talk to Albert about this.

After going out the tower like this, with an ambiguous position that I had, it’s difficult to know how to treat other people. I’ll only be able to answer comfortably if I knew to what extent it was possible.

* * *

When it became certain that Albert, Liam and Schubert were going to have a late dinner, we moved to the dining room.

The warmly heated dining room was cozy, and there was a long, white table in the middle with luxurious chairs around it. Albert sat at the head of the table while Liam and Schubert sat on each side of him, though one seat apart from him.

Attendants placed one bowl each in front of Schubert and Liam. Meanwhile, I was just standing there, agonizing over what to do and where to sit.

“Rosé, come here.”

Albert beckoned me and pointed to the vacant seats at either side of him.

No way, you’re not really asking me to sit there, right, Prince?

“Sit on whichever side you want. I don’t know which one you’d like more.”

Albert, who pulled me out of my dilemma, said so gracefully.

But, uh, isn’t it like a crime for a new employee to sit with the executives?

“No, thank y—”

“I told you that you’ve already been treated, but there may still be some black magic left in you. I’ve explained to them both already, so you don’t have to be so uncomfortable.”

I believe in this prince’s capabilities. Contrary to what he said, there was a determined look in Albert’s eyes that said, ‘I’m sure the black magic will never work again’.

“That’s the case, but even so, it would be rude to the Baron and the Duke and…”

“Objecting against my orders is a greater sin.”

It seems the prince’s words take precedence. When Albert said this in a low voice, I quickly bowed my head.

“Then I shall heed Your Highness’ command. Blanc, where do you want to sit?”

“Over heeeere…”

Blanc chose the floor, far far away from Albert.

In the end, I chose to sit next to Schubert. I was torn about where I should sit, but I still didn’t have the courage to sit next to Liam.

“Then, let’s eat.”

Following Albert’s succinct tone came the clattering of silverware. There was no way for Liam and Schubert to avoid eating the same dish since Albert himself had eaten some earlier. It was also the dish that Albert asked for personally.

This might have been what Albert was going after—a trap that they wouldn’t be able to get out of.

But besides that, there was something else that was bothering me now.

The shocking fact that Albert’s bowl was now cold! He should have just eaten his food while waiting for me to come back.

Though of course, I brought another serving for him! I did predict that this was going to happen.

I placed the new piping hot bowl with steaming sujebi in front of Albert.

“It’s better to eat it while it’s warm.”

Albert chuckled.

“Thank you for your consideration.”

Albert seemed to be keen on revamping my image. It made me a little shy to be complimented in front of other people, so I replied with an awkward smile.

“This is what I’m supposed to do. Your Highness gives me too much credit.”

“What you’re supposed to do is one thing, and the way you do it is another. When looking at it that way, should I say that you’re good at your job?”

I felt weird. The words this great man had just uttered made me want to do something more for him. At this, even if he didn’t have such a mesmerizing appearance, I was convinced that Albert still would be able to captivate anyone he wanted.

Fortunately, the other two men also seemed to like the sujebi. While eating his sujebi quietly, Liam listened with one ear open at the conversation between me and Albert. Schubert was also eating quietly.

In the dining room, only the clattering of spoons rang. This meal time was very boring since I couldn’t eat comfortably and burst out in exclamation about how yummy the food is. I also couldn’t freely talk to Albert and Blanc.

But you know, I don’t think there’d be a lot more chances of me meeting Liam or Schubert later on. Now that I’ve made my actions apparent, it seemed like the misunderstanding about me being a witch had been resolved.