Chapter 86

Chapter 86

Translator: Yonnee

At the sudden question, I could only blink. Albert didn’t tell him about the contract we made? I thought they talked about that much.

No. Maybe he hid it because my image would get worse if he told others about it.

But it didn’t really matter. The core of it all was that—why else was Liam asking me this question?

“I know what you’re worried about.”

Like a snake, Liam’s eyes narrowed after hearing what I said. With his brows slightly furrowed, his glare towards me was chilling.

“How do you know? I never said anything.”

“As I was serving the Prince at the tower, I’ve got a good idea of what you’re thinking of. You must be scared that I’ll keep hanging around His Highness and make some unreasonable demands.”

“You can’t just chalk it up to being ‘scared’—I am only concerned for His Highness. Even so, you’re right.”

Thud, thud. Liam approached closer. Because of the dim lighting, the shadow over his face made him give off an atmosphere that was as cold as the north pole.

“This person in front of me right now, I don’t know what kind of influence you have on my liege.”

As expected, just because I was good at cooking, I wasn’t the kind of person who could compel just anyone to open their hearts to me. It seemed like Schubert was the only one as easy to win over with some food along with Blanc.

“I don’t believe that you’re a good influence.”

…Suddenly, I had a realization. I might be able to take advantage of the fact that he didn’t seem to favor me.

My conviction remained unchanged. The time I spent with Albert—and Albert himself—was nice, but becoming his lover was a whole nother thing.

I could see Greten’s gaze in the look Liam was giving me now. Schubert also had the same gaze. I’m already tired of having to deal with people who had their guards so high up against me.

If I had less common sense than I had now, then it would just be an uphill battle of trying to gauge their view of me and trying to turn it over. And even if I had a good sense as I did now, it’s still not enough to tide me over.

But then again, I knew that if Albert continued his pursuit of me like this, my feelings would get the better of me and overtake my rationality.

Albert was also aware of this. That’s why he could relax and tell me to do whatever I wanted.

He had everything, and he had the luxury of getting what he wanted.

Then, shouldn’t I do something more to counter this? Through actions, not just words.

I spoke with a hushed tone.

“I know that His Highness is a good man, and I also know that I’m not a good match for him.”


“If I tell you I just want to leave this all behind quietly, will you help me?”

“You want to leave?”

“Yes. To a place where I won’t ever be able to see His Highness.”

Liam tilted his head to the side, as if he couldn’t understand what I was saying at all.

“I need a more detailed explanation. Are you going to commit a crime against His Highness? Why are you suddenly trying to avoid him to that extent?”

“If it’s not like that, then I think His Highness will follow me.”

Liam blinked dazedly. As he was silent for a long time, he finally murmured.

“I think I heard you wrong.”

“No, you heard me right. I meant it. He’s going to follow me.”

“…Are you that competent of a cook?”

That seemed to be the only reason Liam could come up with, after scowling and turning his thoughts over for that long. I guess the sujebi yesterday wasn’t so bad, huh.

I don’t think I could tell him about Albert’s feelings towards me, so I just vaguely brushed it aside.

“I guess so.”

“I believe I heard a rumor recently about someone cooking a similar kind of food to what you made… Ah, never mind. There’s something more important to discuss right now.”

Liam was lost in thought for a moment, and he tapped the sword that was on his belt. Then, he asked.

“Why do you want to leave when it seems like His Highness would seek you out? Is it really because you feel that you don’t belong with him?”

“That’s the brunt of the reason, yes.”

“You’re at least good at seeing yourself in an objective manner.”

“It’s a necessary skill for survival.”

Haha. I laughed after hearing Liam’s unexpected compliment. He was right though. I wasn’t expecting anything after I first signed that contract with Albert. I just tried to gain whatever I could within my limits.

That might be one of the reasons why Albert started to like me. I had the disposition of knowing my pace well, and I’m satisfied enough with it. That’s why Albert couldn’t really say anything when I acted like this.

“It would be difficult to avoid his watchful eyes entirely, so I can’t guarantee it… We can talk about this later.”

A long stretch of silence ensued once again, but I then thanked Liam and nodded. As I looked up, Liam’s glare seemed to have alleviated a bit more than I thought.

It seemed like I managed to soften him up a bit. I bowed my head towards him.

“Thank you.”

If I get Liam’s help, considering that he’s a duke, then things just might pan out better. I suddenly became more fond of Liam.

I came to this library because there’s a book I’m looking for though! But I decided to help Liam first.

“But is there a book that you’re looking for? I’d like to help you if I can.”

“Ah, it’s a book about dragons…”


“Yes. A dying dragon fledgling appeared at the capital.”

Liam said this offhandedly.

But that wasn’t something I could just let pass.