Chapter 89

Chapter 89

Translator: Yonnee

“You broke your promise, too.”

I was a little startled with how Albert was rationalizing his actions.

Though he knew that I’d accepted the skinship he’d initiate with me, he always asked my consent beforehand. Whenever it got to this point, the contract was far from my mind, but he always asked for my permission.

My heart was pounding loudly. As he waited for my answer, it’s like I’m watching a scene from a movie in slow-motion while I stared at Albert’s adam’s apple move as he exhaled.

I looked up at him and immediately spoke.

“Prince, I did inform you that I did my best in that situation.”

“Your best, you say.”

“I told her that time doesn’t account for everything, but it’s still also true that I don’t know a lot about Your Highness.”

I could have gone with the flow. If I wanted to keep Albert’s mood up, just as I usually did, I would have just said that I was wrong, did whatever he wanted and just flattered him.

But the barrier between us wasn’t just some one-dimensional thing. The fact was that he’s a prince, and I’m just a maid. With all our differences between us, it would eat up so much effort and emotion that overcoming this would just leave us both exhausted.

Still, I couldn’t avoid this forever. Even more so because he continued to think of me as someone special. I wonder if he’s really seeing me for who I was.

After my precious family passed on, I realized just how difficult it was to lose a loved one. Whether it was intentional or voluntary, it’s hard to let go of someone who’s a significant part of your life.

The more you live amidst society, the more it’s inevitable to become defensive and wary of your surroundings. It’s natural to weigh the pros and cons every step of the way. Experience was something that could turn a person into a coward.

Albert’s eyes grew wide. The red tinge that filled his irises were like roses that were blooming.

I lowered my head and bowed politely.

“I’m sorry, Prince. I can’t smile and brush this off as I usually do.”


I thought that he would agree, but he said no right away. I looked up and saw his eyes curved up into a smiling expression.

As if his disappointment had vanished right then and there.

…Why though?

“Don’t be sorry. I prefer it this way.”

“…What way?”

“That you’re expressing your opinions. That’s what made me fall for you.”

As if I was a glass sculpture, Albert raised my chin gently with one index finger. Then, he whispered.

“Just as you said, time doesn’t account for everything. That’s why I felt a little frustrated.”


“The fact that you think you’re not the one who knows me best.”

His words were like the sound of the wind that was flowing straight from his heart.

“The fact that this was enough for my nanny to kick you out without being able to say anything back.”


“The fact that you couldn’t defend yourself against that, and the fact that you didn’t even think to argue back.”

The sigh that he let out after saying was reminiscent of the exhale you’d do while smoking a cigarette. I stared dazedly back at him like this, caught off guard as though I was a criminal who had been arrested.

While his eyes were half-closed, Albert’s lashes fluttered. He gave a helpless smile.

“I already said that I’d do everything in my power, but look at the state that I’m in now.”

“It’s my fault.”

“Rather than my body being exhausted, it’s my mind that’s getting impatient.”

I raised both hands to wrap them over his hand which was holding my chin. Despite wrapping over one hand with both of mine, there was still an exposed part in his, and so it looked like he had an entirely different frame.

“I should have stayed. I should have kept my promise, but I made the wrong decision. Your Highness also ordered me to stay. I’m really sorry. I won’t let this happen again.”

It’s better to admit that I was wrong. Anyone could make a mistake, but what mattered was how you’d accept them and grow from them.

I looked at him with strengthened resolve, and as he saw this, Albert murmured quietly.

“You’re like a servant reporting to me.”

“…That’s not entirely wrong.”

“Even when I’m holding you by your chin like this, and while we’re close enough that we’re breathing the same air?”

“…It’s not something that has happened only once or twice, so I’m trying to get used to it.”

“Well, it’s not something that you should get used to.”

With a smirk, one hand of his went to the nape of my neck.

“I’m doing this to make your heart beat faster.”

It didn’t seem like he was giving me a chance to get away—he crossed the distance between us in an instant, yet his approach felt slow in this atmosphere.

He’s going to kiss me.

His lips brushed near my lower lip. The sensation of that very instant made my entire body tense up. The memories of what we did before made my face burn.

However, Albert stopped there. After that near-touch, the grip on my nape loosened right then. His warm sigh fell over my lips again.

Albert smiled with satisfaction as he watched my face turn into a tomato.

“After you made me feel so impatient, you seemed so calm that I felt a bit wronged.”


“I didn’t forget about our contract. That’s why I’m trying to control myself now.”

Like a heat wave despite the spring breeze, Albert said this with a soft tone.

The hand that was holding my neck withdrew, as well as the hand that was holding my chin. His face drew further away.

I blinked as I saw Albert sitting back again against the bed’s headboard.

…Oh, he didn’t kiss me.