Chapter 97

Chapter 97

Translator: Yonnee

I know that Albert cares about me. That the smile he shows me isn’t something common either.

And it’s not like he said anything wrong here. So I couldn’t easily retort against the words that were pressuring me.

Even still, it’s also true that I don’t want to just let Blanc go.

As I woke up at dawn, I stood near the window. It was snowing heavily outside again. It’s a lot of work to just shovel all that snow every single day.

The sky, as the sun rose, became tinged red. I was captivated by the beautiful scenery, but I paused at one spot as I saw something moving in the air.

A human-looking figure seemed to be rushing towards the fortress. The figure was so far away that I couldn’t really make it out though.

I rubbed my eyes and looked again, but this time, I found nothing. Did I see it wrong? I guess I really am tired.

I changed my clothes and prepared to go out and meet Albert. It’s one thing to not want to talk to him about this, but nursing him back to health was another thing.

Opening the door of my room, I blinked as I saw someone unexpected there.

“…Your Grace?”

Liam stood in front of me after traversing across the corridor. He was breathing heavily as he swept through his still-wet black hair. Huu, his exhale was deep. It’s the first time I’m seeing him so frazzled.

“Perfect timing.”

He let out a murmur as he fastened the previously open top button of his shirt. It was a well-fitted shirt and uniform, and there was a sword attached to his waist. He looked like he was ready to go to war at any moment.

Facing me with an expressionless countenance, I admired how different his atmosphere was now—how similar it was to Albert’s. There’s no reason why anyone would dislike the grand duke of the north archetype.

When I was in the tower, I vividly remembered Albert, who was continuing his daily routine even though no one was requiring him to.

It’s clear that morning training was the standard for the male protagonist. It’s difficult for him to get up now, but it’s right to say that nobody does it like the protagonist does.

“What can I do for you?”

“His Highness has given his command. We are leaving this evening, so be ready.”

“So soon? But His Highness…”

Albert did tell me to go, but I can’t help but worry since he wasn’t in a good condition right now.

“His Highness said it’s alright.”

That didn’t mean Albert’s fine though. Watching my baffled expression, Liam further spoke.

“It is my duty to believe so.”

Liam took a deep breath as his brows furrowed. While saying, ‘Let’s go inside and talk,’ Liam put one hand on my left shoulder, turned me around lightly and guided me back into my room.

“The dragon fledgling is practically considered dead the moment it lets out a cry. The sooner the better. Even now, the number of people going there is increasing, so I’m already late as it is since I have to be there for the preparation of the magic circle. It’s imperative to leave as soon as possible. We must not be late.”

As if explaining military strategy, he spoke in a clear and firm tone. Listening to him say this made it more real to me that I was really going to see a dying dragon cub.

“Do not ever be a burden.”

These clipped words hit me like a sledgehammer. It’s like the strength in my body left me just like that.

“This is all for His Highness.”

My world, which consisted of only Albert and Blanc inside the tower, began expanding.

I thought I’d only wander around the north after being treated from the hex. But now, the world, which I considered only to be a world inside a book, gradually started to come alive around me.

The fact that Albert let me go on such an important occasion was proof enough that he trusted me that much. There was no need for the contract now.

“Yes, I understand.”

Seeing me without the usual smile on my lips, Liam nodded as if he was satisfied with my answer.

“If there’s anything you need to be prepared for this operation, talk to Baron Schubert.”

“…Is the Baron coming with us?”

It was a bit of a surprise to me that he came here from his station in the knight order. From what I could recall, the knight order was positioned at the imperial palace, but it didn’t seem like he was called all the way here to the north just to participate in this operation.

…He’s a real knight, right? It seemed like he’s playing hooky too much.

Though if I were to see him act as he usually did along with his external image, Schubert seemed exactly like Liam, except the knight version of him.

“It would be faster for you to hear the rest from Schubert, but there’s one other thing I have to ask you. Are you going to take that dragon with you this time?”

Liam gestured to Blanc with his chin. He must have heard about Blanc’s real identity.

I glanced towards the small dragon, feeling conflicted. No matter how individualistic a dragon may be, witnessing a fellow dragon’s death would be traumatic.

This wasn’t a matter for me to decide. It should be decided upon by Blanc himself.

“If you’re going to take the dragon with you, come out with it at the gates by eight in the evening. It might be beneficial to talk to another dragon.”

“Thank you for your consideration.”

“It is not an act of consideration—it is my duty. And the conversation we had in the library…”


“We’ll continue it at the capital.”

After one last reminder that he didn’t forget about the conversation we had before, Liam left the room.

When he was gone, I gently nudged Blanc.

“Blanc, wake up.”


Blanc wiggled his body as he shook himself awake. He seemed to have played a lot yesterday with Schubert. Even his tired, sleepy eyes were so very adorable.

“Blanc, I’m about to go to the capital.”


Blanc’s eyes widened a lot, wordlessly asking what I meant.

“It’s to see the dragon cub for the last time before dying.”

When the word ‘die’ was uttered, Blanc faltered. He seemed shocked when the topic he’s been avoiding all this time suddenly came out. His scales were already white from his head to his body, but his face looked even paler right then.

“W-Why…? It huuurts…? Rosé… you’re siiick…? Y-You’re gonna diiie?”

Blanc looked as though he was about to burst into tears as he glanced up at me.

I held one of Blanc’s front paws carefully. It was a paw small enough to fit in one hand.

“It’s not that. I just want to confirm how brave I can be.”


“Blanc, I want to be your contractor.”