Chapter 110

Chapter 110

Translator: Yonnee

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Leaning by the torchlight, Albert’s eyes narrowed. He leaned forward and, with his sword, tapped the man before him on the shoulder.

“It’s a bit disappointing that this is all you can say, former Head.”

“I already told you everything I know! How many times have I said that!”

The man yelled out and clung to the wall like a worm. It was the only thing he could do to stay as far away from Albert.

His body was entirely ridden with cuts and slashes. But that’s not all.

“You’re not human, not at all!”

As he looked at Albert, the man cried. Just his fingers alone made it difficult to see him as a human being.

“Still, what’s the point in staying conscious? Some of the others are already half out of their minds.”


“Don’t make such a fuss. Your arms and legs are intact, are they not? If they hear that I’m at least giving you a sword, they’d be jealous of how considerate I am to you.”

Albert smiled and offered some consolation.

The man then threw away all the pride left in him and prayed desperately in front of Albert.

“Please… Please just kill me…”

“Goodness. I don’t feel like killing you though.”

Albert’s brows furrowed as a sorrowful expression flashed over his face. When he changed his expression so instantly like that, it was with the skill of perhaps a theater actor.

“If you die, you won’t be able to get the money and honor that you like, you know.”


“Isn’t that why you locked me up in that tower?”


Albert gripped the sword he had in one hand.

“You survived until now, but you’re asking to be killed here? You won’t get what you want.”

The corners of Albert’s eyes curled up. To anyone else, he looked like the world’s wisest, most benevolent man.

However, his lips were firmly tight. And lurking beneath those red eyes, a glimpse of madness could be seen.

“While you were working for Rosteraru, maybe the thought of me taking revenge was far from your mind. You shouldn’t be so easily frightened of just a sword, right?”

Albert approached the man and handed the sword over to him.

“Get up.”

After he placed the sword in the man’s hand, helping him grip it tighter, Albert whispered in his ear.

“Don’t you know that if you don’t get up, you’ll just be in more pain?”


“I don’t think you’re that stupid, hm? Notwithstanding the fact that you got lured in by Rosteratu.”

In the end, the man had no choice but to rise to his feet. He stood there with the sword in his hands.

“Oh, so you can still think straight, can’t you?”

Albert’s eyebrows shot up with genuine surprise, then he immediately swung his own sword.

He slashed the man’s shoulder in one graceful arc. The sharp wind that rose along with his movement made Albert’s fringe flutter.

Not an inch of him became disarrayed. The sword moved again.

Despite blood flowing profusely from the man’s shoulder, he tried desperately to defend himself from the next attack. Albert’s sword moved once more, cutting the man’s leg this time.

The sword’s movements were quick and calculated.

The graceful movements were reminiscent of a sword dance.


Eventually, the man fell unconscious because he couldn’t overcome the fear pressing down on him. Albert then brought his sword to the man’s neck and cut him there.

Since he had already been cornered to the point of paralyzing fear yet he still wouldn’t open his mouth, then this meant that he really didn’t know anything.

“These damn people really hit me from behind, huh.”

Albert laughed bitterly. But soon after, his expression hardened again as he recalled what he learned from the mages.

It’s still unclear who Rosé Artius’s mentor was. First of all, it didn’t seem like she was affiliated with these mages. They didn’t seem to know her at all when told how she looked.

At first, everyone pretended that they didn’t know anything. But when faced with relentless torture, they finally opened their mouths and just talked about everything they knew.

What they revealed was that Marquis Evnen was the one who’s the most invested in black magic.

Marquis Evnen often made secret visits to the magic tower, asking for any information about black magic. Of course, all the mages there could only give him books with basic information on the subject.

Since all the dark mages had been banished from the tower.

‘I’ll need to pay a visit to Marquis Evnen.’

He found a clue. Albert closed his eyes as he was lost in thought.

Fortunately, there seemed to be no risk of it being revealed that Rosé was a dark mage.

If even the mages here didn’t know about it, then it was almost impossible that anyone else knew.

But still, it was difficult to ascertain this entirely.

‘Even if rumors spread in the future, I should be able to cover them up and get rid of them right away.’

Rosé had never talked about her past. She wouldn’t even bring it up.

‘When will you tell me the truth?’

Now recalling the problem that had yet to be addressed with Rosé, Albert shook his head. Rosé will tell him herself when the time comes.

At any given time, if there’s any indication that something unfavorable would be directed at Rosé, then he needed enough power to cover it all up immediately. He didn’t know when something like that would happen, so he needed to act as swiftly as he could.

Then, Albert remembered the throne Rosteratu was sitting upon right now.


In any case, Albert had to take back his rightful seat.