Chapter 119

Chapter 119

Translator: Yonnee

Holding back the urge to make a rebuttal, I tried to fix the problem again.

“You know that’s not my point.”


He pulled me into an embrace. As his arms held me tightly, his embrace was much warmer than just his hand.

It’s not as if I’m not nervous about this either.

“You know what, Prince? I saw you in my dream as well.”


“You told me that you don’t love me anymore and left me. So I was all alone and…”

“Forget about it.”

Albert stopped me there when I tried to tell him about my dream. The anxiety clinging onto the back of my mind soon melted away.

“But rather than you leaving me, what frightened me even more was when I could never see you again.”


“I know it, too. What it feels like to be left all alone. Prince, please listen to me. Please believe that I can do it and please help me achieve it. I want all of us to be happy.”

As he continued to hold me, it felt as if Albert’s strength had left him. The incredibly heavy sigh that left his lips brushed past my ear, piercing my conscience.

I patted him on the back as I would a child. Albert’s body scent, as it surrounded me, tickled the tip of my nose.

“Please believe in me. And please help me.”

There was a knock on the door. Just in time, Blanc was here.

“I’ll open the door.”

I stepped away from his arms and opened the door. Blanc faltered as he came in.

“As expected, I just can’t allow it.”

As soon as I carried Blanc in my arms, Albert’s low voice filled the room. The matter-of-fact tone of his voice uttered these words as though it was the obvious truth.

He came up to me in a flash. There was no hesitation in his smooth movements.

I already expected it to turn out like this, but when I’m actually facing it now, there was a bitter taste in my mouth. Certainly, it’s in Albert’s personality that he wouldn’t just easily accept this.

“I thought so.”

As Albert tried to grab Blanc by the scruff of his neck, I smiled bitterly and raised my wounded finger near Blanc’s mouth. The unwiped blood had dried up, but it was still there.

Noticing my intent, Blanc licked my blood.

The simplest and most basic ingredient needed to seal a dragon’s contract was through one’s own blood. In order to start the connection between each other’s souls, a blood pact was needed to form the contract.

And the dragon must sincerely acknowledge that particular human as their contractor. Because they would start to share their lifespans.

A white magic circle started encircling me and Blanc. The magic circle glowed completely white and started to completely cover my body.

Without moving his lips, Blanc spoke into my mind.

[ Rosé, please say your name. ]

Asking the contractor’s name was a simple request. I’ve gotten used to living as Rosé Artius, but… Within me, I was still Jung-in because that’s how I lived for a long time.

…I’m not even saying this aloud and Albert wouldn’t hear, so shouldn’t my real name be okay? It might be fine if I bring it up to Blanc.

And in the end, I did say my name.

[ Yoo Jung-in. ]

Blanc’s eyes became red for a moment, but this color soon faded. Blanc and I gasped at the same time.

The back of my hand suddenly stung, and when I looked at it, there was a white pattern engraved on it that resembled Blanc.

Still clutching the scruff of Blanc’s neck, Albert stared down at me. The look in his eyes sank dimly. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

Then, he opened his eyes again and glared furiously at Blanc.

“You’re going to kill Rosé.”

“No I’m not.”

Blanc defended himself against Albert with a firmer tone than usual.

“Because I don’t want Rosé to die either.”


“Because I also wanna live— together with Rosé.”

If the time Blanc spent with me gave him a will to live, witnessing Alexander’s death gave him a reason not to die. Blanc’s heart has grown.

As if to mirror my own determination, Blanc spoke slowly but resolutely.

“I won’t let myself die, too.”


“From now on… I’m going to study.”

Perhaps because he didn’t want his words to slur when talking in front of Albert, Blanc spoke slowly instead. But I didn’t pressure him to rush.

“Books I can study, I’ll read them all.”

Blanc stared straight at Albert and showed a stiff expression to convey his resolve. One of Blanc’s front paws pushed away Albert’s hand on his neck. Then, with a flutter of his wings, he flew away.

The contract was completed. Blanc left the room.

Blanc and I share our lifespans now. If I die, Blanc will die. And if Blanc dies, I will also die.

On Blanc’s 500th birthday, I will be by his side during the ordeal.


After letting out a short bark of laughter, Albert ruffled his hair. He stared at me emptily.


I silently met his gaze. And waited for him to speak.


He was expressionless, but it looked as if he was about to cry. Albert stared at me, then let out a despairing exhale.

“Rosé, do you know how my mentor died?”


“My teacher was a dragon’s contractor, and he died the day his dragon turned 500 years old. He couldn’t prevail over the ordeal and he couldn’t overcome the pain.”