Chapter 121

Chapter 121

Translator: Yonnee

“She’s someone who wants to try doing everything. In the first place, she must have realized that she wouldn’t be able to run away from me just like that, so isn’t it obvious that her only other way to escape is to ask for help from the people around her?”

As Albert said this, Liam realized that hiding their previously agreed-upon plans here would not fly by Albert’s eyes and ears.

The prince’s eyes narrowed.

“I’m sure you know better than anyone else that silence is louder than any other excuse right here.”

Albert brushed off Liam’s shoulder, as if he was removing some dust on him. He did it so casually, but this was a silent act of pressuring the other man.

“I’ve decided to let her do whatever she wants. But just to be fair, shouldn’t I also know what she’s planning?”

Liam smirked inwardly. He realized that even if he tried to hide those plans right now, regardless, Albert would eventually make him open his mouth later.

Now that it’s come to this, perhaps it was for the better. Since Albert knew how it was that woman who instigated this plan rather than Liam himself, Albert would be more agreeable.

“She said that it was for the sake of Your Highness’s happiness that she wants to keep her distance for a while.”

Albert smiled faintly.

“I wonder if I should just open up my chest and show her my heart just to make her believe me. So, how long?”

“…About a month, sire.”

“About a month. Fine then.”

Albert murmured as he put his sword back into its scabbard. Liam was somewhat taken aback by the prince’s light answer.

“…Is it truly alright?”

“I’ll honor Rosé’s wishes, so I’ll entrust her to you for about a month after we leave the tower for good. I will need about that much time to clean up the palace anyway. If I’m going to be with her for the rest of my life, what is a month compared to that.”

Rosé’s wishes had to be fulfilled right away. While there were still many things to sort out in the royal court, it’s possible for Rosé to do everything she wanted to do.

“There’s somewhere I have to be as well.”

“Your Highness?”

“I’m going to the Dragons’ Nest.”

As a place where dragons were born, only mages could enter the place called Dragons’ Nest. Even so, it was close to a cave rather than a nest, and there were many murals about dragons across its walls.

“Why that place?”

“To find out how I can reverse a dragon’s contract.”

Liam pushed down the urge to gasp. He couldn’t understand why Albert was willing to go this far.

“It’s her choice, sir. There’s no need for Your Highness to show such concern…”

“It would be possible for me to show a king’s dignity through this as well, so I will gain from it. This isn’t just for Rosé.”

As he spoke and chuckled right after, his voice was as languid as ever. His expression and tone showed no flaws at all. Even so, Liam knew that this was just an excuse.

Though he tried to hide it, there were just some things that could not be hidden.

With an emotionless smile on his lips, Albert’s eyes were curved as well, however his pupils were shaking minutely. It was reminiscent of a rock thrown into the waters, ripples disturbing the tranquil surface.

Denying it now would just make him look like a fool.

His liege had already given his heart to a maid, whose identity and background were ambiguous.

It wasn’t that he couldn’t understand Albert. In as small of a space as the tower, it’s impossible for nothing to happen between two people who were alone together. His liege was also human.

‘…In any case, it should be an emotion that will fade away soon enough.’

Liam believed what Rosé told him—that once they’re back outside, the illusion of love fostered between them, created by the tower’s narrow space, would soon disappear. Then, as Albert would regain his rationality once more, he’d realize just how foolish his actions had been until now.

‘One month.’

Rosé Artius should be sent to the southernmost coast, the furthest place away from here. It would be better if they lost contact later on.

‘I’ll have to make sure that neither hide nor hair of that woman could be found.’

…The food she cooked was more delicious than he had expected, and she was a maid who had a good head on her shoulders. Even so, these reasons were not enough to keep her by Albert’s side.

It’ll be alright.

Liam knew Albert. He wasn’t the kind of person who’d go crazy just because one person had disappeared.

* * *

“Nightmare? I was fine though? It’s not something I hadn’t already thought of before.”

Schubert’s eyes grew wide as though he couldn’t understand why I asked such a question, but he soon became sullen.

“I can’t believe I won’t be able to see His Highness for some time.”

I thought he was a bit depressed because of the nightmare, but it turns out that he’s just listless because he’d have to return to the knight order due to the king’s commands. There, all he’s going to hear was endless sermons about how he had to sacrifice his own life for the king.

Just in time, I took Schubert to the kitchen so that I could give him some of the chicken I cooked earlier.

“To express my gratitude, I also prepared a gift for you.”

“What is it?”

“It’s the fried chicken that I mentioned to you before. It’s not that hot anymore, but it’s still delicious.”

Schubert had a baffled expression on his face. He was busy staring hard at the chicken, trying to see whether I sprinkled some sort of poison on it. Or, perhaps trying to see if it was edible at all.

However, he soon let out a cough, embarrassed by his own actions. Then, he took a piece of chicken using a fork.

It’s cold now, but fried chicken still tastes good when it’s cold. He took a bite out of the piece and widened his eyes.

“…I guess there’s a reason why His Highness likes you.”

He muttered to himself as he chewed the crispy outer skin of the fried chicken. As he was practically entranced by the dish, I watched him eat with a pleasant expression.

“Right? You get it now.”

“No! I’m not convinced.”

Schubert ate all of the leftover chicken while licking his lips from time to time. Suddenly, his eyes focused on the back of my hand.

Then, he gaped at it blankly.


“Oh, I entered the contract.”

“Seems like you’ve got nothing to fear during your life.”

Schubert continued to look at me with wide eyes, but I could only reply awkwardly.

“I did it because I am scared.”

Unable to grasp my words, Schubert blinked in a daze.