Chapter 123

Chapter 123

Translator: Yonnee

At first, I thought I heard it wrong. That’s why I waited for him to correct his words.

But Albert just continued staring at me, his arms folded.

“I don’t feel comfortable letting you sleep in the attic where there’s no proper bed.”

…But you allowed me to sleep in that place. And I’m fine with it.

“It’s a bed for two people anyway. Just change your clothes and come back down.”

“No, Your Highness. How can I dare sleep in the same bed as you…”

“The first thing you did before was pounce at me.”

All I wanted was to make a strong case to defend myself here. That wasn’t me, sire. The woman who crawled into your bed and the woman in front of you now isn’t the same person!

…But saying that would just make me look crazy—just as crazy as the real Rosé Artius was. I desperately grasped for a different reason.

“Prince, we’re still under contract.”

“But as long as we have each other’s consent, it’s fine, right?”

My excuse went up in smoke in an instant, completely useless against him. As if already anticipating my next words, Albert opened his lips first.

“Don’t tell me you’re about to say that’s not right, Rosé? You’re not trying to take back your words, are you? If so, then you can just give me your permission again.”

What a smooth talker, this guy. Never in my whole life have I met another person who’s as eloquent as our dear Albert.

As he took a step forward, I had a hunch that he was about to grab hold of the back of my neck and steal my lips at any given moment.

In response, I took a step back. Albert chuckled.

“Don’t worry, I’m not going to do anything. At least, not yet.”

Did this prince even know that saying this is only making me more nervous? ‘Not yet,’ he said, but what are you going to do later?

“If it’s impossible to win you over with words, it is only wise to switch tactics, yes?”


“If you listen to my words well, then I feel like my anger will dissipate in time.”

As he spoke gently to soothe me, I couldn’t help but give in. In any case, Albert would counter every excuse I could possibly give. The inevitable conclusion would be for me to nod my head and follow after what he’d say.

Yeah, okay, I’m just doing this for my own sake. Let’s not think about anything else. We’re just going to sleep.

As I muttered inwardly, I eventually nodded.

“I wonder if there comes a day when I can finally win against you, Prince.”

When I uttered my lamentations, Albert replied with a low voice.

“That’s what I want to say. I wonder if there’ll come a day when I’ll truly win.”

Why would you say that, as if you’re losing to me every time?

Then, Albert tucked a lock of my hair behind my ear as he whispered softly.

“I’ll go to bed first.”

His voice echoed within me.

Albert pushed me towards the bathroom. There were already clothes for me to change into in the bathroom, but when did he prepare this?

…Here was a prince who’s taking care of his maid’s clothes. What kind of sight was this.

Still though, inwardly, it felt nice that Albert was taking care of me. Though the current situation was strange, it didn’t feel bad either.

…Was I turning into some kind of pervert? What other explanation would there be when I’m thrilled to see a man like Albert serve me like this?

I was preoccupied with many thoughts as I changed into the drab chemise. And when I recalled the kiss we shared in the duke’s fortress, my face went bright red.

Nothing’s going to happen. Nothing. Nothing… We’re literally just going to sleep.

I opened the door and went out of the bathroom.


Lying on his back, Albert’s eyes were closed.

The moonlight streaming in from the window fell upon his face—his small face, which had such beautiful features. There were shadows beneath his long eyelashes.

The only sound that could be heard inside the room was the sound of his quiet breaths. As he lay back in such an upright position, he looked like a sleeping saint.

He must have been so tired. The last few days were sure to have been long for Albert, too.

The tension in my body suddenly loosened. Albert asked me to sleep beside him out of his selfless concern for me, and I’m just left ashamed here after reading too much into it.

Staring at his face, I smiled softly.

“It really is a favor that can’t be refused.”


“Still, judging by your face, if it’s at least true that your anger’s gone, then it might be fine. But when I think like this, I can’t help but think of how stupid I’m being.”

I stared at Albert’s face for a moment longer, then I drew the curtains. I was worried that Albert might wake up because of the moonlight.

Lying next to him made my heart race again. I’ve been in his embrace before, and I’ve already kissed him. But this was different.

I turned to my side and watched Albert sleep. If I get to see him sleep like this, then it’s at least a great perk to this arrangement.

“Really, you’re so handsome…”

My eyelids gradually closed as my own fatigue caught up to me. I yawned loudly. Then, towards Albert who was already asleep, I said something that I couldn’t ever say while he was awake.

“Good night, Albert.”

Even just once, I wanted to call his name.

* * *

When she stared at his face intently and when she spoke to him with a voice that seemed to melt like honey, Albert could still endure it.

Until she called his name.

At the unexpected action, his breath caught in his throat. He was barely able to subdue the flames of his desire, and yet Rosé poured oil and ignited them once again.

He never even thought of her calling him by his name because she always said Prince this and Prince that. But, no—he imagined it once. He thought that it would make him feel good, but he didn’t think that it would ever happen.

However, when this imagination did actually materialize into reality, it became a problem. What he felt now transcended just ‘good’—it was at the level that rendered him helpless as his body’s condition changed.

To make matters worse, Rosé—the very person who made him this way—so quickly fell asleep. Albert’s ears were hatefully filled with her even breaths.


What do you mean you can’t win against me, Albert muttered to himself. In the end, he had to leave the bed.

Today as well. He had to cool down his body.