Chapter 142

Chapter 142

Translator: Yonnee


Blanc flew straight into my arms, and so I hugged him tightly. With a loud voice and with his eyes sparkling, he spoke.

“You were sooo cooool…”

“I’m glad you thought so. But most of the magic that happened just now was planned by His Highness.”

There’s no way I could have made such a beautiful scene with just one electricity spell. But as he heard my explanation, Blanc tilted his head to the side.

“No, Rosé is also strong!”

Hearing his tearful voice, it sounded to me like it’s unacceptable for Blanc to praise Albert while I was in front of him.

“Do you hate Albert so much?”

“…Because he hates me.”

“That’s the Prince’s fault. How could he when our Blanc is this cute!”

My sly words made Blanc giggle lightly. It was always nice to hear Blanc’s laughter.

Glancing to the side, I found Mercy as she was reading something. Her expression was serious.


“There’s a problem.”

“What is it?”

“…I think we have to go over and release the restraints on the mages ourselves.”

“There’s no other way?”

“The restraints can only be removed by a mage since it’s a mage who put them on. We’re done dealing with the troops, so anyway, I think we’ll have to go and release them…”

Mercy glanced around at the people and pressed down on her temples.

“But I’m holding a spell now, so I can’t leave.”

“Even now?”

“Yes, my spell is illusory, right? I’m manipulating people’s dreams right now.”

…So these people weren’t lulled to sleep for nothing? Once again, I was shocked. And Mercy’s power also surprised me.

“You’re dealing with all of these people alone… You can do that?”

“Eyy, this is nothing compared to what His Highness could do though.”

Mercy smiled pleasantly at my compliment, but her expression was still stiff.

“I’ll have to call His Highness.”

“…It feels a bit wrong to call him now.”

Today was the day that Albert would kill Rosteratu. The uprising had been moved up, but I was aware of what this entailed.

Today was also the day that he’d take over the palace and become the new king. Throughout the process, Rosteratu should be no more.

He would definitely come as soon as he’s called, but I don’t want to cut short the time he had to resolve his hatred for Rosteratu.

I recalled what happened back then at the tower, when Albert listened to Liam’s report.

Albert couldn’t even express his anger as he heard his people dying.

I held Mercy’s hand furtively. She tilted her head to the side, perplexed as to what I was doing.

I pointed to myself.

“Why don’t I go and do it? I’m a mage, too.”


“You need to be here, Mercy, and His Highness needs to exact his final revenge, so I’ll go and release the restraints. If the only requirement is for a mage to release them, then I could do it.”

Hearing me say that, Mercy blinked. But she didn’t refute my words. Her face didn’t immediately crumple either, so this must be a good sign.

I carefully continued speaking.

“You can just teleport me there, Mercy, and all I have to do is direct the spell at the restraints. Just send me to the right place, and I can do it. Or, is it in a really dangerous place?”

“…No, they’ve been hiding in the underground passageways for a while now.”

Mercy’s expression was still stiff.

“It’s dangerous. Big Sis, if you get hurt anywhere at all, I wouldn’t be able to face His Highness.”

“Schubert and Liam are there, too. You can trust them. And think about it, Mercy, we can’t end His Highness’ revenge here when he’s been waiting for this moment for a lifetime. How difficult has it been for him all this time?”

I gently urged Mercy. I could see her slowly being convinced.

“His Highness’s revenge… ending here?”

These words seemed to be a catalyst for Mercy. Soon, she held my hand and looked at me determinedly.

“I’ll trust you wholeheartedly with this one, Big Sis.”

“You do a good job, too.”

“…But do you know which spell to use?”

This was the final test. If I don’t answer correctly here, Mercy wouldn’t let me go there!

In my mind, I flitted through all the contents of the books I’ve read before. To release those restraints. The English word for this is…!

“Unlock, right?”

“…That’s right.”

Looking a bit surprised, Mercy nodded.

“You must have memorized the incantation words well. I’ll show you the magic circle, let’s try drawing it together. If you can remember how to use the wand like earlier, it’ll be much easier for you to draw later. It’ll help you like a guide.”

“When will it be possible to just imagine the magic circle in your mind instead of actually drawing it?”

I was just a beginner, so I was wondering when it’s going to be possible for me.

“It varies from person to person. But it’s only possible if the magic circle is completely memorized in your head.”

She further said that wielding magic without magic circles was also possible.

But she also added that the spell would be very weak.

“You can skip drawing the magic circle, but wielding magic without a wand is the most difficult step. His Highness is famous for a reason.”

As I heard praise directed at Albert, I realized how little I knew about him.

“First then, I’ll put a defensive spell on you.”

Mercy waved her wand.