Chapter 170

Chapter 170

Translator: Yonnee

…What do I do in this situation? The current Rosé was no longer me. Now, she was the dark mage inside the novel who wanted to monopolize Albert so much that she did everything just to achieve this goal.

But it wasn’t easy to get rid of her now. All the evidence pointing to her being a dark mage had already been gotten rid of.

Even worse, Albert was actively hiding any proof from Rosé’s past that could be used as a flaw.

“Blanc, want to eat something delicious once we go back? I’m hungry.”

Fury started seething within me. Seeing her act like me so calmly made me want to lash out in anger, even if I didn’t have anger issues in the first place.

It made me even more angry to think that I just had that sincere conversation with Albert today.

…Don’t you dare call Blanc’s name! I’m the one who gave him that name. You’re not allowed to even speak it!

But all the words I wished to say merely got scattered in the air.


Luckily, Blanc took a step back as though he was wary of Rosé. He wouldn’t have treated me like this.

It hadn’t been long since they left the restaurant. What she said was in direct contradiction of what had just happened.

But this was just a small thing. Blanc wouldn’t immediately think that the Rosé in front of him had changed into a completely different person.

What am I supposed to do now?

It’s clear that Rosé had regained her body through the use of black magic, but it seemed like what she could do was quite limited.

If she could use black magic freely, she would have surely acted on her jealousy. After all, I had been so close to Albert all this time.

…Then what kind of spells could I do?

As a mage myself, I could do some simple spells, but I’m not sure whether I’d be able to use this to let them know of my current state. Besides that, I left behind my wand when we went out today.

And most of all, my highest priority was to somehow tell Albert that my soul and Rosé’s soul had switched. Was there a way to do that?

While thinking of him, his familiar face appeared in front of me. I took a step back in surprise.

“It’s taking you a while here.”

However, as expected… Albert did not notice my presence either.

“You said there’s not much here that you need to take.”

I hurriedly turned to look at Rosé, but her eyes curved into crescent moons. Seeing this, a smile likewise found its way on Albert’s lips.

“There really is nothing, Prince. I’ll be right down.”


Albert glanced at Rosé.

“Albert! Albert!”

I rushed to him and waved my arms. However, his focus was not on me. He was looking at only Rosé.

Not me. Rosé, the maid.


After packing her things, Rosé approached Albert. She gave him a big smile.

She had copied the way I smile. It was the same with the tone of voice I used whenever I called him.

She was perfectly acting like the maid ‘Rosé’ who had taken care of Albert.


I wanted to give a signal to Albert to let him know that something’s not right. Even though I know that it’s impossible.

“Albert, that Rosé isn’t me!”

My voice left through my lips, but Albert did not react.

He blinked.

Because Rosé fell straight into Albert’s arms.

Albert patted Rosé gently on the back. And Rosé dug deeper into Albert’s embrace.

On the surface, there’s nothing wrong with Rosé.

Watching as Rosé was in his embrace, I was seized with a wave of despair.

As they were locked in each other’s arms, Albert made eye contact with Rosé.

Then, there was a moment of silence.

Albert stared at Rosé.

As soon as Albert held Rosé’s chin, her face instantly brightened with joy.

However, Albert’s expression turned the opposite.

His gaze immediately cooled.

“I thought it was strange… So many times, I wondered if I merely misunderstood. If it was just my imagination.”

His grasp on Rosé’s chin tightened. To the point that it was difficult to believe that there was a smile on his face just a moment ago, only coldness remained in his demeanor.

“…But it’s true.”

Albert’s expression gradually hardened as he looked at Rosé.

“Right. When I saw this look in your eyes before, I vowed to exact my revenge on you. I vowed to cut down your throat the very instant it was all over.”

He smiled sardonically, then roughly let go of Rosé’s chin. Falling backwards as she was thrown forcefully by him, Rosé collapsed to the floor.

Rosé barely regained her balance as she sat back with her hands behind her. Then, Albert knelt down and stared straight into her eyes.

“You did not lose your memories.”

Rosé flinched. She didn’t seem to have expected this to happen at all.

I was also thrown into confusion when I heard him say this. But because it was Albert, I knew that I could trust him.

Albert wasn’t the kind of man who’d say this for no reason. Out of anyone else, I was the most aware of just how quick he was to think.

“I was waiting for you to tell me the truth with your own mouth… But I didn’t think you’d change again like this.

“Prince, what are you talking about? I’ve always just been taking care of you as I was beside you. I cooked food for you, and we—”

Rosé spoke frantically.

Chills ran down my spine. I’ve always wanted Albert to know the truth, but I didn’t think that he already caught on.

Did that even make sense? Who would come to the conclusion that the person in front of them had become possessed by someone else?

Despite all that, this was what followed.

“The real Rosé… No. She doesn’t call me ‘Prince’ anymore, Artius.”

It was only then that I realized what exactly was giving me a sense of incompatibility as I was watching her.

It was the title that Rosé kept calling him with.

Even so, it should not have been easy to surmise that something had changed with that fact alone.

“You must be the dark mage. I could guess what happened— The more you used your power, the more the link between your body and mind collapsed, and your soul eventually separated from you. And at that time, her soul must have entered.”

Despite the unexpected situation, Albert enunciated each and every word he uttered with such clarity.

“Where. Is. She.”

Albert’s eyes flashed with murderous intent.