Chapter 190

Chapter 190

Translator: Yonnee

Blanc looked around the interior of the empty Dragons Nest.

The ordeals that were given to dragons as soon as a contract was formed were all different.

Seeing as Jung-in had disappeared from this place, her ordeal must be taking place in another worldor another time.

Theres still so many things I wanted to let you know

Blancs expression turned sullen.

A dragon typically learned about their growth at its very onset.

This was the most awaited moment for a dragon cub in their lifetime, but all the information would be given to them instinctively from within, and this knowledge would be awakened all at once.

The dragon was the one whod grow, so there was a lot of information that theyd get. On the other hand, a contractor would know little in comparison.

This was also part of the contractors ordeal.

How long would they be able to endure such pain when they had no idea when it would end, in a time and place where no one knew them?

For some, it was a billion years. For others, it was a year or just a month.

The duration depended on how fast a dragon could grow into adulthood.

As the contractor wouldnt have any means to communicate with the dragon, would they be able to hold on? Would they be able to avoid giving up hope or falling into despair?

Would they be able to trust their dragon until the end?

The ordeal was also a test of trust between the dragon and the contractor.

Opening his eyes, Blanc felt the same agonizing pain once again.

Its true that he didnt want to die from this ordeal, but at the same time, it was also true that this was an opportunity for both Blanc and Jung-in.

Once a dragon would turn into an adult, the contractor would also gain a new body that was different from what they had before.

Quite literally, the contractor would be rebornand with the characteristics of their contracted dragon.

Once Blanc would become fully-fledged, Jung-in as a soul right now would be able to live and gain a full form. She wouldnt need to find a new body.

There was no need to give in to Ros Artiuss threats.

Alberts also waiting.

Blanc recalled how Albert had taken care of him at the end.

Even if that guy didnt usually like Blanc, only his words were sharp, and he had never truly set out to harm him.

After the real Ros Artius had returned, Albert had taken more care of Blanc, too.

Blanc also didnt want to disappoint Albert. He didnt want to make him sad.

Albert had also been with Blanc for a long time ever since he entered the tower.

Once he could overcome the pain and the temptations, everyone would be there, waiting for him.

So, Blanc was able to accept everything with a brave heart.

As soon as he clenched his teeth tightly, the wings on his back grew a little bigger.

His growth was already beginning.

* * *

As I walked around until dawn, I soon realized that the festivalthat Greten mentioned a while agowas going to be being held here.

People were out and about, busy decorating and preparing everything.

Perhaps they didnt have enough time left, so they were busy going around even when darkness had already fallen. It was already after midnight, yet the surrounding area was overflowing with people decorating the village and the houses.

In the meantime, I weaved through the crowd and looked around. Time went by quickly as I helped around here and there, too.

Since I helped with the festivals preparations, its okay even if I do this, right?

I thought hard about it first, but I eventually came out of the warehouse while holding a small bunch of babys breath flowers.

I felt my conscience getting stabbed because this was no different from stealing, but I decided to consider it as compensation for helping out with the festival.

Besides, I wouldnt even be able to pay since other people couldnt see me.

It was already dawn, but the sun hadnt risen yet. It must be because its winter.

Still, the sky had only been dark until a while ago, but it now looked a little brighter.

The stars embedded in the sky made me think of the time that Albert and I walked through the sky.

He must still be asleep right now. I returned to Alberts room through the window again, and it wasnt too difficult to open it because it was only closed and not locked.

Looking around if there were any vases I could put the flowers in, I found Alberts back as he was sitting in front of the fireplace. He was all swaddled up in a blanket.

He was covered until his head with the blanket, so from the blank, it looked like he was a small mountain of blankets.

I looked up at the clockit was only five in the morning. Did he have a habit of waking up early ever since he was a child?

Or did he go up to the fireplace because he was feeling cold?

Just in case he was sleeping, I called his name quietly.


The blanket lump fluttered as he turned to look behind him. Alberts eyes were wide as he stared at me.

I thought you disappeared.

He was surprised, as if he didnt expect for me to return. He told me not to leave in such a forlorn voice earlier, but he still thought I would leave.

He must be used to not keeping any expectations.

I sat next to him and held up the babys breath flowers in my hand.

You told me not to leave, didnt you? I just went out for a bit because I wanted to give you a present.

A present?

Arent these pretty?

As I handed them over, Albert fiddled with the pink blossoms in his grasp for a long time. As if the babys breath flowers were precious gems.


However, he spoke with a sharp tone as though he was hiding his feelings.

Ah, I guess they arent, right?

When I agreed with him, an unsaid question danced behind Alberts eyes. I winked at him.

Because they cant possibly be prettier than you, Albert.

At this, Alberts brows became furrowed.

Seriously. Dont say stuff if you dont mean it.

You think I dont mean it? Even though I havent told a single lie?

I saw it. His ears turned red because he liked the compliment, and the corners of his lips went up because he couldnt hide his delight.

As Albert smiled, I was proud to see that his spirits were lifted. Clasping one of Alberts hands in mine, I whispered to him.

Ill bring you one gift a day, Albert.

So that you can look forward to each day.

While holding the flowers dearly to his chest, Albert looked up at me and murmured.

Seriously such a strange person.

He knew what the underlying message was behind my words.

But Albert didnt tell me to stop saying it.

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