Chapter 452 Final Battle

Chapter 452 Final Battle

"Quetzalcoatl, The Mythical Feathered Serpent," Alex said, looking at the majestic creature in the distance.

After the blinding light subsided, a colossal monstrosity emerged, its form reminiscent of a majestic feathered serpent, with his colossal form stretched across the sky.

Its serpentine body was covered in iridescent shimmering feathers of vibrant hues, ranging from brilliant blues and greens to fiery reds and yellows, creating a mesmerizing display of colors.

It had the regal visage of a deadly serpent with sharp, angular features, his eyes being shimmering gems of darkness standing out in the cloak of red and golden features, his serpentine body having large feathery wings, six in number, extending from his sleek body.

Its entire body was cloaked in various elements that he held command over, as with every beat of his wings, gusts of wind swirled around him, carrying the scent of rain and deadly wind, with ominous red lightning crackling between his feathers, dancing along the length of his body like veins of pure electricity.

Bolts of lightning leap from his jaws, illuminating the darkness with their brilliant flashes, while the very air seemed to shimmer and distort, hinting at the presence of potent heat that was being released by his figure.

It exuded an aura of dread and elemental dominance, commanding fear and awe from all who beheld its majestic form.

"Zero sure is not holding back," Venedikt said, seeing the status of the creature and his display of strength.

The players wasted no time and rushed to attack, their coordinated assault unleashing a barrage of spells, abilities and prepared traps.

Dozens of mages launched their prepared attacks one after the other, filling the air with the crackling energy of elemental explosions as fiery beams, spheres, or massive meteors streaked through the sky, leaving trails of flames in their wake.

While bolts of lightning, beams of light and darkness, or spheres of pulsing toxins arced toward the towering creature, illuminating the darkness with their brilliant flashes.

The majority of close combat players used the best of their enhancement skills before rushing forth and delivering their attacks moments after the long-range bombardment reached its peak.

The process repeated for over a minute, and by its end, close to three hundred meters of the area was cloaked in a dome of chaotic storm of energy that stretched far into the sky.

The continuous elemental attacks thrown at the storm by mages and other players did not even get past the layers upon layers of potent energy, but it did help fuel the maelstrom of various elements that was growing stronger by the struggle of various elements for supremacy.

The attack packed enough punch to make even a formidable Beast King struggle for his life, eliciting excited expressions from the players who were confident they had dealt a significant blow to their dreaded adversary.

It was a one-sided battle through and through, even when Quetzalcoatl was far from using his real strength, but it was understandable as the majority of players were Fourth Rank and didn't have any real means to stand their ground, and those among them who could were not even properly participating.

The minutes passed, and the player number dwindled from four hundred or so to around two hundred and seventy, and without the ability to respawn their dead teammates, the dead players were gone for good.

But at the same time, the wind barrier was gone, and the Quetzalcoatl was finally taking some real damage and was making big moves.

The creature still stood in the center of the island, not having moved an inch since his arrival, and like having enough of the players, his atmosphere had a sudden shift as the wind began to manifest around him, swirling him in a furious cyclone that encircled the creature.

Intense flames ignited within the growing tempest, transforming it into a tornado of flames and fast-flowing wind, both elements powering the other with their creation, reaching for the skies.

The sky above darkened as dense clouds coalesced, crackling with crimson lightning that danced across their surface, and with each passing moment, the tornado grew larger and more destructive, a swirling vortex of elemental fury poised to wreak havoc upon the island.

The participants quickly retreated behind barriers and tanks, recognizing that this was no ordinary skill they could survive with minimal damage.

Alex stood up, cracking his neck muscles, knowing the Quetzalcoatl had gone serious and the single elemental storm would take out 30% of the remaining players.

Once the storm ended, the beast who had stood like a statue only attacking with elemental attacks would show why he was an Elemental Ruler even with the heavy restriction, and what followed would be nothing but a blood bath.

So, it was time to summon Vorinax and, hopefully, fight alongside that monster once more and put on another near-

impossible show.

Alex's teammates were surprised to see him stand up and felt the sudden shift in his aura, followed by him raising his hand and creating a large circle of pitch darkness into the sky a small distance away.

It took but a glance to know that it was the summoning circle, a skill that had probably been discussed more on the forums than many big events, purely because of the monster that Alex summoned through it.

The participants believed that Alex's skill worked on luck like the majority of summoning skills, and the otherworldly beast he summoned was a one-time thing, but it was all speculation, and now, seeing the familiar circle, they were on edge to find out if they were correct.

The viewers even questioned why Alex was preparing, and the answer that came to mind made them exhilarated, knowing if their thinking was true, they were in for a show.