Chapter 469 Acquiring the Life Pod

Chapter 469 Acquiring the Life Pod

"You have a slipt personality disorder," Alex asked, having noticed the sudden shift in behavior and remembering a few odd events related to Yakari but ignoring it at the moment because of the suddenness of the moment.

"Yes, I have two distinct personas."

"One is me, Yakari, with a stable mind and simple goals like any other individual, and I desired to secure a good life and to become a decent hunter in the ancient world."

"The other is El Loco, The Madman, driven by the same ambitions as me but to extreme extents, as he is very prideful, angry, and has an insatiable thirst for recognition and wants to be the greatest hunter," Yakari said, now appearing much calmer with his eyes stealing glances at the ring lying near his feet.

'The Yakari I remembered was sometimes an idiot taking on entire guild squads he had no beef with just to show off his skills, and other times using traps and his abilities to his advantage to decimate entire groups of strong players,'

'He certainly does not have control over his personality shift, so his loyalty is questionable, but he is a talent without a doubt that could possibly become resourceful in the organization,' Alex thought as he considered recruiting him as a permanent member, which will make the difference in giving him the opportunity to earn the Archer Monarch legacy he bought from the Event auction.

"What do you think about joining my organization?" Alex asked, after some contemplation.

"It is my way of compensating you for the knives I took, but you would not stay a permanent member because if you can not prove your worth among the real members, you will be removed after six months,"

"You will have six months to prove that you are worthy of being a member, but if you can not, then the organization would be cruel enough to kick you out of the Malefis Domain," Alex said after a short pause.

"Thanks.. ..thank you for the opportunity. I will give my utmost effort," Yakari said, his voice wavering slightly as he struggled to maintain composure amidst a surge of emotions.

Alex gave Yakari a domain entry token before making him officially a member of the current nameless Warmaster chapter that housed only combatants class players.

After Yakari left, Alex also returned to the domain, going directly to the training chambers to test his new toys and then continuing with his progress toward the Fifth Rank.

Alex stayed in the training chamber for three days before returning to the real world to receive the delivery of the first modified life pod, for which he had been waiting since the event ended.

Alex took Zero's words very seriously because he had no reason to lie to him, and he did not consider AI to have a hidden purpose when his real goal seemed to be increasing the number of Awake individuals.

As Zero refused to share why would some powerful people want to find Sophia after her awakening, Alex could only come up with his own answers, with the only possible answers being that she was special, either in the ancient world, the real world, or very likely in both.

'A few million would be just a few hundred thousand gold coins, and a single gold brick is worth a thousand gold, and I have a few hundred thousand of them that I acquired from the underground city in the desert,'

'I want to give them to my brother, but this will disclose my secret that I could freely wander the Ancient World,'

'Brother might allow it and help me keep it a secret from Mother and Father if I let him meet with Sparkles and Lioness,' Sophia thought as she pondered the possibility.

'But what if brother did not take my side and halted me from playing? Then all of Sparkle's brothers and sisters will stay imprisoned for many more years,'

'This makes my brain hurt,' Sophia thought before she dropped the idea of revealing her little secret that, unbeknownst to her, was anything but little.

"Welcome, Sir Alex, and you must be lady Sophia," A mature voice greeted them as the uo reached the front door.

"My name is Leroy, the head butler of the guild house," The butler stated with a smile as he opened the door for them.

"Hey, Big Brother, are those real katanas?"

"Wow, so many cool weapons!" Sophia exclaimed with excitement, pointing at the front entrance wall, as she gazed at the long line of weapons mounted at it with a look of amazement.

"There are plenty more awesome places to see in the guild house. I'll give you a tour, but first, let's take care of the cause for which I brought you here." Alex stated before he led her to the second floor straight to the medical room.

The life pod resembled a VR capsule, and Alex did not share its details, simply informing Sophia that it was an advanced health system that would aid in her recovery and it was sufficient to alleviate her curiosity.

Seeing Sophia comfortably lying unconscious in the life pod, Alex experienced a tremendous weight lift from his mind, a surge of emotions flooding him that surpassed what he felt the moment he reached Fourth Rank, making him shedded a few silent tears.