Chapter 839: Don't ask, if you ask, no points will be deducted

Chapter 839 Don't ask, ask is no deduction

The examination room is extremely quiet.

Only heard the sound of Fenbijishu.

Everyone, regardless of whether it is or not, in the principle of leaving no blanks, basically frowning and smearing on the paper and scratch paper.

The invigilator walked from the first row to the last row, and then from the last row back to the first row. There were two teachers in each examination room. The teachers could not talk to each other, but they made a lot of eye contact.

Especially when passing by Qiao Nian.

Seeing that she was different from other students, everyone started with multiple-choice questions, but she did the opposite. Starting from the big questions, her eyes were very surprised.

But since the first subject of the test, the invigilators at this test center have heard of her name.

Qiao Nian, the first student in the entrance exam.

So surprised is surprised, I didn't say much.

Half an hour before handing in the paper, the girl who wrote the answer slowly put the pen into the pencil case on time, took her own things, and got up to hand in the paper.

Then walked out of the examination room freely from behind.

The invigilator of each subject has long been used to her punctual submission of papers in advance. After she left, she sorted out the test papers she handed in, and then took a look at it. Anyway, as far as she could see, she basically wrote it all.

As for whether they are right, they dare not draw conclusions until they get the standard answer.


Today is the last exam.

There are a lot of extensions on the outside of the examination room to pick up children. In addition, there are also many self-media and reporters who are aiming at the test site with long guns and short cannons, ready to catch a few students who come out for interviews.

At 4:30 in the afternoon, the door of the examination room opened.

A thin figure came out of the examination room first, and a reporter squeezed in first, and held the interview microphone to the girl’s face.

"Hello classmate, have you handed in your paper?"

The girl looked at the camera that she was about to reach her face, pulled down the brim of her hat, and covered her eyes, her expression was very impatient with a hmm.

The reporter didn’t see her impatient expression, but he leaned forward and asked with a grin: "The last test is over. How difficult do you think the test questions are?"

"It's okay." Although Qiao Nian was impatient, she was patient.

The reporter was a little bit tight-lipped. Seeing the girl walk around her and walk away, he blocked the way with the microphone and blocked the way, and continued to ask: "Then how many points do you think you can test?"

This question is pretty tricky.

After all, it was said on the Internet that the subject of comprehensive science is very difficult. In case someone just gave up the college entrance examination, it was the first one to submit the paper. She asked so, she would definitely be embarrassed.

Just Qiao Nian...

The girl raised her delicate eyebrows, she probably did not expect that she would still stand in front of her, which meant that she would not let her go without answering.

She raised her head, revealing that eye-catching face, her eyes were full of wildness, her hands in her pockets, as if she had been provoked, she madly replied: "250."

The female reporter didn't react at first, thinking that Qiao Nian was scolding her, but when she reacted, she was already far away.

When the   li comprehensive examination paper came out, everyone shouted that it was difficult. They were all saying that it would be a problem if they could say 200 points. This girl actually said 250 points, full marks? ? ?

Just kidding.


Some high-end community around the city.

Shen Qiongzhi was on the phone with Qiao An, and the corner of his eye suddenly saw the person on the TV.

The girl wears a refreshing sweater, and the whole person has an aura that no one is allowed to enter.

She doesn’t need to look closely, she recognizes the person at a glance.

(End of this chapter)