Chapter 236: Legislative Assembly 1st shot

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"Lastignac? Interesting!"

Jerome Bonaparte at the Elysée Palace turned his back to the desk with his legs crossed and flipped through the tabloid in his hand with interest.

"Your Excellency, do we want to take this guy..." Valevsky asked Jerome Bonaparte, he was worried that the content of the newspaper would be used by people with intentions.

At the end of the article, Rastigne has already hinted that the president is likely to launch a coup d'etat, which undoubtedly exposed them to the public eye for the Bonapartists who have not yet had a coup d'etat.

Jérôme Bonaparte placed the chair in front of Vallewski, put the newspaper on the desk and said with a smile: "Since last year, there have been various rumors that we are going to have a coup d'état. Now we are not still sitting here. For some things, it is easy to cause aesthetic fatigue if you cry too much. After the wolf comes, I am afraid that those people will not continue to cry. "

Jerome Bonaparte paused for a while, and while tidying up his ruffled collar, he continued: "However, this Rastigne article is still very sharp; it is also handy to control the contradictions of the article! Set up the opposite of the two, and then leave it to the readers to judge for themselves, as long as the topic is active, there is no need to worry about not having subscribers.”

Jerome Bonaparte praised this Parisian "upstart". For a 19th-century journalist, the quickest way to knock on the door of high society was to publish an article and then smash his fame. Go out, and then you will receive an olive branch from the upper class.

As for whether the olive branch is strong or not, it depends on the person who handed him the olive branch.

Guys who get kicked out of high society for being on the wrong team abound.

Even if you take the olive branch, it doesn't mean you really step into the upper class. You also need to maintain your reputation as much as possible to let more people know you. As long as more and more people identify with you, you can rely on public opinion in "Bole". Under the leadership of a thorough step into the door of high society.

"Your Excellency, what do you mean?" Valevsky asked Jerome Bonaparte.

Jerome Bonaparte smiled and put his index and middle fingers together, then poked the author's name lightly: "I decided to give this man a chance! Tell my sister Mathilde, the next literature Sharon can invite him!"

At the Elysee Palace, Jerome Bonaparte was in charge of the political affairs, and the literary men were received by Mathilde.

It can be said that Mathilde is the literary "emperor" of the entire Elysee Palace, and Paris literati are honored to receive Mathilde's invitation.

Since there is no specific party division in the literary world, Mathilde inevitably invited some literati who were inclined to the mountain and republican factions. Jerome Bonaparte also turned a blind eye to this.

He is still very magnanimous towards the literary world, as long as he doesn't openly write articles to insult him, he can laugh it off.

Of course, with the exception of Dr. Ma on the other side of the strait, he is the only one who enjoys mocking Jerome Bonaparte while receiving his allowance. This kind of honor can only be enjoyed by Dr. Ma.

More importantly, Dr. Ma himself did not know that he received an allowance from Jérôme Bonaparte.

According to Marcel Yaluger's report, that allowance successfully eased Dr. Ma's predicament, and even after being harassed by the British black-hearted landlord, he could still enjoy the big house.

You must know that in history, Dr. Ma spent a lot of money when he first arrived in Britain, and then after being tricked by a black-hearted landlord in Britain, he had to move from a big house to a dirty hut. Dr. Ma's young child also died during that time. .

It was not until Engels inherited the family business to subsidize Dr. Ma that Dr. Ma's situation improved.

Off topic.

"Yes!" Valewski understood.

Unbeknownst to Rastigny, his own destiny had been determined by Jerome Bonaparte of the Elysee Palace.

Rastigne's "exposure" only made Parisians and members of the Party of Order nervous for a while.

With the publication of an article in the Le Bonaparte entitled "Bonaparte and Democracy", the tension was once again dissipated.

The signature of the article is Jérôme Bonaparte, and the content of the article expounds Jérôme Bonaparte's own idea of ​​class cooperation and determination to support the Republic.

The people of Paris once again believed in the kleptocrat.

In late July, the temperature in Paris rose again, and this year's temperature even exceeded the previous two years.

The scorching sun shines on every corner of Paris, under the shade of trees, under the shadow of the building...Every place that can make people feel a little cool, all places are full of people.

In such weather, let alone workers, even the congressmen who received 50 francs a day were reluctant to go to the Bourbon Palace.

The number of MPs at the Palais Bourbon was reduced from 680 in mid-July to 500.

Among them, the party of order (Bourbon, Orleans, Bonaparte, moderate Republicans) has a total of 322 people, and the mountain party and the republican party have a total of 178 people.

If not for the upcoming adjournment, I am afraid that fewer people will arrive at the Bourbon Palace.

On July 28, three days before the Legislative Assembly adjourned.

The Council of Ministers of the Legislative Assembly announced that Marast would no longer serve as Speaker and that the post of Speaker would be held by Durban.

Mountain and republican parties expressed vehement opposition to this.

Although Speaker Marast has not helped him in the past two years, at least Marast has maintained an impartial attitude.

Now, to replace a republican faction like Speaker Marast with a member of the Royalist Party is not a naked announcement to the public that the sacred Legislative Assembly is about to become a royalist parliament.

Due to the deadlock between the two sides, Thiers once again proposed to use votes to decide whether to stay or stay.

The most comical scene of the Republic since its founding took place in the sacred Legislative Assembly.

Speaker Marast smiled and knocked on the wooden nut and said, "Now vote on whether Marast will be the Speaker!" The party of Order overwhelmingly voted in favor, while the Shanshan faction and the Republican faction all voted against it. ticket.

Parliament agreed to the removal by a comparative advantage of 278 to 222.

Speaker Marast voted against himself.

After the decision was made, Speaker Marast stepped down from the speaker's seat where he had been sitting for nearly two years with a solemn expression, and he came to the original podium again.

"I am very happy that you can continue my opportunity to serve as the Speaker for nearly two years. During my tenure as Speaker, a lot has happened... We are in the same boat and we are moving forward... I hope you can follow through on the road ahead. The democratic spirit of France!" Mr. Marast (former) said affectionately to every member present: "Long live France, long live democracy!"

The Republicans and the Mountains stood up and cheered loudly, "Long Live France, Long Live Democracy!"

Although their number is small, their voices are enough to shake the entire Bourbon Palace.

Marast stepped down to the cheers of the Mountaineers and the Republicans, and as he walked to the party of Order camp, he smiled and nodded to Thiers of the party of Order.

Thiers also smiled at Marast.

After all, it is nothing more than a tit-for-tat between powers, and stepping down means reconciliation.

Compared with Thiers and Marast's "laughing feud", the Bourbon faction in the party of Order showed a disdainful expression, in the view of the Bourbon faction, it was just a group of barking dogs.

Marast returned to the republican camp, and Durban in the party of Order rose.

Under the unanimous welcome of the Party of Order, Councillor Durban... no, it should be the Speaker Durban standing on the podium.

"Thank you for trusting me and entrusting this position to me! I will definitely live up to expectations and bring morality and order to life in the Bourbon Palace!" Congressman Durban said politically incorrect words in a excited tone.

The Republicans and the Mountains looked angrily on the side of the Party of Order.

Thiers rose to applaud, as did the members of the Party of Order to encourage the presence of Speaker Durban.

Durban of the Party of Order sat on the rostrum, he gently moved the wooden hammer three times, and the Legislative Assembly was dissolved.

On July 30, the Palais Bourbon once again held a parliamentary session.

The new Speaker, Speaker Durban, presided over the meeting, and at the beginning of the meeting, Speaker Durban threw a bomb that vibrated the Legislative Assembly.

"In order to better implement the democratic policy I propose that the parliament should be equipped with a certain amount of force! The parliament should establish its own direct troops!" Durban announced to the members present according to Thiers' instructions.

The expressions of the members of the Republican faction, the Mountain faction and even the Elysee faction changed dramatically.

Especially the members of the Elysee Palace, who have experienced the struggle for power within the Party of Order, they understand that they do not have the ability to compete with the majority of the Party of Order in the Legislative Assembly. guarantee.

If the parliament has established its own parliament, then the power of the War Department will be greatly weakened, resulting in the splitting of military power into two, which is very unfavorable for them.

Those opponents who were suppressed by Reno and San Arnault were probably about to move.

"I don't agree!" The member of the Elysee Palace directly stood up to express his objection, "Our army exists to maintain democracy, and does not need to arrange directly under the troops. If the Legislative Assembly has established directly under the troops, then the army's Who should have the command?"

"Of course all the members of the council!" Speaker Durban responded immediately.

"Then what about the president?" The Elysee Palace member said plausibly: "Doesn't the parliament believe in the president chosen by all the French people?"

After speaking, the members of the Elysee Palace sent a glance at the colleagues of the Party of Order around.

These damned guys have completely disregarded their previous friendship and wanted to put them to death. He said loudly: "As the supreme military commander of this country, the president has all the power over the military! Has this proposal ever experienced a president? approval!"

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