Chapter 277: Prussia's Diplomatic Dilemma

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"Adjust... stop?"

Prince William and King Frederick William IV looked sideways at the old man's words. After thinking about it carefully, Prince William's personality changed from arrogance to cautiousness and then he agreed.

"Your Majesty, the Count of Brandenburg is right! We can invite the British Kingdom, the French Republic and the Russian Empire to mediate together! As long as they are willing to maintain peace in the German region, then we can reach an agreement with the Austrian Empire!" Prince William was full of enthusiasm Speaking confidently to Frederick William IV, he did not believe that the European powers were willing to let the German region fall into a state of anxiety.

"Your Majesty, we must cut off the ties with the mob, and at the same time win over the Russian Empire and the Kingdom of Britain. With their support, the Austrian Empire will never dare to do anything with us!" Prince William's support made the Count of Brandenburg a little surprised. .

As the uncle of Prince William and Frederick William IV, he understands the characters of his two nephews too well. Prince William has the characteristics of traditional Junkers' impulsive personality and two ends of snakes and mice. Frederick William IV is a The "new" monarch whose thinking slightly deviates from the traditional Junker's thinking, but his character is as stubborn as Brandenburg's brother Frederick William III. In short, the two nephews of the Earl of Brandenburg are nothing. Fuel-efficient lamps, if you want them to change their minds, unless it hits the south wall.

Now, Prince William has rarely supported his point of view, which really makes Brandenburg feel relieved and a little scared at the same time.

Could it be that the defeat of the Kingdom of Prussia in Fulda was greater than the battle report sent to Prussia from Kassel?

With some doubts, the Count of Brandenburg decided to inquire about the battle situation in the Fulda region in detail after leaving Sanssouci Palace.

As the person who is about to succeed Radowitz in organizing the cabinet, he cannot even seek foreign intervention without regard to the authenticity of the front-line battle report.

Of course, the suggestion of the Earl of Brandenburg is not completely selfless. He first considers the interests of the Hohenzollern family, then the interests of the Junkers nobles, and finally considers those unscrupulous people.

The current constitution of 1848 has seriously harmed the interests of the Hohenzollern family and the Junker nobles. (The Count of Brandenburg believes that) Brandenburg is obliged to abolish this unreasonable constitution for the sake of the Junker nobles.

With such a group of worms (referring to the upstarts of the bourgeoisie), how can we do well in politics.

The words of the Count of Brandenburg and Prince William made the already unsettled Frederick William IV a little shaken. Coupled with the issue of Radowitz's popularity in the Prussian cabinet, Frederick William IV also had a problem. Tendency to oust Radowitz.

"Alas!" After a while, Frederick William IV sighed and said, "Why don't I want to mediate, but..."

Frederick William IV told the Count of Brandenburg and Prince William that at the beginning of November, he had received a letter from the Russian Emperor Nicholas I, in which Nicholas I wrote the Holy Alliance. Big Brother's tone rebuked Frederick William IV for provoking the contradiction between Prussia and Austria, as well as the contradiction between Prussia and Denmark, and at the same time criticized the new constitution of Prussia, as if he was taking sides.

What made Frederick William IV even more chilling was that Russia's "big brother" even demanded that the Kingdom of Prussia be responsible for provoking the conflict between Prussia and Austria, and that Graz should be handed over to the Austrian Empire for management.

Frederick William IV was obviously unable to agree to the request of the Russian emperor. Graz was seized by Emperor Frederick from the then Empress Maria Theresa of the Austrian Empire in 1742. The basis for the rise of the Kingdom of Prussia is as symbolic as Silesia for the entire Kingdom of Prussia. The Austrian Empire attempted to complete their bloodless counterattack against the Kingdom of Prussia through Nicholas I, which was rejected by Frederick William IV. .

After Frederick William IV told the Count of Brandenburg and Prince William about the "secret" between the monarchs, the eyes of the Count of Brandenburg and Prince William showed a trace of annoyance.

"It must be some agreement between Felix Schwarzenberg and Emperor Nicholas I, otherwise the Russian Empire would not be able to cheer for the Austrian Empire without any reason!" Brandenburg calmly analyzed : "If there is not enough interest, those greedy Slavs will never work **** the platform!"

Before the Revolution, the Count of Brandenburg, who had been dealing with the Russian Empire all the time, knew too well the nature of these Slavs. They were like a Yirmengard that would never be satisfied, greedily devouring the land they occupied.

Especially after the Napoleonic Wars, when the prestige of the Russian Empire reached its peak, they were even more unable to satisfy their appetites.

How many wars were directly or indirectly caused by them in the past thirty years.

What was it that made Nicholas I help the Austrian Empire at the risk of completely offending the Kingdom of Prussia?

The three Prussian stooges, the Count of Brandenburg, Prince William, and Frederick William IV, thought carefully about the possibility of the Russian Empire and the Austrian Empire.

Between the lightning and flint, Count Brandenburg's gaze involuntarily looked at the map of Europe hanging on the wall as if he was under some influence, and his gaze just stopped at the Balkans.

No way! Habsburg won't for Graz County...

The Count of Brandenburg was taken aback by his conjecture, and he shook his head gently, trying to deny it from various angles.

However, the more the Count of Brandenburg denied it, the more he thought in his heart that it might be true.

The only condition to make Nicholas I sidetrack is this...

The Count of Brandenburg calmed down a little and said, "His Royal Highness, Your Majesty!"

Prince William and Frederick William IV were "attracted" by the voice of the Earl of Brandenburg. They looked at the Earl of Brandenburg. King Frederick William IV smiled and said, "Dear Mr. Earl, What do you want to say?"

The Count of Brandenburg, who calmed down a little, told the two of them his guess: "His Royal Highness, Your Majesty, I guess whether the agreement between the Emperor of the Austrian Empire and the Emperor of the Russian Empire will be different from that of Constantinople. related!"

Prince William and Frederick William IV showed horrified eyes at the same time, and they said in unison, "Impossible!"

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, apart from this, I really can't think of any conditions that would allow Nicholas I to run for the Austrian Empire!" Facing the rebuttals of Prince William and King Frederick William IV, the Count of Brandenburg Still calmly replied.

"If it's really like what you said, the Austrian Empire and the Russian Empire have reached an agreement! The two countries still need to consider the influence of Britain and France!" Frederick William IV is not an ignorant person The confused monarch, he stood under the wall hanging the map of Europe, pointed to Constantinople and said to the Count of Brandenburg: "If the Russian Empire occupies this place, then the fleet of the Russian Empire will be able to move unimpeded. Passing through the Mediterranean! This is bound to affect the interests of Britain and France!"

Afterwards, Frederick William IV moved his finger to Marseille, the port of France: "It is less than 400 nautical miles from Marseille, and it is very easy for the Russian Empire to attack here!"

"What if France also joined the transaction?" The Count of Brandenburg, who was connected with all kinds of clues, analyzed as if he was pulling a cocoon: "If the Austrian Empire also agreed to some conditions from France..."

Frederick William IV also remembered a message sent to the country by the French ambassador to Prussia more than a year ago.

According to the news, the French Republic is willing to support all the demands of Prussia in the German region. The premise of these demands is that the Kingdom of Prussia is willing to meet some of the conditions of the French Republic in the Rhineland region.

In other words, as long as Prussia chose to cede the land, then France would support Prussia's desire to unify Germany.

Such conditions were naturally rejected by Frederick William IV. Now it seems that the Austrian Empire may have agreed to the conditions of the French Republic.

Thinking of this, Frederick William IV suddenly felt that his hands and feet were cold, and a biting chill poured into Frederick William IV's body.

Before the Kingdom of Prussia declared war on the Austrian Empire, Felix Schwarzenberg had drawn the Kingdom of Prussia into his elaborate net The Russian Empire and the French Republic are all this great net participants, the Kingdom of Prussia has now been plunged into unprecedented isolation.

"I'm so stupid! Really!" At this moment, Frederick William IV seemed to be possessed by Mrs. Xianglin. He hated why he was slow and hated that he was still full of unrealistic fantasies about the Russian Empire.

I even hate the French Republic and the Austrian Empire for some hypocrisy before this.

Especially in July 1850, when Britain and Russia signed a document concerning Denmark's right to inherit the Duchy of Schiller and Hall, which was beyond reproach, the foreign minister of the French Republic expressed a clear attitude that the German issue should be resolved by Germany itself, and the French Will respect the will of the German people.

The declaration of the French Republic earned it a wave of goodwill in the German region, leaving the kingdom of Prussia at that time without any sense of isolation.

Frederick William IV naturally forgot the "warning" issued by the French ambassador to Prussia, and now looks back at the situation at the time. I am afraid that the French Republic deliberately "digs a hole" for the next action of the Kingdom of Prussia.

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