
"The Hades' Account is currently on this Blue Princess ship. Wherever the Celestial Body Society meets, the Hades' Account will be. There were a total of three people in charge of managing the Hades' Account. The three of them were in charge of a safe. This safe has three doors. Each of the three held a key to a door. So to open the safe, you had to have three keys. Ruo Xue was the first to do so. Her memory is very good, well-informed, memorable, and did not forget anything. That's why she was responsible for collecting and organizing everything. "

This was the message Wan'er gave Ling Yun.

"If you want to see the Hades' Account, then you must first take care of Ruo Xue. If you want to take care of Ruo Xue, then you must go to the Stamen Hall first. I can guarantee that Ruo Xue is at that place right now! "

This was Wan'er's first warning to Ling Yun.

Ling Yun was someone who could be persuaded by others.

So he went to the Stamen Hall and got rid of seven women on the way.

Ruo Xue was indeed in the Stamen Hall.

"At this time, if you were to go to Stamen Hall and Ruo Xue happens to be there, she would most likely be comforting herself!"

This was Wan'er's first judgement.

As expected, Ling Yun walked into the Stamen Hall and saw Ruo Xue.

"Ruo Xue is a little girl who has just learned how to behave, but not that often. Because she has suffered from the injuries of a man, she has a slight resistance towards men, but it is only a slight resistance. Her outer layer is as soft as snow, and as long as a man is brave enough, it is easy to enter into her heart."

If she's really like that when you walked in there, then, you don't need to say anything, and directly going up to her is a good thing. As long as you're strong enough to deal with her, strong enough to give her the greatest satisfaction, then I believe that she'll definitely do anything for you, and she'll definitely submit to the man who took care of her body! "

This was the first idea Wan'er gave Ling Yun.

Lingyun thought that this was a pretty good idea.

Ruo Xue did not notice that someone had already arrived! Her movements were much more intense and wild than before. Her voice was much louder and her speed was much faster as well. Right now, she didn't look like a well-behaved young girl, but more like a delicate child that couldn't be reached even if she wanted to caress him! She was also like a wild cat in love, yet she could not find a target to vent her feelings on!

When Ling Yun's hand landed on Ruo Xue's body, Ruo Xue's entire body suddenly trembled, the intoxicated and enchanting feeling suddenly disappeared, the feeling in her entire body suddenly disappeared, and was replaced with panic and helplessness. Her tightly shut eyes flew open as she watched in horror.

Anyone who was suddenly discovered doing such a thing would feel flustered. What's more, was there a Ruo Xue making her blush for the first time since she could not bear to look back?

The first time she lost to someone else, during that man's wild movements, Ruo Xue found out for the first time that there was actually such a wonderful thing in the world. People say that the first time a girl was shy, reserved, and accompanied by slight pain. Very few girls even experienced orgasm during their first time. But after Ruo Xue experienced the initial pain, she quickly felt the taste. What kind of feeling was that? To think that it would cause such a commotion... Unable to stop...

Thus, at that time, after that person completely possessed her, she, who still had some unsatisfied feelings, actually once again made a request to that person.

However, what she received instead was a wave of contempt and mockery from the already satisfied man, as well as a shameless infamy.

When a basin of cold water was suddenly poured over a person's burning hot heart, everyone would feel a kind of hurt. It was an excruciating pain that pierced their hearts!

From then on, she would no longer take the initiative to express her goodwill towards any man. Even if she had boundless desires in her heart, she would never take the initiative to ask for them.

Because she was afraid, afraid of the man's contempt, afraid of the mockery, afraid of the man saying she was shameless. She would rather solve her own problems than be mocked and scorned by a man. On the surface, she even acted as if she hated this sort of thing.

However, even if she acted like she was on the surface, how could she suppress the true feelings in her heart?

So in the dead of night, she could only find a way to comfort herself! She knew that once this matter was discovered, it would only bring her more contempt and ridicule. Therefore, when she did this kind of thing, she would definitely choose a place that no one would be able to see.

But now, just as she was about to reach her peak, just as she was about to act recklessly, a man barged in. A man saw her doing it. How could she not panic? How could he not be terrified?

Her eyes were filled with fear. She even imagined a mocking and sarcastic voice that was close to a storm coming at her …

However, the situation was completely different from what she imagined. In Ling Yun's eyes, there was no hint of mockery or contempt. At least, Ruo Xue did not look at him.

This person's eyes were clear and transparent, as if he could see through a person's heart. He also looked so pretty and charming, as if the Prince Charming he was looking forward to the most should be him, and the best lover he had always desired in his heart should be him.

In front of him, no matter what embarrassing thing you do, it doesn't matter. He will not laugh at you, he will take you for granted, he will even encourage you, he will take it for granted.

Then, Ruo Xue noticed something else — this person was also not wearing any clothes.

Just like him, he was also completely naked.

What was he doing here?

Could it be … He was actually here to look for me?

The young girl's mind was always charming. With this thought, Ruo Xue's face reddened. Even when Lingyun saw her baby-like body doing such an embarrassing thing, she did not blush, but this thought occurred to her. She blushed.

Ling Yun looked at her and did not speak.

At this point in time, he didn't need to speak.

His actions explained everything.

Ling Yun used her fingers to gently hold her chin, and looked at her eyes. After a few seconds, Ruo Xue was already so embarrassed that she closed his eyes, with a blush on her face.

Then, she felt a pair of alluring male lips lightly touch hers …

His body was like a magnet, attracting her …

Ruo Xue knew what she should do now, so she wrapped around Ling Yun like a snake.

Two fiery bodies rolled together …

A girl who had been lonely for too long was no less dangerous than a pile of dry firewood if she met an outstanding man. What's more, was this girl frequently in contact with such things?

Therefore, the Ruo Xue now was no longer snow, she was melted snow, melted snow that had already boiled...

"Ruo Bing is a person who is cold on the outside but hot on the inside. She was no false color to any man. But I knew that in her heart she also wanted men. If you want to deal with Ruo Bing, you have to think of the same thing as dealing with me, dealing with her body first. Once her body is taken care of by you, then all of her body will be taken care of by you. No matter what you want her to do, she will agree. No matter what you do to her, she will obey! Because at that time, her entire heart will be yours! "

In the short period of less than half an hour, Ruo Xue had already climbed to the peak of the realm three times.

Ling Yun's movements widened, and it was as if he wasn't attacking her body, but her soul.

If someone asks you which part of a woman's body is closest to her heart, you must tell her that it is the place of origin. Through the birthplace, you can walk directly into a woman's heart. Once you have settled her birthplace, you will have settled her heart.

By the third time Ruo Xue came down from the mountain peak, her body and heart had already been completely settled by Ling Yun, and her entire person already belonged to Ling Yun.

So she said these words to Ling Yun.

"Ruo Bing is the second person. She wrote it very beautifully with a flylike hand and was rather talented, so she's in charge of recording it. If you want to subdue Ruo Bing, then you must not go straight to the point like how you went against Ruo Xue. Because Ruo Bing would definitely not be as easy to deal with as Ruo Xue. The snow is soft, and can directly attack, but the ice is hard. If you were to directly hit a block of ice, then most likely, you will end up with a bleeding head on! "

This was the second piece of advice Wan'er gave Ling Yun.

"But Ruo Bing is a typical sultry type. On the surface, she doesn't look fake towards any man, but she actually desires men more than anyone here. I have heard her call out lightly in her dreams many times in the past! She is only a 'Ruo Bing', it isn't really ice! "

This was the second judgement Wan'er gave Ling Yun.

"If you take care of Ruo Xue, then you must get Ruo Xue to help you take care of Ruo Bing. With Ruo Xue's help, the situation will be completely different. If snow is water, and water is water, it can also melt ice. Although the ice is hard, it can slowly melt! "

This was the second idea Wan'er gave Ling Yun.