Chapter 237

Ling Yun calms down and recalls the contents of the book of songs printed by Huang Long in his mind

Just now in the space of the Dragon earrings, I just had a rough look at the contents. Now when I look carefully, I can see another meaning.

It has to be said that the book of sexual intercourse is indeed extensive and profound. What's more, Huang Long is right. The book of sexual intercourse proves that sexual intercourse and physical strength influence each other.

The first paragraph of the book of songs is: "the Yellow Emperor asked the emperor," I am not happy because my Qi is weak. I am often afraid of danger. What will happen? "** He said: "the reason why ordinary people decline is that they are hurt by the way of the transition of yin and Yang. Men and women are better than men, just as water is better than fire. They know how to do things like breaking cauldrons and cauldrons. They can mix five flavors to make soup. They can know the way of yin and Yang, and they can know the five pleasures. If you don't know, your life will die. How can you be happy? You can be careless

That is to say, it's very important to stress the right sex. If you don't do it properly, you will weaken your body and even lose your life. You really need to be careful about this.

The most important thing to practice the book is to achieve the goal of "avoiding the seven damages and practicing the eight benefits".

It is said in the book of Confucius that yin and Yang have seven harms and eight benefits.

Seven damages are also called seven injuries. The first damage is Jue Qi, the second damage is Yi Jing, the third damage is Za Mai, the fourth damage is Qi Xie, the fifth damage is organ Jue injury, the sixth damage is Bai Bi, and the seventh damage is blood exhaustion.

Eight benefits: one is to strengthen the essence, two is to strengthen the body, three is to calm the Qi, four is to strengthen the bone, five is to strengthen the internal organs, six is to regulate the pulse, seven is to store blood, and eight is to replenish the liquid.

It seems that the so-called nine methods mentioned in the book are undoubtedly the right way. By practicing the nine methods, we can "avoid the seven disadvantages and practice the eight benefits"

However, whether it's "seven damages" or "eight benefits", they only mention the skin and flesh, muscles and bones, and viscera, but they don't mention the deeper spiritual marrow.

However, for Ling Yun, his physical ability is only at the skin and flesh stage, and there is still a long way to go from Shensui. Besides, with the Yellow Dragon, there is no way to worry, but there is no need to worry.

Practice the body must be gradual, so Ling Yun intends to practice the skin and flesh first.

**Nine methods, namely dragon turn, tiger step, ape fight, cicada attached, turtle Teng, Fengxiang, rabbit sucking hair, fish scale, crane neck nine methods.

Among the nine methods, the three methods of dragon turning, tiger walking and ape fighting can be used to train skin and meat, the three methods of cicada attaching, turtle leaping and phoenix flying can be used to train muscles and bones, and the three methods of rabbit sucking hair, fish connecting scales and crane crossing neck are used to train viscera.

Huang Long said that his physical ability has just reached the stage of skin and flesh. Now it seems that he can only consolidate his skin and flesh with three methods: Dragon turning, tiger walking and ape fighting.

In front of me, there are three girls

It is said in the book of songs that men desire women, women desire men, and love contracts are all pleasant.

Now, the three girls can really be regarded as "women want men". Women all want men. It seems that "men want women" does not matter, so "love contract, all have a happy heart".

Ling Yun took a look at the three girls and relaxed his control over their bodies, so that they could speak and blink.

"Three beauties, I'm in a hurry. I have to do something extraordinary. I know that none of you can talk about such things. Well, if you really don't want to do this kind of thing, please blink your eyes. I will never force you to control your body until the medicine on you is over. Otherwise, after I count to three, you don't do anything, OK? "

With that, Ling Yun began to count: "one!"



Ling Yun's "three" voice just fell. Instead of blinking, the three girls opened their eyes as if they were afraid that their eyes would blink carelessly.

It lasted a full minute.

Ling Yun said with a smile, "well, I know what you mean. Then, I'm going to let go of the control of the three."

With that, Ling Yun let go of the three girls.

As soon as he let go, the three girls immediately all depended on Ling Yun

I've wanted to do this for a long time. I have to make such trouble!

When a man sees a gorgeous woman, his first reaction is to think of bed. In fact, women are not like this? It's just that women are more reserved.

With Lingyun's super heterosexual attraction, it's a beauty for any woman! So it's just a matter of time before we get Panasonic and Suzuki.

The reason why it takes time is just a girl's coyness. A girl would never show her willingness to a man.

Now, due to the wrong circumstances, the three girls are all in the aphrodisiac, so the girl's last touch of shame can be completely ignored. Even if you think about it afterwards, there are good excuses.

So, although the three women are still rational, they are abandoned artificially now

What reason do you need now?

Ling Yun recalled the essence of the nine methods in his mind!

All right** Nine methods, the first method, "dragon turn"


A strong sense of power is emerging again.

However, this time, Ling Yun did not lead this force to the four limbs as before.

Just as Huang Long said, his body is like a dry river. When he leads this power to the four limbs, it is equivalent to pouring water into the river. The direct effect of doing so is to strengthen his mental strength. For physical ability, it is to gain superhuman speed and certain strength, which makes Ling Yun not lose when meeting ordinary opponents. However, if we only rely on our physical ability, we can't say that such great masters as ITO Babao and Shengong maruzao can't be defeated even by Rixiang kyokawa and Lingyun.

Now, Ling Yun's four limbs and all kinds of bones have borne a lot of strength. If they are further strengthened, they will not be very useful. That is to say, the strength that can be improved is very limited. That's why Huanglong asked Ling Yun to practice the Sutra.

Ling Yun carefully controlled the power in his body and carefully led it to the Dantian.

According to the Sutra, there are three most important places in the human body: Tianmen, Tanzhong and Dantian.

The gate of heaven is located in the center of the eyebrow, which is the place where the "God" is hidden.

Danzhong is located in the front chest, where "Qi" is stored.

The position of Dantian is in the lower abdomen, which is the place to hide "essence".

The power gained from Chu * undoubtedly belongs to the category of "essence" and should naturally exist in the elixir field.

The first benefit of "eight benefits" is "strengthening essence".

"Essence" is the foundation of the body, and "strengthening essence" is the first step to regulate the body“ "Essence" is fixed in Dantian, which can make Dantian become the source of all the strength of the body. What's more, the word "Jing" here has two meanings.

The first meaning, of course, is the "essence" of "one drop of essence, ten drops of blood", which can maintain a person's fighting power for a long time. At this point, it should be said that Ling Yun has done quite well.

"The book of songs" says: if you don't move, you will have strong strength; If you don't move, you will be smart; The disease will die out if there is no diarrhea; Four move not diarrhea, five God Xian'an; Five move not diarrhea, blood full long; Six move not diarrhea, strong back; Seven move not diarrhea, Jigu Yili; Eight move not diarrhea, the body light; Nine move not diarrhea, life is not central; Ten move not diarrhea, through the gods.

This is why Ling Yun can rapidly improve his ability without theoretical guidance.

It is not difficult to see the importance of "strengthening essence".

The second meaning is the essence of energy, the source of power. This point is that Ling Yun is a blank. Now Ling Yun's main task is here.

The power of the three girls was used by Ling Yun's ancient brain to "strengthen the essence"“ "Solid essence" is the foundation, and the role of laying a good foundation is self-evident.

Under the control of Ling Yun, the three forces condense into a cloud like white gas in the body, which is the materialization of the force. Then, Ling Yun guides the materialized force to flow slowly to Dantian.

After the white gas entered the Dantian, Lingyun began to compress the white gas. The white gas became thicker and smaller. Finally, the white gas was crushed into a drop of white liquid about the size of a quarter of a soybean by the cloud.

Although it is only a quarter of the size of a soya bean, Ling Yun knows that the power it contains is much greater than that of the girl she has absorbed directly before. Because that kind of unconscious absorption, waste also don't know how much. Now, under the conscious guidance, we get pure power.

At this time, Ling Yun also understood why Huang Long didn't tell himself these things at first.

Because it is absolutely impossible to lead the power to the elixir field and compress it into the entity when I just wake up. After a period of training, I can barely touch the edge of the entity, and I am basically proficient in the control of power. At this time, I can do it easily.

It seems that the previous waste is also an inevitable stage!

Don't underestimate the solid power of a quarter of the size of a soybean. It can ensure that Lingyun can provide enough powerful support for Lingyun when its power is about to run out.

After the completion of "solid essence", it can provide strong enough guarantee for the following "Tao body".

"Tao body" is to begin to temper the skin and flesh.

Then, in accordance with the requirements of the book of songs, Ling Yun kept "turning over the dragon", "stepping tiger" and "beating ape" on the three girls

At the same time, Ling Yun controls the drop of "essence" in the Dantian, turns it into gas again, and begins to swim along his own vein.

"Tao body" is to move the fixed "essence" in the context of the body, so as to continuously provide strength support for the body.

This process is like opening up a road. It is useless to have power but not to distribute it where it is needed. What Ling Yun lacks now is the ability to reasonably distribute power.

With the completion of "Tao body", Ling Yun's physical ability can be greatly improved.

However, as soon as he swam away, a stabbing pain came. The pain was so intense that Ling Yun almost let it out.

How could that be?

Ling Yun can't understand. He did it completely according to the requirements of the "classic of the emperor". Why is it so painful?

Ling Yun stops and tries to figure it out.

However, he could stop, but the three girls couldn't.

The medicinal power in their bodies has made them extremely eager for men. They will be comfortable only if they are ravaged by men, and they will be happy only if they are invaded by men.

Originally, Ling Yun was one against three, and they were happy. Now Ling Yun stopped, didn't he kill them?

So as soon as Ling Yun's action stopped, the three girls pestered him impatiently and tried their best to rub Ling Yun's body. Her beautiful body was constantly changing with a soul stirring curve

In this way, Ling Yun simply let the three girls do whatever they want, and he began to concentrate on exploring the situation inside the body.

Now his spiritual power has been able to reach the edge of substantiation, and his ability of perception and exploration is super strong, so it's natural for him to explore his own situation.

This is probably the so-called "internal view"!

I never thought that I would have this ability! Ling Yun had never explored it before because he didn't know anything about it and was useless.

As the thought enters the body, everything in one's body is immediately reflected in one's mind.

However, countless veins and blood vessels crisscross. The red blood inside the blood vessels is flowing rapidly, communicating with the various organs of the body. The bones lie between them, providing strong support for the body

Well, it turns out that the inside of my body * is like this. This is the first time Ling Yun has "seen" the internal situation of his body.

Then, Ling Yun came to Dantian.

But see that small drop of white liquid power is floating in their own Dantian.

Looking at the Dantian from the inside of the body, I feel that the Dantian is like a vast ocean, which seems to be able to accommodate infinite power. That little drop of power liquid is like a firefly in the night sky, emitting a slight light.

Now after seeing this little power liquid, Ling Yun controls it again, turning it into gas and entering the vein.

The stabbing pain came again, and Ling Yun had to stop again to observe carefully why it happened.

Soon, Ling Yun found the problem.

The vein is like a passage, and the gas is like a vehicle passing through the passage. However, compared with the vehicle, the passage is too narrow. It's strange to squeeze in so hard that it doesn't hurt.

It seems that the main reason is that I am too anxious to turn all my strength into gas at once. With the context that I have never carried out power operation before, I can't bear to run such a powerful force at once.

The ability is enhanced bit by bit. If it takes him a year to achieve the effect within one day, the only consequence will be crushing. No wonder he will feel so painful.

If we understand this, it will be easy to handle.

Lingyun condenses the power that has been turned into gas into droplets again, and then turns only the outermost thin layer into gas. In this way, the volume and concentration of the gas are undoubtedly much smaller.

Then, Ling Yun controls the gas to run to his own vein again.

Well, as expected, this time, the gas smoothly entered its own vein and started to run along the vein. After running in the past, the vein is like a dry river. After the power gas runs in the past, it is full of vitality.

Then, Lingyun does the same thing. After all the gas is in the vein of the body, he turns a layer of liquid power into gas and runs it into the vein again

The gas that enters into the veins is like destroying the veins of the whole body. Lingyun feels that his skin and flesh are growing with explosive power under the nourishment of this power. Every cell in the whole body seems to be full of vitality.

I don't know how long later, when the gas that entered the vein returned to Dantian, the liquid power that was only a quarter of the size of a soybean was less than a tenth of the size of a soybean.

Ling Yun can't help but smile bitterly. This power runs in the whole body vein again and again. There is still one tenth of the size of soybean left in Dantian. At the beginning, he wanted to put them all in the vein at one time. Isn't he asking for trouble?

When the power gas that has been running from the body * returns to the Dantian, the remaining one tenth of the liquid power actually sucks the gas power like a magnet. The absorbed force enters the liquid and becomes liquid again.

At the same time, the liquid power even began to turn out by itself, and the gas gushed to the vein again, thus forming a perfect cycle, but it was not controlled by Lingyun.

The sense of strength is constantly generated in Ling Yun's body.

That is great!

The book of songs is really mysterious! So this should be the "endless" this sentence, right?

Ling Yun takes back his idea, but he doesn't have to worry about the things in his body. Now, let's use these forces to practice skin and flesh!

Then, Ling Yun turned from passive to active, and put the three girls in different postures, "dragon turn", "tiger step" and "ape fight"


Time flies by, and I don't know how long

The passion finally passed.

The three girls were completely exhausted by this time.

Lying in that not too big small bed, constantly panting.

Ling Yun quickly checked the situation in the lower body again, and everything was fine. His whole body was full of explosive power, which was not only the feeling of pure physical power, but also the breakthrough of the body, and the spiritual power seemed to be much stronger. It seems that the skin is quite firm. As soon as you have a little bit of strength, you will feel that it is very tough. Although it is not as tough as leather, it is much better than before.

The strength of the three girls can only reach this step.

I have to say that it is quite good to achieve this. After all, now his physical ability has been greatly improved, and Dantian has retained a drop of liquid power and began to circulate in the vein. This can at least ensure that their own strength than before several times less than ah!

Condense the power into a light silver phosgene, the strength is already shocking, and the gap between the power contained in the light phosgene and the liquid power can't be calculated. Therefore, although it's only a small drop, it's also quite amazing.

After the passion, the three girls wake up one after another.

Just now, the scarlet scenes are still emerging in front of their eyes. Although they seem to have no choice, but the memory has not disappeared, so every plot they can remember very clearly.

At this time, passion dissipated, they simply do not know what kind of an expression to face Lingyun.

Especially Panasonic and Suzuki. It was the first time they met Ling Yun that they lost their body to him. Although there was a reason for aphrodisiac, who could know better than themselves that there was no reason for themselves?

After all, Ling Yun asked them in advance. If they really don't want to, Ling Yun really won't do such things to them. At that time, they really agreed! At that time, there were rational women, but they were sincere!

What's more, I don't know what happened to that guy just now. He suddenly stopped moving, and people had to do harm to him

These things are clearly recorded in my mind!

Oh, what a shame

Therefore, when things were over and everything calmed down, the girls were all blushing and frowning. For a moment, they didn't know what to say.

Different from Panasonic and Suzuki, he Qishi is the most familiar person here with Lingyun. Panasonic and Suzuki have nothing to say with Lingyun, but she is different.

Anyway, this time, Ling Yun has saved her three times. The so-called "once born" and "twice cooked" are all three times. They should be cooked, but they can't be cooked any more!

What about myself and Matsushita's two daughters? This can be regarded as a friend in need!

Since I am familiar with both, then

It seems that the task of breaking the deadlock can only be completed by ourselves.

Therefore, he Qishi suddenly realized that she had a heavy responsibility on her shoulders.

Unfortunately, her role as a liaison officer is not very good.

She suddenly laughed like nothing happened and said something that made Lingyun almost hit the wall: "today's weather is really good!"

Having said this, she found that it seemed that it was not the right time to say this, so she quickly gave a ha ha and said, "by the way, I haven't introduced you yet. Let's get to know each other first."

It's funny. It's clear that several people have even had that kind of thing, and they are willing to do it. In addition, when she does that kind of thing, she mumbles, so she knows who she is.

Now, according to he Qishi, it's like a couple sleeping in the same bed. When they get up the next day, they don't know each other. They meet and say, "comrade, what's your name?"

He Qishi didn't care about it. She pointed to Ling Yun and said to the two girls, "this is Ling Yun! The one I told you about. " Then he said to Ling Yun, "these two are miss Matsushita Erika and miss Suzuki Yayi."

Then, Ling Yun and the two women both laughed and said, "nice to meet you!"

At this time, the four people's clothes were all in a mess. When they were too anxious just now, no matter Ling Yun or the third daughter, they didn't take off their clothes properly. They pulled them off directly. The third daughter even had blood on her body

After a few words without nutrition, several people found that it was not like to stay like this, so they began to dress in a hurry.

Four people seem to have made an appointment, but none of them mentioned what happened just now. Although all four of them know it.

No wonder, in this case, how can I open my mouth? So not mentioning it is the best way.

Sometimes people need to deceive themselves!

As long as you understand!

But this dress does not matter, a few people found that it seems that their clothes have... No one is complete!

It's all torn!

That... Passion seems to be overdone!

This kind of clothes is more attractive than none

Four people look at each other, not by two embarrassed smile!

Just then, there was a loud noise coming from the outside, so strong that the walls of the room were shaking.

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